my journey to the Alphabet Land (day G)


My post for for the next round of the Alphabet hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya. Letter 'G' was no fun (I mean, the stuff I collected is not all that Feel Good... )

G — Grave


"She visits my Grave, wearing her mother's shawl.... should I shave, or end it all?.." (T.Waits)



Все эти фотографии я снял на очень старом и самом богатом (до 1917 года) кладбище С.Петербурга - Некрополе Новодевичьего Монастыря (расположен по адресу: Московский пр.,100). Кладбище и могилы конечно не самая приятная штука на свете (особенно те, где пахнет свежими мертвецами), но все меняется, если мы говорим о старых кладбищах. Тут можно познакомиться с замечательными людьми, которые хорошо пожили и оставили отличный след в истории... здесь особенно хорошо думается о вечном.
I took all these photographs at the Necropol of the Resurrection Novodevichy Convent (located at 100 Moscow Avenue). Until 1917 it was the most noble and rich cemetery of St. Petersburg; not the oldest one - it was opened officially in 1848, as 1st cemetary date back to 1703. Grave / Graveyard isnt the most pleasurable thing in the world to think of (especially the Fresh Graves, which smell Fresh Dead), but old ones is a different matter. Here you can meet Great Folks who have lived well and left their mark in the history, here is ideal place one can stop and consider about the eternal questions.


Не могу удержаться и не добавить еще одну картинку -- специально для моих русскоговорящих читателей. Жанр надгробных надписей -- особый жанр! Почитайте эту.. незабываемо!


G — Griffins / Gold


Here I've got some rare stuff: Griffins from the Russian emperor palace at Peterhoff.

Грифоны - вымышленные существа c туловищем льва и головой орла, а также белоснежными или золотыми крыльями. Грифоны — противоречивые существа, объединяющие Небо и Землю, Добро и Зло. Самые известные грифоны Петербурга - те, что сторожат пешеходный Ба́нковский мост (построен в 1826!). Художник наградил грифонов обычными львиными мордами, вместо орлиных клювов. Так что это "не настоящие грифоны", но и львами их тоже не назовешь. Туристы обожают это место. Прошлым летом мост как раз снова открыт после реставрации!
Griffins are fictional fantasy creatures: they combine the body of a lion and an eagle's head, as well as snow-white (or golden) wings. Griffins are considered to be contradictory beings, uniting Heaven and Earth, Good and Evil characters at once. The most famous griffins of St.Petersburg are (see the picture below) those that guard the pedestrian Bankovsky bridge (built back in 1826!). The artist interpreted the griffins the best he could: providing them usual lion faces, instead of eagle beaks. So these are “not real griffins,” but you won’t call them lions either. Tourists adore to take photos of this beautiful bridge. I took this picture last summer, at the moment when the bridge just reopened after restoration! Note the shiny **G**olden wings, hehe: double shot!


G — Geeky


A geeky stuff, isnt it? This is my Former collegue at the office, a friend, who also was an amateur dj. A few times he showed us his skilles -- and this gear... looked Extremely Geeky!

G — Gasmask


This is a gasmask from 2008, nothing to do with C19. And its just when I took the pics, the thing itself is probably much older, from 70-es or maybe 80-es. This model was intended for civilians. And, indeed, one civilian have found a great way to use it.


Probably he is a Driver and his car Engine is not Eco-Friendly, so at times he has to use this Gmask.

G — Grinder


This is a Coffee Grinder; be it coffee or not, vintage or modern, manual or electrical, wooden or plastic (so many opprotunities for letter-stretching!) it is still a Grinder.


Это очень приятный механизм, но его помол очень грубый, для хорошего кофе не подходит. (Мы просто ее храним, а работает у нас электр.модель от Bosch). Много таких мельниц дожили до XX века и массово продаются на eBay - подозреваю, что покупают их не ради работы, а для «дизайна», из любви к винтажу. Времена меняются, и некоторые гаджеты человек действительно улучшил (хотя в основном, все только портится). А вдруг вы хотите приготовить кофе, но у вас нет электричества, чтобы включить кофемолку от Bosch?.. С другой стороны, это вероятно означает, что интернета у вас тоже нет... и заказать онлайн новую пачку кофе вы не сможете =)
We dont use the vintage one (instead we have this Bosch electric model...) tho its a very pleasurable gear, actually, it performs very coarse grinding that simply do not match the quality expectations. A lot of this stuff survived thru the XX century, and they are being sold massively on eBay -- I assume, mostly for some 'design' purposes... Which is a bit pity, as its a great thing! But the times are changing, and some of the devices mankind really have developed and improved to a better point. (But imagine what if you wanted to make some coffee but do not have electricity to use your Bosch grinder?.. Well, on another hand, that probably means you have no internet connection too... and probably not capable to order online a new package of coffee ?.. )

G — Garage


A while ago I found this relic of the past, a piece of decrepit real estate, not yet swallowed / hostile-takeovered by the new and mighty real estate. This place is not located in the historical center, otherwise it would be incredible. There are no such unoccupied spots there any more. Enjoy a typical "hot spot", garages...


All the images taken by me, as always.

This round I found some other words (which didnt fit into the post), such as:

gold / ginger / gig / growth

Those are all good things... but nobody can fit an unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!"

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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