
EZ Finds KathyBike. I want to try to contrast my memories with whatever the facts might be. Also, he didn't start it. I was watching the show Alex did the day Sandy happened. He said it was sad people died. He then talked about how Obama wants our guns. They were mostly trying to go after what Alex said a few times over the years. He said a few things. But most of what he said was based on what other people said. Most of what Alex said was then taken out of context. It's insane how out of context it is.

October | 2022
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
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Dream Studio | Hugging Face | Joey Arnold on Hugging Space | Spaces | Hugging Tree: Stable Diffusion

Vietnam is Awesome






2014 Oatmeal Leaf Pagoda Kung Fu Fighting Party

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-10-07 - Friday | Published in October of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

04:05 AM
Joey Arnold - Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 107: The Eye Spoiler Review, Volcano, Gandalf, Sauron, Demon Angels



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


11:34 AM - Discord
On SnapChat, I shared a few photos and videos to my public story. I did not send them to individuals or to groups. In the photo Roy posted, I'm not holding anything, just a fist. I think I've fully explored the limits of SnapChat. I wanted to see what would happen if I posted content like that.

Roy, why are you so interested in watching a murderer in court? I would give him 10 seconds to give me a good reason to extend court. If he was driving that vehicle, then he did it. Are you suggesting he did not drive that SUV? Is he being framed? Is he unable to find out who framed him? Who owned the SUV? Order in the court, show me the title to the SUV. What does pre-crime videos have to do with the crime itself? What color was the vehicle? Red maroon color. The license plate ending in 256. Why is there video of him getting arrested? Who made that video of Brooks getting arrested? Doorbell cameras are recording audio and not just video? Most security cameras only have video, no audio. At least historically in the past for like decades. Did the plaintiff get to say anything yet? Ford Escort. Has the trial not begin yet? What stage of the trial are we at?

Order in the court. Mister, I don't care what your name is Darrell Brooks. When I'm saying your name or something close enough to it. If I'm looking at you. If I'm pointing at you. Wether your name is Darrell, Da-Rell, Darek, or even Dare Dare. If you try to pull this crap about your name one more time, I'm fining you $500 each time you make a big deal about it. You're into some nerdy stuff huh.

08:28 PM
Yeah. Memory is an unreliable narrator. But it is all we got. Many people might say something happened to them when they were five years old. In reality, maybe they were actually seven when the event happened. Many people will say who cares when it happened. But knowing when it happened will show the sequences of events. If the sequences of your own life is out of order, then the sequences of the progression and regression of your life will be out of order. And upon analyzing said sequences, you may in fact come up with inaccurate conclusions. I think Roy drew my garage using Paintbrush.


2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


11:56 AM
Doomcock on She-Hulk. He is a YouTuber. He wears a helmet and says Hollywood sucks. He is so popular that they created characters that looked just like him for the She-Hulk show. For years, Overlord DVD Doomcock has been ranting and raving on YouTube in his videos. So shut your pipe hole. And don't you dare smoke it. Because that'd be illegal. Oh Darrell, I heard you have a 20 inch hog, maybe we can settle this case in my chambers. It is almost lunch time and I do need to clean my hot secretary glasses. Angry Birds versus big pigs. Order in the court. Joey Arnold, what did you say about my sexy glasses? Come see me in my chambers, I have some books I want you to dust.

Violent Night





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:25 PM
Darrell had three years to prepare for this, if he was framed then he should be able to prove it. Wait. He had a year. November 21 of 2021? Is that when it happened? Ok. Are you saying law requires plaintiffs? Roy, are there not plaintiff lawyers?

My Brother

Rick & Maria live in Honduras. They generally come back to Oklahoma yearly. Headquarters might be in Oklahoma. My brother will sometimes call up my mom here a few times each year and talk for several hours each time. My brother does not call up me. My sisters call up my mom sometimes, they talk. But they don't talk to me. Nobody wants to talk to me. I can barely talk with my own mom. My mom bothers me all the time with work. My mom talks at me sometimes. But it can be very hard to really talk to her. I disagree with the idea that no problems would be better. Gay marriage is not a thing. Marriage has a definition. Two guys can be in a union or whatever you want to call it. One problem with that is the involvement government has in marriages, gay marriages, unions, etc. I created a blog for my brother on Hive Blog. I gave him the password. I asked him first and he said ok. The legal definition of marriage is retarded. I need a link to that alleged Kathy Facebook account. I have been looking for Kathy for years. Kathy. Kathy. Mutual friend, Thu Nguyệt. Each question would probably take me ten hours to answer. According to that Facebook, Kathy is not dead as of yesterday. Brent Groth bailed me out of jail for $500 in 2012. Why is the live chat not disabled? The Law&Crime YouTube channel disabled live chat. Order in the court. Why is the live chat here not turned off? Why are you so scared of free speech? Roy sides with tyrants. They disabled it. They ATTACKED free speech. That channel. That channel has a second live stream. That same YouTube channel has two live streams going at the same time. They turned off the chat. No reason to. Roy HATES FREE SPEECH. The live comments and the regular comments are disabled. It is still live right now. But the chat is disabled. This has nothing to do with earlier. Roy is trying to change the subject. Roy tries so hard to change the subject. It is present-tense. It is always turned off. It is always turned off. Roy is lying. I like Roy's memes. I don't like how Roy lies. If the lies were funny, that would be one thing. Am I the only one that knows the truth? I do not know why Roy lies. If Roy had a million followers, then he would have people to lie to. But nobody is here. I don't know if Roy is just joking or what. I would not turn off the live chat and the regular comments for Alex Jones related content. Only Alex Jones content. Everything else is kept on. They only turn off Alex Jones video comments. Insane. Do I know Thu? Who is Thu? My Facebook said I had one mutual friend. I do not know who Thu is. I am connected to at least 27,000 people on Facebook. How am I supposed to remember 27,000 people? More than 27K really. Well, it is possible I have seen Thu before. I look at her photos but I don't recognize Thu.

05:32 PM
I sort of want to believe my mom would understand things at the same level I do about everything, so I sometimes end up trying to get her to see what I see. I am learning that I cannot really win my own mother to my way of thinking about the world. I always thought we would believe and think the same things. It's weird because we are both like politically conservative or so I thought. But it seems like actually we are not. Sometimes I feel like I can get along with people who not in the same political boat I'm in. What matters to me is being around people who can listen and who can like understand what I am saying. Finishing up with my mom. It is hard for me to understand my mom. When I try to summarize what my mom said she might say no when I try to paraphrase and reword what she said. My dad was born with the name Donald Melvin Rasp at 1950-09-26 in Los Angeles, California to Peter Jr. Marinus Rasp and Mary Margaret Hocking. I need to discover the origin of the Rasp family tree. Some of our computers in the 1990s came from Steve Jenson. Sometimes my dad would be paid not with money but with one of Steve's old computer for a few different Christmases. My dad sometimes would drive. So, we would drive around and work. KathyBike would stock me and try to find other people who hated me too to form a club. Thảo Thảo. KathyBike is friends with a bunch of people who have mutual friends with me on Facebook. Think of it like CSI, Criminal Minds, Law & Order. When you have people in the interrogation room, when you're asking them if they murder people, it's almost like asking people if they knew Oatmeal. People don't want to say anything about it. So for the most part, people will say nothing or very little. If I try to talk to people, I may just get blocked. Some Vietnamese believe to run away from bad luck. Some Vietnamese have declared me as bad luck. Mentally and spiritually, many Vietnamese are subscribed to Buddhism, so the tend to believe that if a person is giving you bad luck, get away and never look back ever again. It is critical beyond to anything to safe face in Asia, lie if you have to they say. It would be hard to rekindle what was never actually a fire. The kind of questions I would ask may trigger her. I would basically ask all the questions I have already asked many times these past nine years. I have published on my blog some of the questions and conversations we have had. In some ways, I sort of know the answers to some of these questions. Kathy, why did you first meet me in person in February of 2013? She met me because she likes meeting foreigners. I would ask Kathy if she The Honey Girl. After going to Vietnam, I met Hanoi Anna who brought me to Hanoi. While in Hanoi, I met The Honey Girl. Joy got me to Vietnam. After that, Hanoi Anna was the main person that got me to Hanoi. After that, I met The Honey Girl, AKA Tracy, who I met on Couch Surfing. She met me in person in Hanoi and encouraged me to go to Saigon. I also first met Kathy on Couch Surfing. I went couch surfing at Tracy's in Saigon. For the first week, I went with Tracy's to her hometown for Tet. I told Kathy I was in Saigon. For the first week, I was not in Saigon. The day I came back to Saigon, I met Kathy in person. I got to update my articles on Kathy because all of that above is full of typos. Kathy might have said she knew The Honey Girl. Nice dictionary. I bought all of these nice things and left them in Vietnam. Honey had like an American BF. Kathy maybe knew Honey somehow. Honey had a grandpa in San Francisco. Kathy might have wanted to get back at with Honey. I had a cat named Honey. Info about Honey is on my blog. Kathy maybe had sex with me as a revenge against Honey. I am not totally sure if this is true or what. But there appeared to be something weird happening. When I first met Kathy, she talked to Honey in Vietnamese. They went back and forth for like many minutes. I have no idea what they said to each other because I don't know Vietnamese. Kathy met me Sunday. That was the first day. We drove around. We went places. Day two, Kathy drove me around again. Day three, same thing but this time it ended with sex. Day four, Honey kicked me out. So, then I was on Facebook freaking out. I was yet again in a bad situation I thought. I forget exactly what I said on Facebook. But I was like trying to find a new home. It was identical to when I first came to Vietnam. I arrived in Vietnam Thursday. I became homeless on Tuesday, day six. This was in December of 2012. Likewise, I was at Honey's house and became homeless on day four. Almost identical story-line. Major girl-line goes like this. Joy. Hanoi Anna. Honey. KathyBike. JolieFYG. Those are possibly the top five girls or players during my first five months in Vietnam. When I say top, I mean in regards to being major in my autobiography. Kathy, were you jealous of Honey's American boyfriend in February of 2013? In many ways, I don't exist in the minds of many people. That is why I try so hard to archive everything. Because if I didn't I wouldn't exist because people who knew me will say they don't know me. So Go knows who knows me. That is the crazy part. Because most people will lie and say they don't know me. Or they will say very little. Or they will lie about the details. Judas. People don't want to be associated with me. That is why I will just write about it on my blog so it can be on the record forever. And people can still lie about it. All I can do is tell my side of the story. At least my version of the story.


I want to try to contrast my memories with whatever the facts might be. Our memories can fail us. Peeling back the layers of the onion, the memories of one's life, can help reveal what happened psychologically, socially. Some of my thoughts regarding my life may be TOOOOOOOOO inaccurate. But I will never know if I don't examine it. I am not going to say I am right about everything I say. But in the art of telling my story, I can only beginning telling my story by telling what I remember. Say for example, if I remember seeing Home Alone 2, I can write about my memories about that. Step two would be to cross reference that would confirmed dates. It turns out that movie premiered in theaters in November of 1992. So, if my memories said I saw that movie in January of 1992, I could write that down. But then I should followed that with saying the movie didn't come out until November of 1992. The conclusion might be that some or all of my memories associated with seeing Home Alone 2 either happened as we saw it in theaters and/or perhaps some of the memories are from other events from other dates in time whether that be before or after. But something like this acts as a historical landmark. If time was a map, it is like a dark forest. It is easy to get lost in the map of time. Most people give up and remain lost. So, I try to write down my memories and I try to correlate that with confirmed historical landmarks. I thought she was married or something. If you do end up recording a video chat with KathyBike, I think you know which things might trigger her. I cannot tell you what to do or what you should do. If I was in your position, I don't know what I would do as an interviewer. The best advice might be to let the interviewee say whatever and then just nudge the interviewee to expand upon whatever comes out sort of thing. An interviewer has to be like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets and triggered sensitive buttons. If I was you, I might try to open with a brief introduction on the Memes World's Oatmeal Documentary. You say this is what Memes World is. This is how we ran into Oatmeal. We started making the Oatmeal Documentary series. We are curious about what people think about Oatmeal. How did you first come across Oatmeal? Oh, you first saw Oatmeal on Couch Surfing? Ok. You could try to encourage her to talk forever. Maybe you can get a lot of revealing info from KathyBike if you can get her to rant, to open up. Kathy had a temper at times in 2013. She may be different now. She got mad at me at times. I don't know if you might trigger her if you try too hard with questions or anything else. I cannot say how different or how the same she might be now. KathyBike said to me she had a kid. I think I last saw Kathy in person in 2015. I think she looked pregnant at that time. I don't really know the truth. And I don't know if you should ask her if she is single, if she has kids, where she lives, what she does, or what. Kathy likes Americans. I think she would try to talk to foreigners in Vietnam. You might be able to get KathyBike to talk because she is attracted to Americans, you might be able to pull her in.

I interacted with KathyBike in person from February to April of 2013. The last time I saw KathyBike in person, like two or three times during like the first or second week of April of 2015. I think it was on a Saturday. I probably wrote it down somewhere. One time at the park. We went to my church one time. She drove me to her aunt. We took a nap. She wanted me to hold her. She drove really fast. I only saw and interacted with Kathy in person in 2013 and 2015. I interacted with KathyBike online via CouchSurfing, Facebook, email, and that's probably all the different places, off and on many times over the years from around like 2012 to 2019. I imagine maybe nothing after 2019.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 107: The Eye

2022-10-07 - Friday - 02:19 AM - 04:05 AM - Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 107: The Eye

Gandalf has a tree branch fall on kid hobbits. He gets an apple and walks off. He made a flower grow out of a tree. Volcano. Girl elf and boy. Orcs. Dwarves and the elf guy. Volcano land creation. Angel demon people. Monster under dwarf land.

12:18 PM
Universal - Violent Night - Official Trailer

Girl gets a walky talky to talk to Santa. People come to steal millions of dollars from their safe. Santa Clause does a Die Hard to save the day. It's a unique adaptation to take Santa from being Bad Santa to being Fighting Santa.

12:33 PM
RV & Truck Travel - Driving around Shelton, Washington

2:54 - the music store was across the street from the KeyBank. The mail boxes was falling over, so we added cement.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:07 AM
Megan Fox - Clips: Nick Rekieta on Alternative Platforms

The JACK SHOW was fun to watch.

02:05 AM
Tim Pool - Timcast IRL - Ukraine Calls For Pre-Emptive Strikes On Russia To "Prevent" Nuclear War w/Joel Berry

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 107: The Eye

2022-10-07 - Friday - 02:19 AM - 04:05 AM - Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power 107: The Eye

12:18 PM
Universal - Violent Night - Official Trailer

12:33 PM
RV & Truck Travel - Driving around Shelton, Washington

06:40 PM
Tim Pool - Timcast IRL - Biden Roasted For HILARIOUS GAFFE, Democrat Confidence In his Brain GONE w/Bill Ottman

Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:10 AM. Forget dreams. As I walked out to get breakfast, I hear mom scream as she was coming back to the kitchen from the front garage. She must have ran her toe into something. That happens sometimes. It got bruised up a little. Breakfast, 11:22 AM. Eat. See food log. Digging post holes for fence around the raspberry bed. The entire area including the raspberries by the driveway in the front yard. 8 posts that are 8 feet tall. 18 inches down. 3 inches of rocks at the bottom. Gravel and cement to be added. Posts to be 8 feet apart minus the gate which is 4 feet long. Plus six feet apart from the driveway to the neighbor's wooden fence. About twelve feet wide there. 6 posts long at 8 feet each minus 4 feet for one means means 44 feet long. That is the area. I dug 2 holes. I started the other holes. Now it is 05:00 PM, time for dinner. Mom is watching Big Sky season 3. I've not seen that season yet. Only the first two. My mom tells me a story. She has a hard time explaining what she means. On Big Sky, a buyer wants to buy a house at a listing price based on a previous year. Well, my mom said previous year. I cannot talk to my mom because she is so bad at talking. For example, we got in an argument today about Big Sky. It is season 3 of Big Sky. My mom was trying to tell me about something about it. I just wanted to know the difference between what the listing price might be between one year and the next year. I tried several times trying to ask what I thought was a pretty simple question. But each time I try to ask her, she goes on a rant about a bunch of things. I am sure people feel like this when they talk to me. Because I like to rant and stuff too. So this may sound like a bunch of hypocrisy coming from me. The new Scooby Doo. My mom was telling me the house was being auctioned. So she was explaining how the price is higher now. I said yeah I know I know. Like I don't care about the auction and the bidding wars as there are more potential buyers this year than last year. I just wanted to know if listing prices for houses are renewed each year automatically like every twelve months or what. I just wanted to know what might be the most recent listing price. But all she could say was a big complexity of different data points. After like many minutes, I think the conclusion might be that it has not actually been 12 months yet. Which confuses the Hell out of me because she was like last year. But she didn't actually mean last year. I would just say what is the most recent listing price? I would just ask again and again. I think the conclusion is she does not know. Which is a pattern me and Katie have noticed and have talked about since the 1990s. My mom refuses to say I don't know. Sometimes my mom might say I don't know about something. So I try not getting into arguments with my mom because when I do we argue over like semantics. Cuz they don't want Scooby Do to be racist. Crystal came over like in 2020 with her then BF. I saw Katie and Crystal in a video phone call with my mom, Thanksgiving 2019. Rick was here in 2019. Rick chats with me on Facebook sometimes. Compost. Mail. Dishes from 07:20 PM to 08:27 PM. Fence update to be center of one post to the center of the next. Class. Food log: Breakfast: orange, coffee, 11:22 AM. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: potato, soup stuff, 05:00 PM. More, 08:30 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE ChinhPham0107: Son Class 0043: 2022-10-07 - Friday - 09:28 PM. Hugging Space. Resolution for TVs are important. Another important thing might be the type of glass or material it uses. Especially for phones. Some glass may be stronger. I am on a Lenovo Yoga. IBM made some strong durable laptops. Alien Ware make computers with powerful GPUs. Top laptops. When buying a computer, a person should find out how much money they can spend. After that, try to determine minimum requirements that a computer must have. For me, I would not want a computer with less than 32 GB of RAM say for example. My Yoga laptop is using Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz. My laptop has 2 physical CPU cores and 4 virtual cores. I think my laptop has no GPU. I think 8 cores would be better.

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