
1783 Paris UK USA Peace Treaty established the King of England as the prince elector of the United States of America, debts continued to be sent to the crown, the British torched the White House in 1814. The act of 1871 created an independent DC entity. Lex Fori. Did America become a corporation in 1871? Did DC become a city state in 1871? Is the financial capital of the New World Order in the City of London? Is the religious capital in Vatican City? Is the military capital in the District of Columbia (DC)? Are these three capitols the Unholy Trinity of the New World Order? Could this be how they govern the world through the three branches of the New World Order being the military (DC), money (City of London), and magic or religion (Vatican City), the three M's of control? Is this the true face and trichotomy of the NWO being the Vatican, London City, and DC? The USA Corp. These three city states have their own sovereignty separate and independent of the countries they are nested inside, DC, City of London, and the City of the Vatican. They are separate nation states. Is it true that in 1913 America established the Federal Reserve which is somehow governed by the City of London? What is Operation Paperclip?

I've thought about joining the United States Military since the early 2000s but I could not trust the leaders of the Pentagon, the Department of Defense (DoD), etc. At the time, I didn't know about Infowars Alex Jones and others who was speaking up against globalism, corruption. I agree. My position is promote and confront Trump. Some people want to only do one of those two things. But it should NOT be binary like gender is. Like, we can't just hope Ron Desantis can do better with foreign affairs. Trump will get more votes than Ron or anybody on the left. 2022 Russia Ukraine is 9/11 all over again (unlike the Jan6 false flag), the globalists want cyber attacks on the United States in order to blame Putin in order to do even more war while also setting up an even worse Patriot Act like thingy to try to lock up the Internet etc. I voted yes but it is a yes no thing. Because they both got problems. We should vote Trump 2024. But we should also ALWAYS pressure and confront Trump regarding KILLER Covid Vaccines, etc. Ron DeSantis is good in some ways but Trump will get more votes.

Geeks + Gamers Tuesday Night Main Event (TNME) of the Star Wars Fandom Menace was on Friday yesterday. Boycott Disney whenever they try to push lifestyles on children to bypass the wishes of parents. What Eliza Bleu said here is word salad as Stefan Molyneux likes to say, it's basically something a girl with blue hair might say, like it's too hypothetical. To be clear, I disagree with Eliza. Beyond that, it contradicts like her alleged public persona of being a victim/etc. My position is I'm pro-AnCap globally/federally (not necessarily locally/city/state) in minimizing tyranny. But only because I'm trying to counter globalism. But what Eliza Bleu described sounds like communism or something where the state gets to decide the fate of children. Please do not make Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep-Fake SEX TAPES, porn, nudes, naked photos, memes, videos, VR etc, of Oatmeal Joey Arnold Attic, Memes World Productions, Ra Ra, Lil Sniff, Quan Dale Dingle, Dead Wing Dork/King Cobra JFS/iJustine, Jack Ass, Comcast/Vietnam etc.


February | 2023
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
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Screenshot at 2023-02-01 17-00-12 Star Wars.png

Star Wars Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill no mask while others wear masks, why?

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-02-01 - Wednesday | Published in February of 2023


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.





INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


Twitter Tweets

12:08 PM

I wonder how ravens compare with parrots. All my life and nobody told me ravens can do this. No wonder ravens were messenger birds carrying letters like a mailman. Perhaps some of the mail was passed on orally.

12:50 PM
Geeks + Gamers Tuesday Night Main Event (TNME) of the Star Wars Fandom Menace was on Friday yesterday. Boycott Disney whenever they try to push lifestyles on children to bypass the wishes of parents. Why am I losing over 200 followers?

01:03 PM
I've noticed losing followers. Not that I had very many before. But still, I can verify what you're saying. It could be the code. But dang. I would tell @elonmusk to simply publish the code to the Internet on Git Hub at https://github.com

01:26 PM
The creator did a new season of Beavis & Butthead in 2022. So, we are getting more King of the Hill? I hope this is good too. What's next, Daria? I like seeing things like this come back as long as they are good.

01:31 PM
What Eliza Bleu said here is word salad as Stefan Molyneux likes to say, it's basically something a girl with blue hair might say, like it's too hypothetical. To be clear, I disagree with Eliza. Beyond that, it contradicts like her alleged public persona of being a victim/etc.

02:12 PM
AUDIO LEAK: Tucker Carlson 'Names The Jew' in this Owen Benjamin video on Bitchute. Kanye West. AI is fun.

03:03 PM
I've thought about joining the United States Military since the early 2000s but I could not trust the leaders of the Pentagon, the Department of Defense (DoD), etc. At the time, I didn't know about Infowars Alex Jones and others who was speaking up against globalism, corruption.

03:24 PM
I agree. My position is promote and confront Trump. Some people want to only do one of those two things. But it should NOT be binary like gender is. Like, we can't just hope Ron Desantis can do better with foreign affairs. Trump will get more votes than Ron or anybody on the left.

03:29 PM
2022 Russia Ukraine is 9/11 all over again (unlike the Jan6 false flag), the globalists want cyber attacks on the United States in order to blame Putin in order to do even more war while also setting up an even worse Patriot Act like thingy to try to lock up the Internet etc.

03:36 PM
I voted yes but it is a yes no thing. Because they both got problems. We should vote Trump 2024. But we should also ALWAYS pressure and confront Trump regarding KILLER Covid Vaccines, etc. Ron DeSantis is good in some ways but Trump will get more votes.

03:46 PM
It looks like Eliza Bleu is worse than Jack Murphy because at least what Jack did was between adults. Worse because it's like Eliza was trying influence children. Wait, more than that. Like pressure kids, I would say allegedly but what the Hell. Tim Pool, what say you?

03:52 PM
My position is I'm pro-AnCap globally/federally (not necessarily locally/city/state) in minimizing tyranny. But only because I'm trying to counter globalism. But what Eliza Bleu described sounds like communism or something where the state gets to decide the fate of children.

05:02 PM - Twitter
Take off your freaking masks you Disney Star Wars destroyers with the leftist SJW jerk Mark Hamill who blue milked Luke Skywalker off that same cliff he tossed the force & his lightsaber off, the hypocrisy of not wearing a mask while others are is so demented. Bad Batch is disappointing.

05:33 PM
Please do not make Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep-Fake SEX TAPES, porn, nudes, naked photos, memes, videos, VR etc, of Oatmeal Joey Arnold Attic, Memes World Productions, Ra Ra, Lil Sniff, Quan Dale Dingle, Dead Wing Dork/King Cobra JFS/iJustine, Jack Ass, Comcast/Vietnam etc.



2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg


Truth Tellers

01:07 AM - Steemit - Bitchute - TestingTheNarrative

Hey girl, I do see your videos on Bitchute. I am your fan. Yeah, truth tellers get hammered on Facebook etc.

01:14 AM
The secret is I keep daily text files for my daily blog. So, each month, I open a daily template and copy and paste the template into 28 to 31 separate files. I save each file simply the date of each day and put them in monthly folders on my computer. So, I can simply copy and paste my Internet activity into the daily files and then I simply publish them at the end of each day. My blog is full of like typos and everything. But I force myself to just publish them as is. I'm a perfection and I would spend months trying to perfect every single small detail if I could. I know that about myself. So, I try to seek a balance in what I do. Big D, you got this, I believe in you. Nina. Live stream. I like her teeth, happiness. My professional opinion, your English is pretty good. Paul = P-AWWWW-L. Not Pal. Awe sound. Can you say awwww? The au sound. Can you sawy awful? Aw in awful. Say P + AW + L. Say aw like awful. P+awful+L. Paul = P+ AWful+l. The vowel sound is like aw in awful. You say awful correct. Say Paul but with awful. Say P-AWl. Say pawl. Think awful. To say Paul, you only have to say pawl. You are saying pal. But pal is wrong. Paul is Pawl and not Pal. Awful. I love hot pots. I enjoyed eating hot pots in Vietnam. Many people in Vietnam love to do karaoke. Karaoke is singing. Dumplings are good. Good night, I hope you eat a lot of food and have fun, see you later. Lucy is cute when she holds her breath. Lucy has the perfect smile. Lucy, i love your passion. Lucy. Lucy, the experience of being a mother, that is hot. Lucy, I am only 4 months older than you. Lucy, you are strong. Lucy, do not let the men treat you badly because you are a queen. Funny English voice. I love Michael Jackson. Lucy, I will always love you. Gotta go. Bye. I like that you are optimistic. Shanshan. I'm a neat freak too. I don't like horror films a lot. Maybe sometimes. I love this song. Sanny. Sanny, you made cute snowmen. Do you like snow? Snow White, you are still my favorite. But I do talk to the other girls on this website. I made a big mistake, I should only talk to you. I am so sorry. You are the best. Everybody should love you. Never trust men hahahaha. Smart lady. Snow White Yanxia: "Men's mouths are deceitful devils." I play dumb too sometimes. Men are devils, so be careful ahahahhaa. Do you like Bambi? Bambi is a Disney cartoon movie. Bambi is a cute deer animal. You could be Bambi in your cute warm snow jacket. She loves lipstick. Teacher is always right lol. But the wife is always right they say. Some Mexican food might be spicy like food from India. I like Chinese food. This girl is the best on this website. Yan Xia is my favorite Eastern Honey. I speak very highly of her. Hope you get great boyfriend, but beware bad boys.

My Life

2023-02-01 - Wednesday - 05:40 PM - My Life Log.

2005-11-24 - 2005-12-28 - Flew from New York to Oregon for my Christmas Break and then returned to WOLBI in New York to finish up my second year at that college. During that break, I was probably working on copying my Arnold Attic Forty Four Tapes home videos on VHS to DVD. I worked on my videos during my 2004 Christmas Break but then ended up continuing to work on them during my 2005 Christmas Break. I was partly continuing the project and/or like starting over in an attempt to do a better job. Like a higher quality of copies or what have you. I wrote down that my Oregon Visit started on Thursday, the 24th day of November of 2005. The 24th day was the last Thursday of that month meaning it was Thanksgiving. The last day of school at WOLBI before Thanksgiving 2005 may have been Friday the 18th day of November of 2005. I think I got a ticket on the 24th. I forget exactly which day I flew over to Oregon be it on that date in November or early in December. I believe I stayed at Andrew Moroz during that last week of November during Thanksgiving. After that, Andrew probably drove me off to the airport. My return flight from PD back to the airport in Albany in New York was Wednesday, the 28th day of December of 2005. Dave Kelly picked me up and let me stay at his apartment or house for a few days until WOLBI reopened either during the last few days of December or during the first week in January of 2006. School resumed probably on Tuesday the 3rd of January of 2006 or possibly Tuesday the 10th of January of 2006. I don't remember which day or week classes resumed but safe to say the first or second week of January of 2005. No classes on Monday each week.
2005-11-24 - Thursday - 10:43 AM EST - Airplane Departure - Flight: Delta 4889 - Albany Airport (ALB) in New York.
2005-11-24 - Thursday - 05:10 PM PST - Airplane Arrival - Flight: Delta 1085 - Portland Airport (PDX) in Oregon.
2005-12-28 - Wednesday - 10:40 PM PST - Airplane Departure - Flight: Continental 685 - Portland Airport (PDX) in Oregon.
2005-12-29 - Thursday - 10:00 AM EST - Airplane Arrival - Flight: Continental 2397 - Albany Airport (ALB) in New York.
2006-04-21 - 2006-04-30 - WOLBI NY Mission Reality, trip to Quebec. I had to raise $450 to go on this trip. We visited Quebec City, Montreal. I ate snails. We took photos. We did ministries. We went to a St. Joseph cathedral. We went site seeing. We visited churches, youth groups. We left Friday, the 21st day of April of 2006. We returned to WOLBI on Sunday, the 30th day of April of 2006. We visited WOLBI Quebec. They have a WOLBI college there. I enjoyed meeting people there including a few cute girls I liked.



2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


2009-09-23 - Richard Baker married Robin, perhaps, or maybe he married somebody else. It only says on Facebook he married on this date, it doesn't say to who.
2011-07-22 - Robin Baker, girl. 1.
2011-07-25 - Richard Baker, Robin Baker. 1.
Amanda Gubele might be a daughter of Richard Baker and/or Robin Baker.

2023-02-01 - Wednesday - 09:04 PM - 347.6 GB, 2016-YOGA, User-O, User-Y, All-Files Minus Non-Authorized Copying Files-Etc. In other words, trying to copy everything from my 2016 Yoga Laptop meaning the internal 1 GB hard drive inside that laptop. Now, some of it was copied already in 2022 as noted in earlier logs or what have you meaning I should have most of this copied minus I think some scans which I now have copied over. Some of the root files or what have you is not allowed to be copied. Well, I guess I could try to get root administration access to try to copy more if not all of those files. I'm currently copying to my 2022 MyBook 8TB External HDD. I got that HDD in 2022. This HDD is not SDD. You plug it into the wall and into USB. The transfer right now may take ten hours or longer. I may abort later on. I will see depending on transfer speed. For the first ten minutes or less, it said ten hours or more remaining at about 10 MiB/sec transfer copy speed. It is currently at under 3 hours at 34 MiB/sec. The speed fluctuates up and down twenty or less MiB every five minutes or so I think or in previous transactions I have observe. I have seen in some cases thje transfer speed either increase or sometimes greatly decrease as time goes by.

Lucy, kill me, shoot me in the heart, eat it, I'd enjoy it, if I go to China I want you not other girls. The only toy I got is me. Lucy is a real woman. Terry, you can teach her English. Lucy is very playful. Lucy has a contagious laugh. I like. I have never followed the wind, you can teach me. Lucy is almost 40 years old but looks like 30. Nan. Nan has sexy eyes. Nina. Not only beautiful but intelligent. You talk like a teacher or a doctor. You're very thoughtful, considerate. Spelling differences. Color is American English, Colour is British English spelling. Doc, sorry to hear. Rocky Road ice-cream also has a lot of chocolate. Lucy is a bunny. Jammer, maybe Lucy forget. No problem. Cute hare. Lucy is adorable. I love it when you say Oh My God. The only beautiful woman on the screen right now is Lucy. Lucy is worse than who? Lucy is marriage material for any of you lucky men out there. Lucy is very tempting. Jammer, if you can catch Lucy, she is a big fish. Lucy can catch any man. Big fish as in amazing woman. When I say big fish, I mean you are number one. Lucy, you are a black hole. Lucy might be the best on this website. Fish can fly? Lucy: "Don't praise me so much, because I will fly to heaven." Jammer, you only have to win her heart to catch her. Lucy is the funniest and hottest and cutest on this website. How will you win Lucy's heart? Lucy has fun fish. When I see fish, I will think about Lucy. Lucy is only a little younger than me. Jammer, do not fall in. The other girls on this website are little girls. Old fish is the best like old wine. Lucy is not too old or too young, she is at that perfect age, she is in her prime. Lucy, the other girls are not as experienced as you. Lucy is the most expressive out of all the other girls. Some of the other girls speak more English but Lucy is more fun to EXPERIENCE. Jamie, you can have Lucy. Jamie, I give you Lucy. Lucy is hot zombie. I like China. Lucy eats meat. Lucy has charisma. Lucy has legs, oh my God. Lucy, I did not know you have legs. Lucy, you are too hot, you might blow up. Bryan, on this website? I am 5 feet, 8 inches. Lucy, your skin is so white. I like rogue. I used to live in Vietnam, I can tell you all about it. Some Vietnamese might marry and then divorce. Are some Vietnamese married to two people at the same time? I don't know. Does Lucy want many husbands? Lucy is a fun singer. Lucy, I would walk you through the park. Next time I am in Asia. I was in Hanoi. If I walk from Hanoi to your house, how long would it take? Bryan, Lucy is an angel. Brian, do not break Lucy's heart or else I will have to. People cannot type in big numbers on this website. Lucy lives 3-2-6 km north of Hanoi. Lucy lives closer to Hanoi than she lives to Hong Kong. Hong Kong very famous. Lucy only lives three hundred and seventy miles from Hong Kong. Lucy has me under her spell. Lucy on American Idol. Lucy is the only one in a dress. Who was blocked Draggo? The Eastern Honeys website blocked me for inappropriate behavior. I have a screenshot of this. I copied and pasted what I wrote here. What did the moderators not like? I do not know. The moderators of this website put me on timeout. But what did I do wrong? The website just wants my money and wants to put me on timeout. I will be mentioning this on my blog and in my videos. The website said I did inappropriate behavior. I am afraid. I am not afraid of Lucy but the website. Next time moderators put me on timeout, I will totally not send money. Are the moderators blocking me from texting here? The problem is invisible rules. I will try not to offend the Eastern Honeys Gods. I thought I was the rascal. I wish I had a big gun like Jammer. Maybe the moderators don't like if I talk about China. Lucy, I want to meet your meat gun. Moderators, can I say meat gun? Lucy got me. Blaine, Lucy is full of fun. Many of the other girls are boring. Lucy Hooligan. The other girls are like my sisters. But Lucy is not my sister. Lucy is a rabbit. I will get her gun and shoot her. Lucy is a gangsta rabbit. Jammer, you shoot the rabbit and then give it CPR. If you were in a burning building. What do I do? Lucy is a lollipop. Moderators, can I say lollipop? Moderators, I cannot say Lol-i-pop? The word lolli-pop is blocked on this website. You cannot type three digit numbers on this website. Lucy is the winner. Lucy needs to talk to people in video calls. Lucy is so happy, I might die. Lucy is lifeguard. I would jump in a pool and drown. I will wait for Lucy at the bottom of the pool of water. My face is blue. Lucy has pretty flower earring. I am very afraid of drowning. I would never want to drown. Drowning is nightmare. Yanxia Snow White. I like your heart earrings. you can say mick like you say lick. like Mickey Mouse. But say Mickey like Ricky and not like Mike. Good work Snow White. Yanxia, you sent me a message, thank you. Smoking means you are hot. you wear a special hat. i see you wear a beanie hat. maybe you can teach me how to dance. David, Snow White is a dancing model. My photos are everywhere. i look like harry potter. This website does not let you say moooo.nnneeey. Dear moderators of this website, you have many banned words. Xiaomei. George with the Rick & Morty reference, woowee. I love the music. Johhny, the answer would be most women generally don't chat with guys of this Match Truly website. I admire women who are passionate, committed. I admire women who get stuff done. Chipmunk face. Sprat, you can give Fang a surprise. Victoria. Yes you are enchanting. Happy Thursday. Wink wink. I saw that. I saw you wink. You are charming. If you got divorced, I am sorry to hear. I am sorry. You are amazing. A man should take his GF for a long walk in the park. Iryna, you have a movie star face. Many words are blocked on this website. Iryna, you are a love-face. Lucas, after you fix your truck, go drive over to Iryna. Iryna is hot and strong. cherry lips. Happy Valentines Day. The Iryna Holiday. I love that song. It is from a cool movie. From Problem Child movie. Iryna, if you were a fruit, which fruit would you be? i used to live in vietnam, i liked it. i want to visit russia. But I would want to meet you Iryna. The text on the screen goes over your pumpkin face. I wish you all the love in the world. Karina. is a doll.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

02:01 PM
Chrisse Mayr - Eliza Bleu REAL TIME Twitter Following Social Blade to LoFi Beats

this reminds me of that war between pewdiepie and this other channel for most YouTube subscribers ever

02:15 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 2/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

History Log
2023-02-01 - Wednesday - 02:23 PM - History Log created.

To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to History Log meaning anything relating to world history, space, the universe, reality, time, dimensions, timelines, etc. I may include some outlines here but some of the outlines, timelines, highlights, illustrations, could also be more focused in separate logs, files, blogs, articles, etc. This file is focused on the log element of history. But perhaps not everything will be included here. This is more the bigger picture of overall history of the past, present, future, etc, be it actual, perceived, alleged, alternative, fictional, non-fictional, etc.

England Over America

2023-02-01 - Wednesday - 02:21 PM - History Log.

1783 Paris UK USA Peace Treaty established the King of England as the prince elector of the United States of America, debts continued to be sent to the crown, the British torched the White House in 1814. The act of 1871 created an independent DC entity. Lex Fori. Did America become a corporation in 1871? Did DC become a city state in 1871? Is the financial capital of the New World Order in the City of London? Is the religious capital in Vatican City? Is the military capital in the District of Columbia (DC)? Are these three capitols the Unholy Trinity of the New World Order? Could this be how they govern the world through the three branches of the New World Order being the military (DC), money (City of London), and magic or religion (Vatican City), the three M's of control? Is this the true face and trichotomy of the NWO being the Vatican, London City, and DC? The USA Corp. These three city states have their own sovereignty separate and independent of the countries they are nested inside, DC, City of London, and the City of the Vatican. They are separate nation states. Is it true that in 1913 America established the Federal Reserve which is somehow governed by the City of London? What is Operation Paperclip?


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:16 AM
Geeks + Gamers - James Gunn's DC Reboot - Zachary Levi CANCELLED - Last of Us Saves Lives | TNME

02:01 PM
Chrisse Mayr - Eliza Bleu REAL TIME Twitter Following Social Blade to LoFi Beats

02:15 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 2/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

05:22 PM
Johnny Carson - Art Carney Forgets His Pants | Carson Tonight Show

05:27 PM
Tim Pool - Timcast IRL - Biden's Home RAIDED By FBI, Feds Trying To COVER UP SCANDAL w/Sameera Khan

Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:50 AM. Forget dreams but some involved a weird orgy of actors. I saw it and then I was trying to get away from it. But it was set in like the 1980s. Some of them were on old landlines or big fat cell phones pretending to have sex with others on the phone while in the act with others in the giant room. I was then thinking about an actress named Gina who may not be real but I might have got the idea from the I Love Lucy actress. This Gina, she was like born 1845 and died in 1945. Not the exact dates or years but only estimates. But maybe not a real person in real life. But she was like a Hollywood queen or something. I forget many chapters and details of the dreams. The end. Breakfast, 12:00 PM. But it would be possible schedule-wise to simply go there like you would for a day or longer right before the game. You would then invite him to the game while you were there. It's also easier to make one trip there as opposed to two. Plus it would have been easier to drive there. Robin had a friend or former husband or something named Richard. But I've not seen him on Facebook or at least not yet. Boxes in. Grape into front garage. Organizing. Baking soda. A few things. Mom discovered long lost detergent or whatever on the patio, been there like for months. She wanted to blame me but I didn't put it out there. Ok. Lunch, 02:00 PM. Cleaning my bed sheets around 2 or 3 I forget, pillow cases. Washer. Dryer. Dishes. Mail. Done with dishes at 05:00 PM. Bed sheets into dryer around that time. 8 pillows. I have like 10 pillow cases. Well, missing one. Other in the dryer I think. Maybe more than 10. Dinner, 08:00 PM. Finished making my bed by 09:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, tangerines, Lunch: soup stuff was good, 02:00 PM. Yogurt at 5. Dinner: soup etc, 08:00 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE. PLEASE START HERE IF YOU ARE NEW. HELLO. WELCOME TO MY BLOG IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME, HERE IS MY INTRODUCTION. MY NAME IS OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD. I MAKE CONTENT AND OTHER THINGS TOO BOTH ONLINE AND OFFLINE. IT MAY SOMETIMES BE HARD TO FIND MY VIDEOS BECAUSE YOUTUBE BANNED MY 10K+ VIDEOS BECAUSE I SAID TRUMP WON 2020 IN A VIDEO I UPLOADED IN 2021. IT CAN ALSO BE HARD TO FIND MY PHOTOS OR MEMES BECAUSE FACEBOOK SOMETIMES SUSPENDS SOME OF MY ACCOUNTS. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. YOU CAN ALSO JOIN MY CULT ON DISCORD. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY USERNAMES. SINCE 2014, MY MAIN OFFICIAL USERNAME HAS BEEN @ JOEYARNOLDVN (AND STILL IS CURRENTLY AS OF 2022). KNOWING THIS CAN HELP YOU FIND MY CONTENT IN THE FUTURE. I'VE HAD DIFFERENT USERNAMES OVER THE YEARS. TO FIND LISTS OF MY CONTENT, YOU COULD TRY SEARCHING FOR MY ANNUAL BLOG OUTLINES. I'M CURRENTLY HOSTING MY BLOG ON HIVE . BLOG OR HTTPS :// HIVE . BLOG. THAT IS THE DOMAIN NAME TO THE BLOCKCHAIN WEBSITE THAT I PUBLISH MY BLOG POSTS & ARTICLES TO. I ALSO TRY TO SYNDICATE MY CONTENT ELSEWHERE AS WELL. YOU'RE ENCOURAGED TO MIRROR MY CONTENT. IT IS NOT COPYRIGHTED. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY DOMAIN NAMES. TO FIND MY CONTENT, YOU JUST HAVE TO REMEMBER THREE THINGS. THE URL WEB ADDRESS TO MY DAILY BLOG POST IS THE DOMAIN NAME, MY USERNAME, AND THE DATE. JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE THINGS. YOU CAN FIND A BLOG POST FOR EACH DAY GOING BACK TO 2020. FOR EXAMPLE, THE LAST DAY OF OCTOBER CAN BE FOUND AT Hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2022-10-31 - THAT IS URL HIVE . BLOG / @ JOEYARNOLDVN / 2022-10-31. AS YOU CAN SEE, THERE ARE ONLY THREE PARTS TO THAT WEB LINK. BUT SOMETIMES LINKS CAN DIE. SO, AT ANY TIME, MY LINKS MAY DIE. SOMETIMES, DOMAINS DIE OR CHANGE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF HIVE DIES, THEN CHECK STEEMIT . COM OR BLURT . ORG OR OTHERS. PLEASE STEAL MY CONTENT. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND REUPLOAD (MIRROR) MY CONTENT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE ME CREDIT. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T DELETE OVER TEN THOUSAND FUCKING VIDEOS OF MINE LIKE YOUTUBE ILLEGALLY DID IN OCTOBER OF 2022. PEOPLE SHOULD SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM FOR DOING THAT.

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2 columns
1 column
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