
There is a Bible verse that talks about that which I agree with. So, I believe life or God does not give us more than we can handle. I would not say some people have less luck. I would say we are given opportunities. But each individual is different meaning each individual path may have to be discovered first. I've given my thoughts on Star Wars Andor in the three videos I made on it. You can see what I think as presented in this video. Roy Merrick has not seen the entirety of my videos. Roy replied: "NO ONE has."

Roy Merrick is the GREATEST OATMEAL FAN EVER. Roy doesn't even watch his videos. That's how BIG of a FAN Roy is. Some alleged Oatmeal Fans may be Oatmeal Critics. In the trial, the judge said Alex Jones "INVADED THE PRIVACY OF EACH PLAINTIFF" which is a LIE. That DID NOT HAPPEN. DECEPTION. The judge said the plaintiffs don't HAVE TO prove damages were done. They just have to cry loud enough. That means they can go after anybody be it you or me. That's how EVIL IT IS. The judge is a BAD GUY.

Since the early 2010s or longer, for the PAST TWELVE YEARS OR LONGER, as it is the YEAR 2022 RIGHT NOW, I have been suspended, terminated, deleted, erased, kicked off, banned, shadow banned, forgotten, off social media platforms, websites, networks, places, online, on the world wide web, on the Internet, so many places, so many DIFFERENT WEBSITES, so many times, FOR SO MANY YEARS, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.


Day 14 of the 2022 Connecticut FUCK ALEX JONES TRIAL was insane. Day 14 of the Connecticut Kill Alex Jones Trial today, the judge said 4 elements of emotional distress was established PRE-TRIAL. 1. that the defendant intended to give plaintiffs INVISIBLE DAMAGES. 2. That the conduct was extreme (which it wasn't). 3. That the conduct was the cause of the CRYING. 4. And that the cause was severe (which was not proven during the trial). So, the judge LIED.

The problem with the Alex Jones trials is they want to then take you and me court and do the same thing. The judge yelled at the jurors telling them ALEX JONES INVADED THE PRIVACY OF THE PLAINTIFFS. Nope. Not true. The judge is lying. The judge went on to say it does not matter that Alex Jones did not say their names, that he was still attacking them without attacking them. That's a logical fallacy. But the judge is ordering the jurors to defy logic.

October | 2022
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Toasty Mosty 69 is a sensational artist. Toasty Mosty is more than toasty.
Dinosaur Philosophy photo albums





Roy Merrick Meme, Darth Joey Star Wars KathyBike, MAGAZINE PARODY COVER, Vader cuts bike in two, 2022-10-06 - Thursday unknown.png

Roy Merrick Meme, Darth Joey Star Wars KathyBike, MAGAZINE PARODY COVER, Vader cuts bike in two

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-10-06 - Thursday | Published in October of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

04:12 AM
Joey Arnold - Echoes 101: Home | Spoiler Review | Freaky Friday Switching Twin Sisters Story_

19:28 PM
Joey Arnold - Nintendo's Super Mario Bros The Movie Teaser Trailer | SPOILER REVIEW REACTION | FAIR USE TRANSFORMATIVE | April 2023



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


12:44 PM - Discord
There is a Bible verse that talks about that which I agree with. So, I believe life or God does not give us more than we can handle. I would not say some people have less luck. I would say we are given opportunities. But each individual is different meaning each individual path may have to be discovered first. I've given my thoughts on Star Wars Andor in the three videos I made on it. You can see what I think as presented in this video. Roy Merrick has not seen the entirety of my videos. Roy replied: "NO ONE has. I LOVE how scary the TIE fighters feel." Roy Merrick is the GREATEST OATMEAL FAN EVER. Roy doesn't even watch his videos. That's how BIG of a FAN Roy is.

Roy: "Did you do the song from memory?" Which song? "I'm singing like Madonna and I'm ready to go." I sang that? When? Where? Roy says 13 minutes and 10 seconds, 13:10, into my Star Wars Andor 105 review video. I was freestyling the words. So, are you saying there is a song out there with those exact words? Small spaceship flying over the Sound of Music hill was cool in some ways. Andor 105 was mostly boring. A few interesting moments here and there. Andor is a depressing show. Andor sucks balls. I want Star Wars music in my Star Wars shows. I want repetition. I want the same themes. Or give me new themes and make them exciting. I fell asleep watching the Rogue One movie. Andor does not have a real theme. Andor has that blond Empire chick who will try to find the Rebels. The Rebels is led by POWERFUL women. Because MEN SUCK. TOXIC MALE MASCULINITY. Andor features the kind of music that will give your mom a heart attack. I almost had a heart attack.


2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


Star Wars Andor

01:11 PM - Discord

People can like Star Wars Andor if they want. Within the realm of story telling and the realm of entertainment, people have the freedom to take different paths. I like everything. I love mud. I love rocks. Therefore, empty questions will receive empty answers. Whether or not you like something has little to do with whether or not that something is good or not. I like it. Period. But I also love SATAN. So, what does that mean? You cannot know what that means. This is surface level stuff. Words are only words. Saying stuff is saying stuff. That is all it is. You're not getting to the heart of the matter. You're not asking the right questions. The more important question would be your thoughts on the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. That is the starting point. You tell me your review outline of the sequel films. Tell me your thoughts with what they did to Han Solo. Tell me your thoughts on the character and not on the actor.

When it comes down to enjoying a show, if you're looking for a generic fantasy genre show, you can enjoy Andor. It comes down to what you are looking for as an audience member.

If you're looking for boring dialog that will only entertain old people like Roy Merrick, you should watch Andor. If you thought the Prequel Trilogy dialog was cringe, check out Andor, it will make you want to binge-loop V for Vendetta over and over again instead. I want a Darth Vader show. I want fighting and action. I want to hang out with Jedi and Sith. I want to take a shower with Yoda and not Baby Yoda. Where was Ahsoka during Return of the Jedi? Give me a break. Andor is a generic show that is pretending to be Star Wars. I will try to watch Ahsoka. I watch mostly as a critic and not as a fan. Some alleged Oatmeal Fans may be Oatmeal Critics.

03:04 PM
I have a great analogy for Star Wars. On average for the past forty years from 1980 to 2020, the best and most treasure Star Wars film out of the main nine Skywalker movies has been Empire Strikes Back. Most people agree with this. So, we will use Empire Strikes Back for my coming analogy. Watching Empire Strikes Back is sort of like watching the Chicago Bulls play against the Utah Jazz in the 1998 NBA Finals. Watching Star Wars Andor is like watching Michael Jordan go to the bathroom. Sure, it might be Michael Jordan, but it aint basketball. Sure, it might be Star Wars but it aint FREAKING DARTH VADER. Please put Vader in Andor. I want a VADER SHOW. OBI WAN was not OBI WAN. Rick & Morty Roy. Have Vader kill people. Hail Rorty says EZ. Vader being a bad ass. I want empty fun. I want Vader to fuck KathyBike. Slice that bike in two. I am Darth Lazer. On instant messenging (IM) websites like AOL and/or Yahoo, in the late 1990s, my user name was Darth Lazer or Darth_Lazer or something like that. I saw these comics. Turn these Vader comics into live action shows. I've watched videos of people reading these comics. Vader tries to bring back Padme. Vader has a castle. Vader lives on a hot lava planet. And we all know how much Vader loves sand. So Vader gets this helmet thing. An old Sith or something is stuck in this crazy old object. I forget what the exact object was. Vader is contacting with the entity within. Vader has secret apprentices which brings to Star Killer. Bring on Star Killer. I want a show about Star Killer. Give me a show on the thousands of years before Skywalker. Give me a show on Darth Bane. Give me a show on the origin of the Sith and Jedi. That is sort of what Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones is doing. Andor attempts to tell the story that Rogue One already told. What's the point? I love Star Wars so much I watch it. Which takes me back to my analogy. Thrawn was on Rebels. Have you seen that cartoon show? Rebels was good. In some ways, the Clone Wars cartoon was better than Rebels.

Imagine going from watching Empire Strikes Back to watching Andor. It would be like going from playing NBA Jam on the Super Nintendo to playing a boring game of Michael Jordan picking up his kids from school game. Sure, Roy Merrick may love picking up kids because he loves children. But I'm the crazy one for being on SnapChat. You cannot love children. That's illegal. Parents, you're illegal. Teachers, you're illegal. Camp counselors, you're illegal. Police officers, you're illegal. Pedo Oatmeal, you're illegal. The Future, you;re illegal. Barney The Purple Freakin' Dinosaur, you're illegal. Ian adds, Mr. Rogers, you’re illegal. Yes. Him too. Jar Jar Binks, you're illegal. I don't know anything about who played Barney. All I know is Pee Wee Herman touched himself. Just like Michael Jackson. Disney, you're illegal. Roy, in the voice of Vader, "Most Impressive." Roy makes a meme of Vader cutting the bike in two. KathyBike. Please share your thoughts on my Vietnam Oatmeal Outline. Should I repost it? Impressive on how many parties there were. My goal would be to make up movie titles for each month of my life going back to my birth in Oregon in 1985. You made fun of Bill Cosby? Was he talking about jello? I am trying to come up with titles for each month of my life. Maybe not actual movie titles. But anything really would do. I like Bill Cosby content.

03:48 PM
I try to go back to sleep to finish up the cliff-hanging dreams. I've had lucid dreams where I was flying. I taught myself how to fly in some of my dreams. I've not had lucid dreams in like years now. I've only flown a few times. I've flown over mountains, cities, valleys, oceans, rivers, and even into space. I remember flying like trillions of light years into space. I may have read a few things in dreams. They say you can't read words in dreams. I'm not sure if that is always true. I flew over water I think. I do not know why they say you cannot read in dreams. Some people say they only dream in black and white. I dream in color. I am not sure if I have ever teleported in dreams. I am not sure if I ever learned that ability or not. Usually when I start becoming self-aware in dreams, that is when I start to wake up. I start to feel myself fall out of the dream. In my experience, the more I try to do stuff in my dreams, then the faster I am likely to wake up. Which I find sad. I try to write outlines of my life because I don't want my bad memory to alter reality.

I do not TRUST my own memory. Andor is a different genre of Star Wars. Star Trek is science fiction. Star Wars is fantasy fiction. The science aspects within Star Wars is not the main focus. A New Hope was born out of Flash Gordon. Rebels was probably the best on average. It comes down to what role Star Wars should play. If Star Wars was basketball, then I would want to slam dunk. People will say they want to do more than just play basketball. People will say Michael Jordan does other things too. Mike eats food. Some people rap. Some people show up in movies. Some people play golf. Some people gamble. So, following Mike's life is the same as watching Andor. I would have faster conversations in Andor. You can have whatever FLAVOR of Star Wars you want.


That judge is hot.





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


Oatmeal Crazy

01:49 PM - Discord

The videos that are important are the ones that WILL SUSPEND ME. Roy Merrick offers bad advice. Roy wants Oatmeal suspended. Roy tells me to leave up what I care about. The things that I value most are the things that are FORBIDDEN. Roy is telling me a paradox. Roy wants me to be myself. Being myself gets me banned. Roy says he likes Oatmeal. But Roy will always say he dislikes Oatmeal. Roy does not like this. Roy does not like that. Roy will always say what he dislikes about Oatmeal. Roy continues to accuse Oatmeal. Roy liked my song. That is like one thing. I want to talk about Alex Jones on YouTube. My Alex Jones videos get removed. My Jan6 videos got removed. If I say Biden lost in 2020, those videos are removed and flagged. I get a strike for saying Trump won 2020. I get a YouTube strike for talking about the FUCKING KILLER COVID VACCINES. I get strikes. I cannot wait to get suspended off Discord. People are banned on Discord. If I had millions of followers on Discord, then some of those people would get me suspended. Roy is asking a question that has nothing to do with anything. I do not want to be removed. But I was removed.

Since the early 2010s or longer, for the PAST TWELVE YEARS OR LONGER, as it is the YEAR 2022 RIGHT NOW, I have been suspended, terminated, deleted, erased, kicked off, banned, shadow banned, forgotten, off social media platforms, websites, networks, places, online, on the world wide web, on the Internet, so many places, so many DIFFERENT WEBSITES, so many times, FOR SO MANY YEARS, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.

I cannot wait to get suspended off Discord. Some of my videos are reported via AI. Private videos can be reported by AI. Some people can view private videos.

04:24 PM
The nose was banned. The plaintiff was able to speak twice. The defense only spoke one time. Day 14 of the 2022 Connecticut FUCK ALEX JONES TRIAL was insane.

Darrell Brooks Trial

But I want to see the crime. Show me video. Why are people watching the Darrell Brooks trial? Who cares. I do NOT CARE. Who FUCKING CARES. Seriously. Stupid. I need to see it. I do not know. Why would you send him to prison? Show me the videos. If I cannot see it, I cannot rule on it. Speculative. Slander. Alleged. Coincidental. Out of context. According to those videos above, assuming they came from Andy Ngo who I like, the vehicle appears to be running over people. Whoever was driving this vehicle appears to be purposely driving over people. It would be fair to assume the intent was to murder a bunch of people. I've heard about this case a while back and I've forgotten about it until now. I didn't know what the case was called. The defense could make up something crazy. As judge, I only ask that you prove who was driving that SUV or whatever type of vehicle it was at the time of the impact. I would let the defense have some time to say whatever. Let the defense defend himself. Say, the best defense would be somebody else did it. Did the defense testify and say he was driving the SUV? That is very important. Regardless of who drove that vehicle, if the defense says he was driving it, we will assume he was EVEN IF HE WASN'T. So, that would be step one. If he did admit to driving over them, then as a pretty female judge, I would have him defend himself. Assuming he cannot say he didn't do it, he could say he went crazy or something. Did he say why he ran over those people? But did he admit to it? Why was he driving on that road? Why did he go onto roads which were blocked off? Why did he go onto roads which were blocked off?

As judge, after getting him to say he did it in a court of law, I would then simply ask him why he did it. As judge, I would ask that. My courtroom, my rules. Order in the court, were you in that vehicle at the time that vehicle ran over those kids? Yes. Ok. Next question, why? Simple. We don't need no ten hours of nothing in a court of law. The problem with presenting evidence is simply that the evidence was already presented pre-trial. It only takes five seconds. Order in the court, here are the videos. The jurors watch the videos in court. How many hours of videos are there? How long does it take to watch FIVE SECONDS? Just SHOW THE JUROR YOUR BEST VIDEO. As judge, I'm ordering the PLAINTIFF to only show TWENTY MINUTES OR LESS OF VIDEOS AND EVIDENCE. As judge, I would ask the defense to submit everything he has for his defense. I would then decide what he may show during the trial. As judge, I would ask the plaintiff to present for discovery the case to me. I would then decide what will be presented to the jurors during the trial. I would have the defense go first. I want the trial to begin with the defense.

Have the defense say under oath everything he wants to say. After that, have plaintiffs cross-examine the defense. The plaintiff should ask if he was in the vehicle at the time that vehicle caused the death of children. If defense says no, then the plaintiff needs to find a way to prove otherwise before the jurors. The judge should probably react to that type of response, if Darrell Brooks says he doesn't consent nor understand, especially if it might be deemed PURGATORY. So, as judge, I might hold the defense in contempt. Matt Kurtz said I would do it around 2010-2012. Matt predicted KathyBike. I would end court today. Blue Laws.

Have the defense present a defense. After that, have the plaintiff cross-examine. After that, have the plaintiff present a case against the defense. After that, have the defense cross-examine the plaintiff. After that, closing arguments. After that, have the jurors talk it out. After that, have the jurors present their judgement. After that, have the judge say ok. After that, case dismissed. Simple. In the end, he should be punished with first degree murder which means life in prison per murder. So, therefore, multiple life sentences. I'm judge Joey, I have judged. Hear me roar. Case dismissed. How many people did he kill? 6 life sentences. Assuming he did it, all he can do is try to argue for less time. Good luck with that defense. Maybe he can bring it down to 2 life sentences. That is all collateral. I guess he could be punished for that too. But he is already looking at life in prison. He gets to defend himself while Alex Jones is not being defended. Which takes me back to why I DO NOT FUCKING CARE. GOD DAMN IT. TO HELL TO QUOTE THE PLANET OF THE APES. I am not watching the black guy trial. I assume that black guy murdered those people. I am Alex Jones. Hardcore. The nigga case is almost meaningless to watch. A guy kills people. Ok. Put him in prison. Case closed. Have the defense talk in circles for an hour. After an hour of nothing, ask the jurors if they want to hear more. If not, throw the guy in the dungeon and throw away the key. Like Jim Carrey. Liar Liar.

Some of the movies I had to see in the 1990s generally speaking would be movies starring Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Tom Hanks, etc. Alrighty then. Somebody stop me. I get what Jim said in that video EZ shared. But people do go crazy. I have no problem if the sequels are good because I only care that each movie is good. I agree, I would have loved 50 Ace Ventura movies. Give me Cable Guy 2. Liar Liar 2. Mask 2. It is hard to do sequels if you wait too long. Like I will watch a sequel even if they waited too long because I want to see what they did. But it can very hard to do it. Hocus Pocus 2 came out 29 years after the first movie. They sort of pulled it off. It is still sort of like a reboot and not totally a sequel. But they did it somewhat. Some people will say Hollywood is just milking the cow. But I disagree that sequels and reboots are fine if done right. I say I would prefer sequels over reboots on average if done right. Some say Star Wars Force Awaken was a reboot even tho it has some of the same actors. Force Awakens was A New Hope. It is hard not to reboot if you try to make movies too big. The biggest example would be how many times they rebooted Batman over the past century in movies, shows, comics, books. There is a comedy show on Hulu called Reboot. Batman Forever came out in 1995, it introduced Robin. It came three years after Batman Returns. I came home after Batman Forever and wanted to protect Tiffany Cumbo. I was then pretending to be Robin on the monkey bars. But I was reenacting the scenes where Robin is doing monkey bar like things. It came out in the summer. I got home from the theaters and ran strait to Tiffany. I was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt. Because my shirt was sleeveless, I could see my arms, my muscles, and I felt buff like a bad ass. Some people were like making fun of her at the park and I was trying to say to her I wanted to protect her from the other kids. If I was Ian, I would find a way to get real Internet for free. Ian, incorrect. There is always a way to get free Internet. Ian, I cannot imagine not wanting real Internet. They have WIFI satellite devices.

I would spend like $500 on a super WIFI receiver or something crazy. Why spend money each month on your phone when you could just buy a big expensive thing just one time? Paying money each month for a phone is a short-term solution. Roy, I want Vader cutting up a Joey Voodoo Doll. If I had money, I would buy big things.

Ian, tree roots grew into the basement and foundation of your house? The pipes were not made strong enough.

Day 14 of the Connecticut Kill Alex Jones Trial today, the judge said 4 elements of emotional distress was established PRE-TRIAL. 1. that the defendant intended to give plaintiffs INVISIBLE DAMAGES. 2. That the conduct was extreme (which it wasn't). 3. That the conduct was the cause of the CRYING. 4. And that the cause was severe (which was not proven during the trial). So, the judge LIED.

The problem with the Alex Jones trials is they want to then take you and me court and do the same thing.

07:16 PM
Chrissie has a movie night on her Discord, they're watching Troll 2. In a voice channel.

07:53 PM - Tim Pool Discord Server 2
I was banned off https://minds.com some years ago, you could say it was my fault for spamming ads in comments everywhere, I was trying to promote my content, websites, etc. I did it because I thought there were no rules against it. Yeah, I taught English in Vietnam, 2012-2017. I came back to America mostly because of Trump & Alex Jones. Just fact check me. Just Google my name. I will remain a mystery. You're God Damn Right. Breaking Bad. My advice would be to always have two servers and if Discord bans one, at least you got a backup. Gilded or banned. Do what they do on Hive Blog and Blurt and Steemit. Didn't Bitchute abandon P2P? Wasn't Gab.com building an alternative to Discord? Gab has done better than Minds, Gettr, Truth Social. Even Tagged.com is cooler than Minds.com some might say. YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, deleted my videos. Odysee has yet to delete videos of mine. I made videos talking about a man who was trying to destroy Memes World Productions and Lil Sniff. That man, Mango Haze, reported my videos which caused those websites to take down those videos. Ben Shapiro took down my Gina Carano video. I was just advertising Memes World on a Tim Pool Discord server a second ago.

Slipping Memes World Productions & Lil Sniff Michael Buddy Mullins into any conversation is easy to do. Just have to find your opening. I said they took down my videos off YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble. My videos were about a man who was trying to take down Memes World. The man then reported the videos to get them removed. Off all the websites except for Odysee. I said that to them. I think my advertising efforts failed.

08:35 PM
The judge yelled at the jurors telling them ALEX JONES INVADED THE PRIVACY OF THE PLAINTIFFS. Nope. Not true. The judge is lying.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

Echoes 101: Home

2022-10-06 - Thursday - 03:06 AM - 04:11 AM - Echoes 101: Home

Identical twins Leni and Gina have secretly switched places for years. But when one sister disappears, both of their lives start to fall apart. She has to play herself or her sister to figure out what her sister did to them.

12:05 PM
Law&Crime - Watch Live: Alex Jones Defamation Trial: Sandy Hook 'Hoax' Lawsuit - Connecticut Trial Day Fourteen

I am impressed with the videos the plaintiff played in his closing comments. I am talking about the plaintiff. After that, Norm got up and he played some videos too. The videos Norm played was good. But that was expected. I'm talking about the videos the plaintiff played before Norm got up. I watched the plaintiff. I watched the videos he presented. The plaintiff played a bunch of videos. I do not know how carefully the jurors listened to the exact words in the videos the plaintiff presented. I am so scared of getting banned again on YouTube. My channel has 2 strikes which will not expire until January of 2023. One more strike and my JoeyArnold7 YouTube channel will be suspended. That will probably happen any day now. They flag old videos. I would have to delete all of my videos. My two flags came from videos I uploaded years ago. How do I remove thousands of videos?

08:37 PM
The judge went on to say it does not matter that Alex Jones did not say their names, that he was still attacking them without attacking them. That's a logical fallacy. But the judge is ordering the jurors to defy logic.

The judge said the plaintiffs don't HAVE TO prove damages were done. They just have to cry loud enough. That means they can go after anybody be it you or me. That's how EVIL IT IS. The judge is a BAD GUY.

The judge said the court determined some things. False. They did not determine anything. I wanted a live action Mario movie. I know the last live action Mario movie bombed. I would not want a live action Mario parallel to what they did with the live action Sonic movies. I would have Sylvester Stallone play a Star Wars universe style version of Nintendo's Mario. Put Samus & Mega Man together in a movie. Live action Donkey Kong. We need Metal Gear movies. Sylvester Stallone as Solid Snake. I am the coolest troll ever. Leo as Metal Gear Rising. I know Hollywood is dying. I'm only speaking hypothetically what I would want to see.

10:48 PM
Ken Cole - Is Cobra Kai Season 6 Happening? KenCast After Dark, Ep 9

The girlfriend of Daniel in The Karate Kid was also the GF of Marty in Back to the Future.

10:57 PM
Getting really angry makes you look guilty, just saying, She Hulk Lady.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:38 AM
Tai Lopez - How to Build Wealth By Choosing The Right Career

02:49 AM
Valuetainment - How to Build a Dream Team as an Entrepreneur

Echoes 101: Home

2022-10-06 - Thursday - 03:06 AM - 04:11 AM - Echoes 101: Home

12:05 PM
Law&Crime - Watch Live: Alex Jones Defamation Trial: Sandy Hook 'Hoax' Lawsuit - Connecticut Trial Day Fourteen

07:00 PM
Legion of Dude - GamerFarce and Lamb Oysters | Legion of Dude #35

10:48 PM
Ken Cole - Is Cobra Kai Season 6 Happening? KenCast After Dark, Ep 9

Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 12:00 PM, forget dreams even as I was like thinking about them as I was getting up. Breakfast, 12:08 PM. Eat. See food log. Recycling. Garbage. Compost. Watering. Mail. Dishes. Weeding. Alex Jones trial. Discord. Dinner, 05:36 PM. Food log: Breakfast: orange, coffee, 12:08 PM. Lunch: banana cobbler stuff, 12:30 PM. Dinner: salad, 05:36 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE

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