
What in the world is Pocket Ball?

Masks Causes Bacteria Pneumonia. My-Body-My-Choice No-Mask Sign. Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030. Why is South Africa cancelling the Covid Vaccine? There is also related news in Brazil, India, etc. See, people are dying from vaccines. They've been spending billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths for decades globally. They murder people who expose this or worse in most cases. You have no idea how bad it is. Bill Gates and others are involved in giving vaccines to people around the world. That is why Bill Gates is banned in so many countries. In other news, there may be someday selling cloned synthetic children meat to encourage people to eat. Hell, they may have it ready already. Celebrity meat actually. The only we defeat this invisible enemy is to decide our own destiny. 80% of people who died of Covid in Canada were in nursing homes. 101 Pocketball Journal Scans Uploaded.

Covid Vaccines Are Murdering People

Why are over 75% of U.S. military troops refusing the Covid Vaccine? Because vaccines kill people. But more than that, the Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. It utilizes mRNA which turns your cells into virus factories. That is what mRNA is. See, the M on mRNA means MESSENGER. This is Basic Biology & Science 101 For Dummies here. The vaccine literally sends messages or mRNA into the cell nucleus to tell it to make specific items. Covid-19 and the alleged vaccines in response to it are both GMO-like chimera monsters. They're a combination of different viruses, different things, I'm talking Frankenstein on a microscopic level. I've been talking about this many times. That is why so many people and so many countries are saying no to the vaccines. And again, the Covid Vaccines are not even vaccines to begin with. I wouldn't even be surprised if nano-tech is involved among other things in regards to these things which are murdering people right now. Sadly, they're blaming the mRNA deaths on Covid. So, they're trying very hard to make you think that you need to take monthly vaccines. And the more people die, the more they'll say, "Hurry up, you need even more vaccines, etc." Remember, they have spent billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths. They murdered many people who tried exposing them. Fake news would never tell you all of this because they're fake news.

Why is Switzerland rejecting the Covid Vaccine?

Why is South Africa cancelling the Covid Vaccine?

Why is India rejecting the Covid Vaccine?

Why is Australia rejecting the Covid Vaccine?

Why is Sri Lanka rejecting the Covid Vaccine?

Why is military rejecting the Covid Vaccine?

Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030.

Masks Causes Bacteria Pneumonia.

February of 2021

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2021-02-26 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-26 - Friday
Published in February of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-02-26 22:22:16 My-Body-My-Choice No-Mask Sign.png

My-Body-My-Choice No-Mask Sign

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Why is South Africa cancelling the Covid Vaccine? There is also related neews in Brazil, India, etc. See, people are dying from vaccines. They've been spending billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths for decades globally. They murder people who expose this or worse in most cases. You have no idea how bad it is. Bill Gates and others are involved in giving vaccines to people around the world. That is why Bill Gates is banned in so many countries.

Why are over 75% of U.S. military troops refusing the Covid Vaccine? Because vaccines kill people. But more than that, the Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. It utilizes mRNA which turns your cells into virus factories. That is what mRNA is. See, the M on mRNA means MESSENGER. This is Basic Biology & Science 101 For Dummies here. The vaccine literally sends messages or mRNA into the cell nucleus to tell it to make specific items. Covid-19 and the alleged vaccines in response to it are both GMO-like chimera monsters. They're a combination of different viruses, different things, I'm talking Frankenstein on a microscopic level. I've been talking about this many times. That is why so many people and so many countries are saying no to the vaccines. And again, the Covid Vaccines are not even vaccines to begin with. I wouldn't even be surprised if nano-tech is involved among other things in regards to these things which are murdering people right now. Sadly, they're blaming the mRNA deaths on Covid. So, they're trying very hard to make you think that you need to take monthly vaccines. And the more people die, the more they'll say, "Hurry up, you need even more vaccines, etc." Remember, they have spent billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths. They murdered many people who tried exposing them. Fake news would never tell you all of this because they're fake news.

Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Masks Causes Bacteria Pneumonia.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Why is South Africa cancelling the Covid Vaccine? There is also related neews in Brazil, India, etc. See, people are dying from vaccines. They've been spending billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths for decades globally. They murder people who expose this or worse in most cases. You have no idea how bad it is. Bill Gates and others are involved in giving vaccines to people around the world. That is why Bill Gates is banned in so many countries.

Why are over 75% of U.S. military troops refusing the Covid Vaccine?

Why are over 75% of U.S. military troops refusing the Covid Vaccine? Because vaccines kill people. But more than that, the Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. It utilizes mRNA which turns your cells into virus factories. That is what mRNA is. See, the M on mRNA means MESSENGER. This is Basic Biology & Science 101 For Dummies here. The vaccine literally sends messages or mRNA into the cell nucleus to tell it to make specific items. Covid-19 and the alleged vaccines in response to it are both GMO-like chimera monsters. They're a combination of different viruses, different things, I'm talking Frankenstein on a microscopic level. I've been talking about this many times. That is why so many people and so many countries are saying no to the vaccines. And again, the Covid Vaccines are not even vaccines to begin with. I wouldn't even be surprised if nano-tech is involved among other things in regards to these things which are murdering people right now. Sadly, they're blaming the mRNA deaths on Covid. So, they're trying very hard to make you think that you need to take monthly vaccines. And the more people die, the more they'll say, "Hurry up, you need even more vaccines, etc." Remember, they have spent billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths. They murdered many people who tried exposing them. Fake news would never tell you all of this because they're fake news.

Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030.

Screenshot at 2021-02-26 22:22:16 My-Body-My-Choice No-Mask Sign

Masks Causes Bacteria Pneumonia.

Covid X-Men Activation

2021-02-26 - Friday - 10:56 PM - Covid Log - Hive Blog

Another reason for it is to activate super human powers which may activate in the genes of some humans. That is why they're track and tracing as many people as possible. They want as many humans dead as possible. And yet, at the same time, in doing this global experiment, they also want to study and steal genetic mutations as it struggles to survive, that is observable and active evolution.

It is similar to how if you poison cockroaches, they actually end up becoming immune in roughly three generations generally. Likewise, what they're doing to the world is similar to this but at a genetic-level and at orders of magnitude higher than that. Sadly, most people will likely die before 2030 because of these things. The good news is you do not have to be a sheep heading off a cliff to your death. If you don't take my warning now, then you will be warning people later not to make the same mistake you did. Don't say I didn't warn you. If you let them stick those things in your arms, you will probably go to the hospital within days after that. You will likely be in the most pain you've ever been in. You may stay in the hospital for a few days or longer.

They'll try to give you tons of medicine, drugs, etc. They'll beg you to get vaccinations, shots, etc, each month or even more than that even. They're try to get you to come back as often as possible to go see your doctor or whoever.

See, even tho you are there because of it, they'll try to convince you of new mutations of bird diseases which are going viral and other pandemics. Don't worry, whatever they end up calling the next big thing, they'll probably fool you or your friend. But I can't feel sorry for you if you're reading this. I don't care who you are. If you reading this and you're planning to get the Covid Vaccine, then you will be sorry. If you already got one, please tell me how you're feeling and prove me wrong.

Did Australia Really Stop the Covid Vaccine?

11:04 PM - Facebook

Shane said no.

Shane Harro Harrison, the main one was discontinued. Remember there are different vaccines being developed by different companies. There was a main one for Australia and that main one was canceled. That was the main official one. It was the biggest out of the different ones for Australia. The majority of the Covid Vaccines being prepared for Australia was from this one particular company. But they stopped that. Yes, there are others, but the number one distribution of the vaccines was discontinued. Even the fact checkers had to retract to admit to this.

Shane Harro Harrison
Joey Arnold mmm nah, Australia has accepted both Oxford and Pfizer, and at least three more are waiting for approval. I have no idea what you’re talking about as you are speaking in vague and also uneducated terms

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Screenshot at 2021-02-26 22:22:16 My Body My Choice No Mask Sign

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No More Humans

2021-02-26 - Friday - 09:54 PM - Globalism Log - Hive Blog

Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030.

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Monopoly Origin

2021-02-26 - Friday - 03:55 AM - Game Log - Hive | Blog

Monopoly Origin to 1904-01-05 - Landlord Game by LG Magie

Lizzie Magie filed for a patent for her Landlord Game in 1903. The purpose of the board game was to show how rent hurts tenants and the problem with monopolism in general. For around 30 years, she tried to get her game to go viral.

Parker Brothers Inc stole her game and published it in 1935 calling it Monopoly. Talk about irony. She had a patent on the game and they still stole it and monopolized on a game she invented thirty years earlier. Her game was based on Georgism which was proposed by Henry George.

How similar is Monopoly to Life? I guess this other game called Life was more a role playing like board game. It had a bunch cards and a board. I think you made a few choices as you moved across the board to live life. But I forget how you win the game.

Welcome Back Juvie

2021-02-26 - Friday - 07:18 PM - Introduce Yourself Log - Hive Log

Welcome back, I love the Philippines but I've never been there. But so many beautiful people. I love horror, suspense, and especially love mystery including one particular Amazon+ I think show called Tell Me Your Secrets.


X22 Report


About what Trump did in like the 1980s and 1990s to help take down the mafia and stuff.

Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-26 - Friday - 03:11 AM - 04:36 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 110

John has Karen tied up. He thinks she killed people but it was actually the daughter of the crazy mother. They had a cat named Homey just like I did. Everything the daughter had was left with her tombstone. The crazy daughter kidnapped Karen's daughter who thinks she is the mother because she, Teresa, has been going to see the girl for years and got the foster mom to believe the lie that she was Karen when she wasn't.

Health Ranger

09:05 AM - Situation Update, Feb. 26th, 2021 - MAD WORLD special edition

There may be someday selling cloned synthetic children meat to encourage people to eat. Hell, they may have it ready already. Celebrity meat actually.

McAllister TV


Did he say redistribution of wealth in order to bring money back to the people, that is money which the globalists and others stole from people? Sounds like a good idea in some ways but also extremely dangerous to do for many reasons. So many reasons. Don't get me started on this one. I like money but I do not like redistribution. I don't care if it is the good guys doing the redistribution or not, it is still not a good thing to do no matter what. Of course you want to return stolen money back to the owners of the money. I don't disagree. But the process of centralizing in order to redistribute is very very very dangerous and many other things too. I'm not saying don't do it. I'm saying be careful.

What if there were too much gold?

It is true, a lot of gold means gold inflation to some degree. Now, to some extent, it would be possible to get some who want even more gold to make dinner. The problem is when gold inflation becomes gold hyperinflation. If there were to be too much gold, then you would do better changing to a different money currency using cryptocurrencies, silver, bronze, salt, water, land, diamond, some rare precious metal, or anything that can hold value and be rare enough. Because too much and too many can cause problems.

However, there has been a lot of water, land, oxygen, trees, rocks, metals, grain, etc, and especially like I said, the trees, the wood, and yet there is still a lot of value in even wood. Of course gold is worth a lot more than wood currently as wood is easier to come by. So, the value of gold could go down a lot if a lot of people ended up having a lot gold. But there would still be some value still. And I mean even Post-Gold Super Hyperinflation. That is if there were to be a bunch of more gold added to the wallets and banks of so many humans. Yeah, it would cause chaos for years for so many reasons. But long-term speaking, gold is still valuable. It would just be extremely crazy for many years if a bunch of gold was dumped on us. It would be very crazy for a while. But after everything settled, gold could then be traded like wood or ice sculptures can be traded.

General Sheperd

2021-02-26 - Friday - 08:16 PM - Covid Log - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) FRIDAY - 2/26/21

Why is South Africa cancelling the Covid Vaccine?

Why are over 75% of U.S. military troops refusing the Covid Vaccine? Because vaccines kill people. But more than that, the Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. It utilizes mRNA which turns your cells into virus factories. That is what mRNA is. See, the M on mRNA means MESSENGER. This is Basic Biology & Science 101 For Dummies here. The vaccine literally sends messages or mRNA into the cell nucleus to tell it to make specific items. Covid-19 and the alleged vaccines in response to it are both GMO-like chimera monsters. They're a combination of different viruses, different things, I'm talking Frankenstein on a microscopic level. I've been talking about this many times. That is why so many people and so many countries are saying no to the vaccines. And again, the Covid Vaccines are not even vaccines to begin with. I wouldn't even be surprised if nano-tech is involved among other things in regards to these things which are murdering people right now. Sadly, they're blaming the mRNA deaths on Covid. So, they're trying very hard to make you think that you need to take monthly vaccines. And the more people die, the more they'll say, "Hurry up, you need even more vaccines, etc." Remember, they have spent billions to trillions of dollars covering up vaccine deaths. They murdered many people who tried exposing them. Fake news would never tell you all of this because they're fake news.

@ AlicynWhitley of Tik Tok sings a song saying if you are white you are racist, even if you're woke.

The only we defeat this invisible enemy is to decide our own destiny.

Their goal is to make all humans unable to naturally reproduce by 2030.

Screenshot at 2021-02-26 22:22:16 My Body My Choice No Mask Sign

Masks Causes Bacteria Pneumonia.

80% of people who died of Covid in Canada were in nursing homes.


X22 Report


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-26 - Friday - 03:11 AM - 04:36 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 110

Health Ranger

09:05 AM - Situation Update, Feb. 26th, 2021 - MAD WORLD special edition

McAllister TV


General Shepherd

08:16 PM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) FRIDAY - 2/26/21

General Shepherd


Dear diary, got up at 08:45 AM, toes. Oh, got to go work soon. Getting up, now it is 9 AM. Time for breakfast. Was woken up by mom. The toes were squeezed. In a dream, it at night, we were in a weird basketball game, a girl had the ball and went to shoot kitten into a basketball hoop and I was on the other team and I also helped in taking kitten from her as she shot and carried the kitten up with my hands and slowly through the hoops to simulate her making a basket. And people or just the players were watching. I think some liked my choice to help her so to speak. Out around 09:35 AM. Working around 10 AM picking up yard brush, tree branches, roots, trunks, wood, leaves, twigs, taking them to a giant pile almost blocking the path towards the cow at the clear and the ranch so to speak when put together. The tractor machine was there pushing giant evergreen trunks and roots out of the ground. Actually, on our way there, he came in a big truck full of gravel, rocks, dirt, all mixed up, for the area he is doing. My parents stopped by around 11 AM or closer to noon. Mom took photos and I didn't recognize her hat at first. So, we continued working after they left. They were only there a few minutes. Around 1 PM came a guy and his son. They were there helping. Oh, they both helped and I said thanks. 2 dogs for a while since they had one too. The other house mom went to as well after she was here at Clarence, that is what you gonna do Frank, that movie when Harry Mey Sally. So, I was eating 3 slices of pizza around 3:30 PM. In the trailer, pan, potatoes which can be used for compost, a laptop which I took home, 4 GB RAM DDR3L. 800 GB HDD. I opened it up at home and took the parts out. People should do things like that more often. How to make ears grow I wonder. Picking up glass and garbage today as well. Sunny day. Big trunk near the end which was possibly formed around a rock. It is still there. The tractor device or bulldozer couldn't move it. We stopped working around 4 PM. I was home around 4:30 PM, now it is 4:51 PM. New boat here now. Nap 2 hours apx, 5 to 7 PM.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, 09:04 AM.
Lunch: 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, 3:30 PM.
Dinner: yogurt, 7 PM. and then rice, potato, fish. Maybe not a potato. And maybe something else on a plate around like 8 PM or close to it.


2021-02-26 - Friday - 09:00 AM LMS - Dream Log

In a dream, it at night, we were in a weird basketball game, a girl had the ball and went to shoot kitten into a basketball hoop and I was on the other team and I also helped in taking kitten from her as she shot and carried the kitten up with my hands and slowly through the hoops to simulate her making a basket. And people or just the players were watching. I think some liked my choice to help her so to speak.

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