Cheese Board From Heaven | Yum!

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I might as well admit that I love cheese!

From my childhood I loved overripe cheese, especially those that were as old as they sell them in the supermarkets. Many people think these are disgusting, well, not me! The salty flavor is so good! I can enjoy a slice of Old Amsterdam any time of the day. But not too much of it because that will bother me later on, it's a trigger for heartburn. But that doesn't stop me from eating it from time to time. It's not something that I have in the house all the time, but every month I buy it once maybe.

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The holidays made me creative with food

We usually buy some cheeses for those Christmas and New Years evenings, this is not something new. But I never actually tried to make something really special like a full cheeseboard looking as nice as this one. I wanted to create a cheese party on the table. It may have been a little overboard, and no, we definitely didn't eat this all. But it was fun to prep and enjoy it while we were eating some of it. The leftovers can be eaten the next day without a problem, but then the picture doesn't look as nice anymore because of the missing parts of all the cheese.

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How to pick the ingredients

Of course, there has to be a variety of cheese on a cheese board. But which ones is totally up to you! If you prep a board like this you can make it as crazy as you like and add as many cheeses as you want. You can also choose to only add half of the Camembert/Brie cheeses instead of adding the full cheeses like I did.

I think that cheese goes hand in hand with mustard, so I'm adding that for sure. I could have sworn that we had 2 sorts of mustard but when I was plating the board, I only had one. Shame, but we'll manage. You can also choose to add some honey or other dips if you like these.

What also goes hand in hand with cheese are pickles, I just love the combination of those. So besides four sorts of cheese on the big plate (and two bonus cheeses on a small one), I added pickles, olives, dried dates and two sorts of grapes to the plate. Of course, there were also two sorts of bread and cheese sticks involved!

I have to admit that I had several things in mind to add to the cheese board but while plating everything, it just didn't all work out for me as I had to work with the plates that were available. I seriously need a big bamboo cutting board for this.

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The presentation

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Above you see the main cheese board.

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The bread and cheese sticks.

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Two special cheeses, not even sure how they're called in English. I do know the left one is covered in mixed peppers and the right one with herbs. I never ate them before and bought them because I thought they looked nice. They turned out to be tasty, thankfully.

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Some delicious fresh bread with Camembert & Brie. Topped with some fresh parsley. Yum!

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Simple but delicious

I truly enjoy an evening with a cheese board or similar bites. The possibilities are endless, and you can make it as simple or crazy as you want. I already have some ideas for the next one, and will add some homemade salads to the plate.

This was my first time trying dried dates btw, so far I've only watched my boyfriend eat them and I didn't want to try them. But today I thought I should be more open to things that look weird and just try it. So I did, and I like them honestly. Maybe I will buy them more often as they worked well with the cheese board.

Having a nice snack in the evening doesn't have to be too complicated, and it's a nice practice to make the food look good while taking pictures.

Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day!

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