Read about my Foodies Birthday..

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Waking up on my birthday

Last week it was my birthday and to celebrate I wanted to have a nice lunch at a place where I figured we'd have some nice food. I tried planning a lunch at this place for a while since we visited the other location as the food was fabulous. What could go wrong, right? I'll tell you in a bit, lol.

First, let's start sharing how my day went. My daughter was more excited than me and actually said several days upfront that she was so excited for my birthday. Poor thing probably expected me to go all fancy while we were just going to have lunch, lol. But the day before, she created a nice gift together with her dad and it was a photo frame where her drawing was placed in the middle. Of course, all wrapped as a gift! I loved it. I can't share it here as her real name was written in huge letters on it. Oh, I also got delicious chocolates from Lindt. These are so fabulous, especially the pistachio ones, they have this creamy filling, Yum!

Instead of breakfast in bed, which I just find uncomfortable myself, I ordered some breakfast from Starbucks for the three of us and didn't pay attention to the healthiness as it was my birthday and I just wanted to have a fun moment together. Everyone was happy.

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Lunch at Spiler Original

Do you remember my review about Spiler Buda not too long ago? You might remember how great I found it and the awesome pictures that I took capturing the atmosphere? Well, I had high expectations for this one too, but I should have known better due to the party district area where it's located. This location seemed more like the usual Hungarian food corner where you sit with whole families and should not have the highest expectations. But instead, this one had the looks of a nice place to eat, and the prices weren't cheap either. Upon arrival, I felt like sitting in a cheap food place and when looking at the menu there was actually only one thing I dared to order, a rib-eye steak. I'm not a fan of it as usually when I order it, it sucks. But what to do, it was my birthday so I was hoping for the best! My boyfriend ordered the same and the little lady wanted pancake with Nutella.

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Waiting for the food

The waiting is always a challenge with our daughter, she's instantly bored, and I should know better and bring pencils and paper for her to draw or something. I just keep forgetting. Thankfully they had this in the restaurant so that was a big plus! The waiting for the food was average, not too long but not fast either.

When it arrived, I already had this feeling that the steak was going to be disappointing. The cutlery was not suitable for a steak either, which they only mentioned later instead of giving the proper ones immediately. Let's see what we had:

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If you have a closer look at my rib-eye steak, you can already see it doesn't really look too awesome:

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I tried cutting and cutting and failed every attempt. And it clearly wasn't just a knife issue. I started to get annoyed (just being honest) and when I seriously could only cut off a tiny bite that turned out to be indeed as horrible as it looked, I called the waiter. I mentioned that it was a disappointment and that I could not cut through the meat. He gave me other cutlery and I said this is not just the cutlery sorry, he said no worries I will replace it. So thankfully, at least they were not giving me a hard time when I complained.

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Two people done eating, my food just arrived

The downside of complaining about a dish is that you're probably the only one eating by the time the new food arrives. This was the case that day as well. That's always a bummer but I'm glad at least the new steak was of much better quality and tasted nice. I appreciate the fact that they solved my issue without fuzz and that was it for me. But honestly, I will not return here and when this happened I already decided I wasn't going to put as much effort into taking pictures as I do whenever I'm somewhere where they serve awesome food. So no images of the restaurant besides these few of the food above.

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Cake at home

We were both full from the steak but our daughter was of course looking forward to the cake part. I didn't make anything myself this year, instead, I ordered from a cakeshop as I had a few other things I wanted to try as well from this shop. The cake was some sort of mocha flavor. It was ok, but I was way too full from the food not too long before so I should have probably saved it for later for bigger pleasure haha.


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What's for dinner?

We actually forgot to think about dinner for the night and we didn't feel like cooking either. We ordered something but as it was my birthday we looked at new places that we normally avoid as they are a bit more expensive. I'm so glad we did though! TGI Friday's absolutely made up for the not-too-great lunch! Even though it was home delivery, everything was packed well and tasted GREAT!

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I know it doesn't look too special with the lack of light in the pictures, but boy, let me tell you about these ribs, my gosh! These signature glazed ribs are divine! The meat fell off the bone when touching it.

We ordered a normal-sized portion as well as a sampler dish that had the glazed ribs, prawns, and chicken bites in it. Delivered with fries and coleslaw. This was more to try what we liked honestly, but in the end, it was great as we had another portion for the next day's lunch.

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  • Header Image is my own as well as the other images used.
  • The text divider is my own design, where I sometimes use images from Canva Pro or in other cases, my own images.

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