
Mark Zuckerberg Stole My FUCKING BIKE, My First 8 Years on Facebook.

My life on Facebook from 2006 to 2013 is mostly gone now. I have no idea how much they STOLE from me. Mark Zuckerberg stole EIGHT FUCKING YEARS from my life on Facebook. In other words, Robot Mark STOLE MY FUCKING BIKE. I was posting photos I found on Facebook from 2012. One of the reasons I was sharing those photos here is because it's rare to find Facebook Oatmeal Content from before 2014. I've had around 500 entities on Facebook meaning 200+ groups, 200+ pages, and almost 100 accounts total. I've had my current Facebook profile account, @ JoeyArnoldVN, since 2014, meaning for the past nine years to 2022. Meaning I've had this current main official Facebook account longer than my SECRET LOST FACEBOOK LIFE which lasted roughly eight years prior to my current life on Facebook as Joeyarnoldvn. Some of my Facebook groups, accounts, photos, videos, posts, comments, and pages created before 2014 still exist on Facebook at least for now. However, some of my main Facebook accounts have been suspended or what have you.

I am thinking of writing an article to feature links to where some of my photo albums might be. I don't know how many tens of thousands of photos I have scattered all across the Internet. Too many to count.

October | 2022
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The Original Oatmeal





Roy Merrick Meme, Joey as a Star Wars officer, TRANSPARENT, 2022-10-04 - Tuesday unknown.png

Roy Merrick Meme, Joey as a Star Wars officer, TRANSPARENT

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-10-04 - Tuesday | Published in October of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

07:58 PM
Joey Arnold - I bet you a million dollars Twitter stocks will go up. If you're reading this, you owe me money right now.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


01:07 AM
Nick Littlejohn got Covid Vaccines like a weirdo.

2013-11-01 - Z Coffee, Saigon, watching Hillary Clinton on TV.

Painting Propaganda


2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


12:08 PM - Discord
Roy, who is making questionable choices? Breaking news, Roy Merrick goes to my Discord server EVERY DAY and lists to me a new job I could apply for which he knows I won't. Yet Roy takes the time to do it. Breaking news, last night, I watched Hocus Pocus 2. Biggest thing I learned was Disney took more time to explain how they brought back these three witches back from the dead than they did with Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars in the Sequel Trilogy. I wasn't planning on watching the entire movie. I need to make a video about this. If those are the names of the producers, I would say keep in mind this was more a comedy movie when compared to Star Wars. There may be explanations to how Palpatine returns inside books for example. But what you actually see in Rise of Skywalker is not a lot. There are two main aspects to Hocus Pocus 2, the entertainment value of it and the educational value. I enjoyed watching Hocus Pocus 2 and in some ways it was more intriguing than the first one. They turned the witches into the good guys. First, they start off with a flashback to when they were little girls. The evil mayor of Salem was trying to separate her from her two sisters. So, she had a spider. The city people got scared and they ran off and escape into the sacred woods. The problem was she was unwilling to marry that one boy. She was like hey I kissed that other boy instead. The town was shocked that she did that. The movie was basically trying to say the city people were so intolerant. So, they run off into woods. This was back in the year 1653 in Salem. They meet a witch. This witch was like you guys are not like the other children I.... she was about to say eat. I mean meet. Garlic stops vampires. What stops a witch? Spoiler alert, salt stops witches. Which is weird because salt is in your body. Bits and pieces of salt is everywhere. Or salt only stops black magic. It does not actually stop witches. But in this movie, the witches were just black magic in the form of human flesh. The old witch had that eyeball spell book and passed it on to these witches in 1653 which makes the book even older than that. So, these 3 girls ran back into the city to burn it down with magic. In the end, the witches were hung during the Salem Witch Trials like forty years later where they actually die. So like 1690s or whenever it was. But they were able to cast a spell which allowed them to come back via kids lighting a black candle in a certain way kind of thing. So I think the premise of the first movie is that is how they came back the first movie. The question is then whether or not they can be brought back again and again every time that happens on Halloween. These 3 girls got the candle. They went into those same woods. They lit the candle, and the witches came out of a crack out of the ground. The witches sang a song which I enjoyed. The girls were like who they singing to? The witches pop up at them, oh you. The girls were like we are 40 years old. We are witches too. You can find children blood inside beauty products. So, they go to a store. The witches thought the girls had magic because the doors would automatically slide open. They asked a clerk how many souls in the lotions, creams, etc. None. Oh no. You lied girls. The girls run away. The witches go to a Halloween fair. They enter into the contest. People were dressed up as them. We call ourselves The Originals. They end up losing the contest. But they took the mic and starting singing one of my favorite songs. This part is the best part of the movie. One way or another, I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you get you get you. They get the band and the audience to sing and dance along. Like a flash mob, the crowd dances down the street to get the mayor. Because the mayor is a descendant of the evil man that tried separating children from their families at the borders. Maybe not at the borders. But the three witches who are sisters. So, evil white man was the main villain of this movie. The reason they became witches was due to TOXIC MASCULINITY. The witches found things to fly with, a broom, a vacuum, and a robotic rover thing. If you've seen it, then you know they at least did a better job at explaining how they brought back the witches over how they brought back Palpatine. Piety. Palpatine was never mentioned in Mando. Unless if season 3 has it. But Rey was a granddaughter of Palpatine. Not a daughter. The new Star Wars show is interesting. The witches go into a house and get freaked out by the talking box. They say there is a woman stuck inside the box and run away. Because Big Government Spying On People is scarier than witches. I am taking notes now. All of this from the top of my head. I have no screenshots. I normally have screenshots but only a few these past few weeks. I watched the movie last night. GB as in game boy? My operating system is in a 20 GB partition. The OS should actually be around 10 GB. But then if you add up cache, extra programs, etc. I am not totally sure how it doubled in size. I have been trying to research that mystery for months. So I'm recalling the movie from the top of my head. The witches have their own original song when they are resurrected. That number was fun. The second song they did was fun too. A guy was sent to get a dead lover who was alive or like a zombie in the ground. Was the cat just a cat? Or was it the same cat that was a person? The black guy was like nah it is just a cat. But the black guy was like lying about things. The girls trap the witches in a circle of salt. In the end, the witches win. But the head witch loses her two sisters. New cat actor. Witch is like I just want to be with my sisters. That is the only reason I do stuff, for them. So, Book gives them one last spell to take the head witch to wherever her sisters are. They don't say where the witches are cast out to. The witches are sent to Hell, limbo land, other dimensions, the ghost world, something outside of time, Witch Heaven, or I don't know. It turns out the black girl was a witch. She gets the book. Hence setting up they want to do Hocus Pocus 3. It seems clear to me they totally killed off the three witches while trying to pass it on to these 3 girls. But not that they could not bring back the older witches again. I wonder if Roy is reading any of this. I think Roy is not reading this. It ends with the 3 new girls becoming the new witches. It ends the same way the original started. I did not know about a post-credit scene. Perhaps they may bring back the old witches again. It sort of seem like they were trying to tun the witches into good people. Which is a common theme for many years now. Another example is Maleficent. Played by Angelina Jolie. Normally, the bad guys are bad in movies. Meaning Roy is wrong. The idea of this movie is it is ok to do magic if you are a good person. The witches died in 1693. Wait, the cat Salem died in the first movie. That means that same cat is not in the second movie.





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


01:28 PM - Discord
This girl was probably only 25. She was probably married. She wanted to practice English. I was oddly attracted to her but was trying to keep it professional. My body wanted her but my heart was saying don't go that road. That was the only time I saw that girl. She like never came back or well I was not at that cafe all the time. But there was also this other chick too from across the street from that cafe. There is a story to be told about this second girl. Oddly enough, this was only like seven months after Kathy. I think this photo was taken in November of 2013. Roy said he saw this movie referring to the Alex Jones trial. Did you see tomorrow? If you need my photos, why not go on Facebook? If you need my photos, go onto Facebook. By the way, too many people in the world lie about this. For too many years people lie about this. This lie continues everywhere. I continue to hear people repeat the lie. Roy does not even know which lie. I have not even said which lie. Roy has no idea which lie I am talking about. You do NOT need a Facebook to see things on Facebook. People are so dumb. Same thing with Twitter. If somebody blocks you on Twitter, just copy the link and log out. Roy, you are not a computer person. It may be true that some things are hard to see on Facebook when you are not logged in. Same thing with Twitter. There are ways around it. It might be like a hack but it works. I am not that smart but I figured out the hacks. I could easily explain the work around. Roy is an IDIOT. It may be true that some things are very hard to see on Facebook when you are not logged in. However, some things are a little easier to see. For example, it may be easier to see a page than it is to see an account on Facebook even when you are NOT logged in. It is challenging for the general public because they don't know the difference. Most people have no idea what I am talking about. With Twitter, you can use the search engine on Twitter even while you are NOT logged in. You can also go to specific Twitter links without logging in first. Now, the hack to make it work may require the act of refresh the page a few times. You have to think like a hacker. You can trick Twitter into showing you things even when logged out. You just hack to press a few buttons a few times in the right combination. Like a video game where you are fighting with different combos. I will explain it to you. Because you are so old. Step one, you go to https://twitter.com and it says log in. That first step is wrong. That first step fools most people. Most people look at that and think they have to log in. Step one, go to this link: https://twitter.com/hello. It does not even have to be that link. Step two, tell me what you see on that screen. When doing this test, make sure you are logged out before trying this. What do you see at the top of the screen? Do you see a Twitter search bar? Type something in the search bar and click enter. After getting search results, then click on a search result. If you get Twitter search results, what happens after you click on a search result? This the second lie. They try to fool you twice. There is a work around. I am going to blow your mind with this hack. Your mind will explode with happiness. When I tell you this big secret. You have no idea how simple this hack is. I am about to tell you this secret. I cannot believe it is a secret. Because it is so easy to do. Even a Roy Merrick can do it. Give me an example of a search result. Roy, which one did you click on? What happened when you clicked on https://twitter.com/smthlikeyou11? Roy is very old. I'm getting mixed messages from Roy Merrick.

Roy Merrick is saying two things. Roy is saying he CANNOT see anything on Twitter without logging in. But Roy is also showing us what he is seeing on Twitter. Roy is literally contradicting himself. You cannot show us a photo of a man and a photo of Twitter trying to make you log in at the same time. But that is what Roy did. Either Roy is lost or Roy is scamming us. I cannot really say which. Roy is learning Twitter. The Facebook hack is a little harder to explain perhaps. Roy, the Twitter hack requires trial and error. Currently, Twitter is acting differently to me right now than like in 2021, as in a year ago. Roy is making excuses with his Gigantic Hog Piece sticking out. Roy, click on https://www.facebook.com/JoeyArnoldVN. Roy, make sure you are not logged into Facebook when clicking on the link. Roy, if you are not logged into Facebook, click on my link. Roy died. Roy had to take out his teeth. Long story short, you can see some things on Facebook even while LOGGED OUT. Roy Merrick has two options, make an account on Facebook or follow my easy to follow guide on how to outsmart Facebook in only 200 simple to follow steps. Roy has no excuses. Roy must keep in mind the different between a Facebook account and a Facebook page. Roy may not REALLY know the difference. Roy, click on https://www.facebook.com/ooja4. Roy, click on https://www.facebook.com/ooja4/photos_albums. I kept some of my weekly photo albums there. I also kept some of them on a few other locations on Facebook as well these past few years. Roy said a second ago he cannot see my photos. One second before that, Roy was like he cannot see anything on Twitter. I don't have like each weekly photo album at one page. Sometimes, I am not able to post to one page or one account. More photo albums. Joey Arnold Facebook Group features Roy. You.

My life on Facebook from 2006 to 2013 is mostly gone now. I have no idea how much they STOLE from me. Mark Zuckerberg stole EIGHT FUCKING YEARS from my life on Facebook. In other words, Robot Mark STOLE MY FUCKING BIKE. I was posting photos I found on Facebook from 2012. One of the reasons I was sharing those photos here is because it's rare to find Facebook Oatmeal Content from before 2014. I've had around 500 entities on Facebook meaning 200+ groups, 200+ pages, and almost 100 accounts total. I've had my current Facebook profile account, @ JoeyArnoldVN, since 2014, meaning for the past nine years to 2022. Meaning I've had this current main official Facebook account longer than my SECRET LOST FACEBOOK LIFE which lasted roughly eight years prior to my current life on Facebook as Joeyarnoldvn. Some of my Facebook groups , accounts, photos, videos, posts, comments, and pages created before 2014 still exist on Facebook at least for now. However, some of my main Facebook accounts have been suspended or what have you. I am thinking of writing an article to feature links to where some of my photo albums might be. I don't know how many tens of thousands of photos I have scattered all across the Internet. Too many to count. When people block you on Twitter, you can still see them. There are hacks. Log out and then go to their Twitter. Problem solved.

Roy Merrick is NOT online. Facebook Roy blocked me or something. I think Roy gave up. I stopped responding to his job hunting advice. I chose not to react to his jokes. I called him old. Roy had enough of it. Roy is gone now. Facebook Roy. Facebook Roy blocked my Joeyarnoldvn account on Facebook. Facebook Roy account.

Facebook Roy shared a video of a 97 year old man who was always eating lunch each day for years at Arby's. Why did Facebook Roy block me? Last thing I did was ask him why he was always online. He said a few days ago he left it on. So, I didn't respond. Today, Facebook Roy blocked right at the same time Discord Roy logged off Discord for the first time in like weeks. A crazy coincidence if the two Roys are not the same person. Still possible for them to be two people. Why would Discord Roy and Facebook Roy both log off at the same time on the same day? Facebook Roy (FR) is still in my Facebook Messenger private messaging group. FR said there is a haunted house in his neighborhood. Roy will come back and say he had to restart his computer. Roy Kenobi. Roy is trying to steal my spotlight. Roy Merrick stole my bike. Roy Merrick took my job. It might be that Roy intends never to come back here. But he may be back.

Roy John Erikson
November 6, 2020

There is a solution to this. Match all ballots to social security database. All legal citizens have a social security number. Those are the ones that matter. Deaths are reported to social security within a week of death. They also have addresses for everyone. As far as counting military should count and run polling offices. We need to recount all states.

2020-11-09 - Monday - 10:17 AM
Joey Arnold to Facebook Roy: "Have you seen my blog? The link is on my Facebook under my banner photo and next to my avatar profile picture. I will share this link there to help more people see it. You should have a blog too like I said before in my other comment earlier."

He did not respond to that comment of mine. Roy will probably be back in a month. In my experience with Roy since 2019, he interacts a whole bunch for a few days or less and then he disappears for a few weeks. He usually keeps that type of pattern going.

Roy John Erikson
April 19, 2020
I’m surprised humanity is still here, we were supposed to die 30 years ago from acid rain,ozone depletion, Y2K , global warming, global cooling, Chernobyl, Fukushima, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Swine flu, Avian flu and nuclear winter, not counting we should’ve run out of gas 10 years ago....this was all touted by “experts” and hyped by the media.....still here....still scaring the sheep.....

Is @Roy Merrick#5961 still a member of this server? Yes. Last thing Roy said was how easy it would be to steal Oatmeal's identity. I was going through Facebook Roy's timeline. Where garlic Roy touch him? The fattest point. I posted a photo of myself similar to that. I think Roy did it because of that. I argue not nudes because you can't actually see my hog. I would tell Roy in Infocomms in 2019 I could find him. Roy would talk to me on YouTube. I eventually stopped caring about looking for him when I became friends with him on Facebook. Larry is not on a laptop right now. Larry has a desktop at home but his two laptops are usually not at home. If Larry was Facebook Roy, then who the heck is in those photos? A man cannot really have two sets of views on everything. Therefore, the two Roys have to have some things in common with each other.

13HCM photo albums
Oo Joey Arnold photo albums
Jarnoldusa photo albums

The Original Oatmeal photo albums
Joey Arnold VEVO. Oatmeal without Water is You without Jesus. Created: October 1, 2011.
Joey Arnold VEVO.
Joey Arnold Shares Everything (JASE) photo albums
Joeyarnoldx photo albums
JA Photo Biography photo albums
Random Recognition photo albums
44 Tapes photo albums

2009-08-20 - Mirror Mask, Jim Henson movie, Dennis Tipton
2009-09-16 - Constantine movie
2009-10-26 - Monday - 07:00 PM - Meet The Robinsons
2009-10-30 - Friday - 07:30 PM - Cumbo family: Teresa, Don: 1837 Tamarack Way, Forest Grove, Oregon. Not sure if this was the time I went with Katie to see the Cumbo family or not.
2010-08-14 - Saturday - 03:00 PM - fixed my bike, new peddle arm
30 years of inspiration photo album featuring some of my photos as of 2015
lxhcm videos
Ja English photo albums
Therock Nguyen was my student at the Leaf Pagoda in 2013 and also other places too in 2014. We had many adventures off and on for many months. He became one of my English managers in charged with customer service between me and my students. So, he did that on and off for months. I had a series of managers on and off while in Vietnam.
September 12, 2014. I have over 10,000 Facebook Friends.
Loan Nguyen and I worked at the same school in 2013, she taught art, she would talk to me on the phone, we both attended the vacation trip to Dalat.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

Hocus Pocus 2

2022-10-04 - Tuesday - 03:00 AM - 04:37 AM - Hocus Pocus 2

1653 backstory. Salem. I think in America. Garlic stops vampires. Salt stops witches. I wanted to say it is like a reboot but in many ways it is not. I mean as far as the main plots outside of it being the same witches coming back. I like the teenage witch.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Hocus Pocus 2

2022-10-04 - Tuesday - 03:00 AM - 04:37 AM - Hocus Pocus 2

01:45 PM
Rekieta Law - Live - Waiting for Darrell Brooks and Alex Jones Activity - Destiny, Keffals, Who Knows!

01:46 PM
Law & Crime - Watch Live: Alex Jones Defamation Trial: Sandy Hook 'Hoax' Lawsuit - Connecticut Trial Day Twelve

06:09 PM
Tim Pool - Timcast IRL - Woke Twitter Staff FACES MELT After Elon Buyout FINALIZING w/Red-Headed Libertarian

11:49 PM
Jordan Peterson - The Biology of Good and Evil | Frans de Waal | #269

11:54 PM
Jordan Peterson - Julian Assange: Free Speech Martyr? Featuring Stella Assange | #293

Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at noon. Bird feeder. Talked about Hocus Pocus 2 on Discord until 01:43 PM. Breakfast. Eat. See food log. Lunch. Vacuum. Back patio. Compost. Watering. Mail. Dishes. Window cleaning to 04:38 PM. Dinner, 06:07 PM. No class. Food log: Breakfast: 2 bananas, 01:43 PM. Lunch: salad, 01:51 pm. Dinner: salmon, 06:07 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE

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