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my journey to the Alphabet Land (day C)


This time I have assorted even more 'feeling good' stuff starting from letter 'C' for the next round of the Alphabet hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya... It was easy, as theres so much great C-stuff out there! I had to choose and limit myself, as it was impossible to fit all the available supply into one little post (the only thing that annoyed me when making this post).

C -- Caress

You will be surprised to know that, but mushrooms love caress, too! Dont show them your sharp knife when you go hunting, and maybe they not be hiding from you; you better caress them,-- at least in your thoughts...

Вы будете удивлены, но грибы тоже любят ласку!

C -- Chinese Tea


Our life would be less bright and charming without all the different sorts of tea, that China provide us. Chinese have developed so much cool tea pleasures. (Even origin of the name 'China' itself, came from the name 'tea'). They produce amazingly looking, original, fantastic tea packages for their inner market, which quite differ from the trivia what goes for the export. There was one decade we developed a good taste to the tea and had a pleasure of placing direct orders at different online China tea stores -- we had a lot of fun... unfortunately now this is in the past, inflation, currency issues, customs issues, family budget sinking as Titanic, and a dozen of other things... we simply cannot afford that joy anymore. This photo was taken a decade ago.

C -- Chess


Let me remind you about the Chess. This ancient game should never be forgotten -- it can enrich your spiritual life immensely, and make you smarter (unlike a video games).

C -- Condensed milk


This friendly Husky accompanied us on two trips to the Ladoga skerries (it was the dog of our captain). My baby absolutely fell in love with it! And the dog loved all of us, especially during the lunch and after dinner :) It always was getting tasty pieces, and everything that fell off the table, too. This time it got the package of Condensed Milk - the most valuable currency during the trip. Everyone who have a travelling experience is in the know, this thing is very, very good ... it can be simply precious!


Эта дружелюбная Хаски сопровождала нас в путешествии по ладожским шхерам (это была собака нашего капитана). Моя детка просто влюбилась в неe! А собака любила всех нас, и особенно любила нас во время обеда... и после обеда :) Ей всегда доставались вкусненькие кусочки, и все упавшее на пол тоже. На этот раз ей досталось Сгущённое Молоко - самая ценная валюта во время путешествия.

C -- Chest

A very cool thing I've captured a while ago for @qurator challenge -- the vintage hand Carved Chinese Chest that date back to the 1st third of XX century. A real antiques! Originally it was intended for keeping dress, but the current owner decided to use it for book-keeping. It still smells a sandal wood.

C -- Crocuses

crocuses 9914.jpg

Crocuses bring so much joy to our vitaminless winter-fatigued lifes in the spring!

All the images taken by me, as always.
If you are curious, here are some other words that came to my mind, were illustrated with images, but finally lost their position to the more successful rivals:

Coffee w. Cardamom / Camping Cat / Crown / Clover / Contagious

Those are all good things... but one cannot fit unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!"

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back the other week, and - join the fun!
