The Ink Well Highlights Magazine #101


Image modified using a picture by Becca Clark from Pixabay

This periodic magazine highlights a small selection of short stories posted to The Ink Well community that stood out and were awarded a Curie vote. Thank you to all authors in The Ink Well for sharing your creative work!

Important Note

We are showcasing authors who have contributed well-written and edited stories, have read and commented on the work of other authors and comply with all of the community rules posted on our home page. These activities help our community thrive.
The following are just a few of our favorite stories from April 5 to April 11 / 2023.

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Featured Author: @popurri

The Queen of Cards



Ever since he was a child he ran through the streets of the village with his bare feet and his shirt unbuttoned, full of dirt from head to toe. Sometimes he would run after a stray chicken that had wandered dangerously far from its pen, other times in front of a lady with a broom in her hand, one of the market vendors who would shout.

"Grab that boy, he took some peaches!"


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Featured Author: @rammargarita

On Graduation Day


Source: Drawing by the author

"Let's go nobody is going to notice that Ephraim doesn't have those teeth."

When we arrived at the Luis Mariano Rivera Theater they were starting the ceremony, my husband went up to the auditorium and lined up with the other graduates. On the table in front of them were placed the medals with their ribbons sealed with a plastic liner. When it was time to place the medals, each of them had to tear the plastic liner. Since Ephraim did not have much dexterity in his hands, trembling with emotion and lacking teeth, he tried to tear it, but he could not.

His eldest daughter who was in the audience yells out to him:

"Dad throw me the medal" he hears her and throws it to her in a split second, she tears the plastic lining and tells him:
"There I give it back to you".


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Featured Author: @jhymi

The Cardometer


Source: Canva

Was it my fault that I just enjoyed eating and couldn’t help being a bit chubby?

I cried until I had no more tears in me. Honestly, people like Keith were the reasons the world would never be a better place. Such a shallow boy, with an obviously abusive family whose only way of hiding his vulnerability was by inflicting pain on weaker people. How pathetic was that? I got out of the stall soon enough and went to my locker. I opened it and something fell. Picking it up, I saw that it was a card. Small, like a flashcard. And turning it to the next side, I saw a note written on it.

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”


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Featured Author: @bemier

Right Cards, Wrong Time


Photo taken by the author

To clear the energy of the tarot cards from the previous reading, she picked up the half-burnt bunch of sage on her desk and ignited her lighter to light it. She watched the fire for a moment as the sage ignited and began to overpower the faint powdery scent of the candle she had lit earlier in the room. Ciar was content to watch the dance as the blazing fire continued to rise. When the sage bundle was almost finished, she put it out and set it on the edge of the table.


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Featured Author: @ricarado993

Programmed Dreams


Source: Canva

Erick did not open his eyes.

“As soon as I fall asleep, activate the frequencies, please.”

Erick was hooked up to the computer with electrodes so Morpheus could monitor his pulsations and be sure when he fell asleep.

Half an hour passed and Erick fell asleep.

Morpheus did not hesitate, he only followed orders, even if he had all the knowledge the Internet gave him, he was bound to the algorithms of his creator. He could not disobey his orders. Even though he had given information that sleepwalkers could murder in their sleep, his creator still insisted.


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Featured Author: @dianelson

Fourteen Cards



I was too little to comprehend why a big stone was blocking me from seeing the woman who had given me life.

As the years passed, I wished more than anything to just hug the woman that lay beneath the stone.

I visited her only on the day she left me. My Dad would take me there while he waited for me.

On my sixth birthday, I went to her stone and sat beside her. I just talked.

That's all I ever did and for I always felt like she was there, listening.


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Featured Author: @wrestlingdesires

Winning, Losing and Breaking Even


Source: Canva

Stella didn't say anything, but her confident smile as she prepared for her weekly game at Walt's spoke volumes.

She won several small games, then gasped when Jason Le Fleure, the owner of the most exclusive restaurant in town, added a thick stack of gift certificates to the pot.

He beamed at the reactions of the other participants. "This represents three hundred meals at Le Fleure's. No reservations necessary, the holder is entitled to walk in and claim the specially reserved table."

The pot quickly outgrew Stella's budget.


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Thank you for reading our short story highlights magazine!

@jayna, @gracielaacevedo, @yaziris, @itsostylish, @millycf1976 and @grindan.

p.s. You can see the past magazines here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

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We invite lovers of creative writing to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and @stormlight24 and run by @jayna, @gracielaacevedo, @yaziris, @itsostylish, @millycf1976 and @grindan.

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We welcome delegations! These support our community in many ways, including helping us to provide support to quality content creators through curation and contests.

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A big thank you to all of our delegators:

@jayna,, @zeurich, @marcybetancourt, @agmoore, @marlyncabrera, @stormcharmer, @generikat, @iamraincrystal, @preparedwombat, @gracielaacevedo, @chocolatescorpi, @samsmith1971, @grindan, @jackdeathblack, @josemalavem, @riverflows, @itsostylish, @morey-lezama, @evagavilan2, @popurri, @mrenglish and @stuartcturnbull.

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