my journey to the Alphabet Land (day Q)


My next post for the Alphabet Hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya. This week was for letter "Q". Not the easiest letter, but still. As we are more or less Roman inheritors, there is a lot of Q-stuff around. Look what I've noticed around me.


This earth worm helped me to entertain you! (By the way, English language has another word for these creatures: 'maggot',-- and no way it is a positive name, hehe!)

Q — Quartz


This Quartz cristal is from my collection, I tried a macro shoot a while ago. The jewelry picture is from pretty session.


Q — Q magazine


Q also is the biggest British musical magazin, thats it! Well, there also still exist Mojo, but no Melody Maker and no New Musical Express anymore. The species divercity is shrinking. I took this photo especially for the challenge, have both issues (and a lot more) in my Radiohead shelf collection.

Q — Quechua


It is one of our fave brands of sportswear (it belongs to the French franchise Decathlon). It is extremely cheap, which is important, and had a great price/quality ratio. During our hiking trips, team members used to look at each other, notice how much Quechua-branded inventory everybody has, and joke that Decathlon is our only hope and salvation.

We have a Quechua rucksack which works for us since 2005! It travelled with me to Poland in 2009.


We just obtained three pair of boots for our baby a few weeks ago. Her legs grow, and we have nothing to do about it. 8-)

Q — Quake


This is not the 1st video shooter game I played (I ventured into this world with Doom and Heretic back in 1996, like many others). It was the 1st game I instaled to my 1st Pentium-100DX PC in 1998, so this one is very memorable for me.



Here are a few nostalgic screenshots I took today, again, especially for the letterhunt challenge.


But the game is still alive, it didnt left in 90-es.

Q — Quicksilver


Well, the real quicksilver actually is a toxic stuff, st scientists say. So, distancing from it and not taking macro close-ups is better for your health and a safer approach, generally speaking... besides that I have no idea where I can find quicksilver in the nature.. probably nowhere :P But this summer I took a dozen captures of something that looks like exactly like a quicksilver. I guess they will be a legit entry for Barbara's challenge.


Rain kissed the Lupin plants in our garden, resulting this aftertaste.

Q — Quilting

IMG_7808w.jpg hi-res clickable

We do not do Quilting ourself, but happy to have a few amazing examples of this art at our home. They were made by my babygirl's Godmother @iol-art, she is a great artist in many fields of art, and a brightest person I know. There was a set of pillows I cant take the fotos of immediately, which she presented as a gift at our marriage many years ago. This Christmas tree is quite old, too. Made in quilted technique, it has some Japanese style to me; each year we put it onto the wall and decorate it with candies and cookies, after the celebration have passed, we slowly trim off the candies day by day, and please ourselves with this little candy harvest from the Candy Tree. A nice tradition, isnt it? :P

quil.jpg close-up fragment

All the images taken by me, as always. What's left? Actually, quite a lot!

qawwali / quest / quesadilla / quicksilver / quicksands / quote / quirk / quite / quickset hedges / quarry / quaint / quintessential / queen / quarantine

Those were the words I was considering for the letter Q. More than enough to choose from! Nobody can fit an unfittable, right? / Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!

As a musical entertainment bonus, 'Bandit Queen': one of my fave tracks from a great Manchester, UK artist Muslimgauze, from his album 'Blue Mosque' (1998).

(The track got his name to immortalize the real historical person, one brave Indian woman who fighted for freedom and justice).

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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