my journey to the Alphabet Land (day N)


My next post for the Alphabet Hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya. This time we had to find words starting with letter "N". This round was easy, as there is a lot of well-known N stuff starting from this letter... and I could choose and had some leftovers.

N — Namaste


'Namaste' is a goodwishing originally in Hindi, but now I believe it became an international conception. The best word in the world to share in the #FeelGood community.
This lady on the photo is the friend of our family, she is doing the qigong exercizes -- and doing very well!

N — Non-conformism


This is a good conception too. Somebody back in the XIX century (a famouse writer or philosopher, maybe F.Nietzsche, but not totally sure about the name) have noted, that 'silent majority' always must be wrong. Being original and seeing your own way, being brave enough to follow it is very valuable. Nonconformism is not about being original -- but its about being brave not to follow the crowd, the well-proven path of community and all that. I happened to met this lonely guy at the Botanic Garden at St.Petersburg. Looked enough non-conforming to me, what do you think?

N — Norma, Normal

This is quite the opposite to the previous item. Tram tickets I have got visiting Poznan, Poland. A decent illustration to the word Norma - nobody will disagree, I guess?

N — Nest


Of Nestle and Nettle, I choose the Nest! Different kinds of nests are possible... and this is a rare wintertime variety. You may not Notice but actually there are more N to it. This old Nokia-1100 I happened to capture in November of 20... when we celebrated five year jubilee of our marriage.

N — Nails


We have a lot of nails here, at the village, they are all over the place! I just stepped out and took as much pictures as I needed.



Pictures can obtain a bizarre and fresh look sometimes, when being converted into Negatives. This is how the nails photo look like turned into a negative. I dont want to include this entry into my list (as I am limited to 6 entries only).


There exist both colour and black and white type of nagatives.


NB. when you have nails (and a hammer) you definitely feel better!

N — Nutrition

I am sharing a few images to illustrate this wordpick. Some tend to look like more as a 'feeding' , but...


Adding milk and white bread to a hedgehog's nutrition is a delicacy.


During the sailboat trip along the Ladoga skerries, we had a three times a a day nutrition, and cooked our meals ourself on the campfire: porridge in the morning (usually oatmeal or semolina, with condensed milk and dried fruits), soup and porridge again.


Nevertheless, coffee with butter-and-cheese sandwiches and condensed milk were the key elements of our nutrition!


Folks have their supper in the evening...



...and oatmeal porridge in the morning! I still keep very warm memories about that as the best nutrition in years... and most of the times there was no meal leftovers in the pot :P


All the images taken by me, as always. More words came to my mind this round, but finally lost their position to more successful rivals:

numb / naturalist / north / nifty / nonstop

Those are all good things... but nobody can fit an unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!

Now I think its a right time to create an index to my posts for this great challenge.

A: @qwerrie/my-jorney-to-the-alfabet-land-a
B: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-b
C: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-c
D: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-d
E: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-e
F: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-f
G: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-g
H: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-h
I: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-i
K: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-k
L: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-l
L: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-l-part2
M: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-m

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!



one of my leftovers -- 'the notes'.

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