Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Astral Entity Brings Home 3 Wins!


Time flies! Just completed the 60th brawl with my awesome guild, which is none other than Pizza 2 The Deep Dish!

  • Fun In The Discord Chats

Really appreciated the interaction in the Discord chats within the Pizza guilds. During the preparation phase, there's a lot of information sharing and discussion on who to fill each fray. During the brawls, there were reminders to members to complete their brawl battles. And after the brawls, there were celebratory messages and some members (including me) would write about our experience in the brawls. Aside from brawls, I thought the donations were also very well organised and tabulated, with lucky draws to incentivise donors as well.

  • Staying In Bronze Fray

For this brawl, I decided to stick to what I fought in the last fray, which was Fray 6, which was 3/2/2/1. I felt I was starting to find my grove and this fray is neither too difficult nor too easy for me.

Had 6 battles this time and it was not an easy round, especially when they have recently introduced 3 rulesets for each battle. Moreover, I have rented out most of my cards because I was playing lesser these days.

  • We Got 1st!!

So for the final result, we were back on top and 1st out of 10 guilds and got 1131 Merits and around 17 SPS! Look at that awesome result - 46 wins and only 13 losses. Amazing team effort!


Individually, I had 6 fights this time and I won 5 of them!!! Am back to my winning ways and am super delighted with my personal performance.


Let's jump into the battles!

Battle 1 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Kotriphus Bayne

This looked like an easy win in the battle but it was Astral Entity who did all the work behind the scenes. Its Resurrect and Dodge bought a lot of time for the strong Melee cards to inflict damage on my opponent. My team was stronger in terms of total HP and eventually outlasted my opponent. Kotriphus Bayne claimed his first brawl win in this Melee Mayhem ruleset!

MVP: Astral Entity


Battle 2 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Relenor Cleaver

My opponent had a max Bronze team for this battle and it was a tough battle for my Water lineup. The Goblin Psychic/Unicorn Mustang combination was hard to win and both my primary and secondary tanks fell apart easily due to Magic damage. It was Nerissa Tridawn who held on for the team and covered the backline for most parts of the battle. My Water lineups continued to bring in the wins.

MVP: Nerissa Tridawn


Battle 3 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Trapp Falloway

Be careful what you wished for! An Opportunity ruleset was the best chance of fielding Venari Marksrat to get Martyr ability activated. Of course, Drybone Raider with two attacks would be the best choice as the adjacent card. And with Astral Entity's Resurrect, it would be double boost. With up to 12 damage per round, my opponent just couldn't turn this around.

MVP: Drybone Raider


Battle 4 - WIN

Opponent fled!

Battle 5 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: None

This was just one of those crazy rulesets that you probably didn't know what to do or how to come up with a viable strategy. I only had Earth and Death to field 15 mana for a Poison battle. In the end I went for a non attacking Almo Cambio and an Astral Entity summoner for Resurrect. Fortunately, the Resurrect turned out to be very critical and I won by the slimmest of margins in this one. Astral Entity is turning out to be a top class and versatile summoner!

MVP: Astral Entity


Battle 6 - LOSE

Gladius Card Used: None

This time, the Astral Entity/Martyr combination failed as my opponent was using a card with Sneak and a Magic lineup. Astral Entity was quite helpless for this one and it's a loss.

MVP: None


So that sums up my 6 battles for this brawl! 83% win rate and that's pretty good!

Review Of Gladius Cards

Since I am able to use Gladius cards now, I thought I should review selected cards that helped me win in the brawls. Congratulations to Kotriphus Bayne for winning one of the battles! Of course, please let me know if you have any tips in using these cards too as I am keen to learn and improve too!



Kotriphus Bayne.. How do I pronounce this? With strong Melee cards in Death lineups, e.g. Cursed Windeku, Harklaw, or even Trapp Falloway and Pelacor Deceiver, there is little to no chance that this card will come in handy. At 12 HP, it is tanky but there are always better options. The only chances where I would probably use would be when there's Melee Mayhem or Super Sneak fights.

Previous Gladius Card Reviews:

  • Isgard Vorst and Katrelba Gobson - HERE
  • Witch Of Warwick - HERE
  • Orella Abadon - HERE
  • Bertrol Gobson - HERE
  • Relenor Cleaver - HERE
  • Trapp Falloway - HERE
  • Ajax Lightfoot - HERE
  • Chimney Wallstop - HERE
  • Krash Wanderford - HERE
  • Gorth - HERE
  • Sarius - HERE
  • Whistling Damon and Edith Emberstar - HERE
  • Palidon Rakk - HERE
  • Sola Ranjell - HERE
  • Alfredo - HERE
  • Cutter Brieze - HERE

Brawl Reports Of Pizza 2 Guild And More!

If you are interested to follow the guild brawls of the Pizza guilds, feel free to check out some of the brawl reports below!

That's all I have! Let me know if you have any thoughts too!

As always, thanks for reading and have a pleasant day ahead!

If you are interested to sign up to play Splinterlands, my referral link is here.

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