Baking for Christmas | Snowy Christmas Tree Meringues

I Love Meringues

Whenever I use egg yolks and don't need the egg whites, I try to make meringues afterward. This time I made spaghetti carbonara for my daughter and me and I always finish the recipe with egg yolks so I figured this was going to be the right moment for me to make the Christmas tree meringues that I had in mind. I usually don't do anything special when I bake meringues, rather than just dropping a spoon on the plate and don't mind how they end up looking.

This time I wanted to give the meringues a Christmas vibe and decided to add decoration to the meringues. The fun thing is that meringues are very easy to make, but you have to be careful that there isn't any egg yolk mixed in the egg whites because then your egg white won't start foaming.

The Ingredients

To bake meringues, you only need two ingredients:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 100 grams fine table sugar

You will also need:

  • mixer
  • bowl
  • oven
  • baking paper
  • baking tin
  • piping bag
  • decorations

That's it!

Let's Get Started

Preheat the oven to 90 degrees Celcius.

Put the egg whites in a high bowl if possible, I never did this until recently but I noticed the egg whites start foaming easier if I use the higher bowl. Mix them 1 minute on average speed and switch to high speed once the egg whites start to look like foam and are it's adding in volume.

Start adding the sugar one spoon at a time, mix it for at least 30 seconds before adding the next spoon. Eventually, the volume needs to be eight times higher. Continue mixing until your mix is completely white and stiff as in the image below:

I used a piping bag to create the snowy Christmas trees on the baking tray.

I know they aren't all pretty trees, but once they hit the tray, what you see is what you get. Decoration will make up for the faulty pipings of the trees. :-)

Decoration Time

Just to make sure that you are aware, please add the decoration to the meringues before letting them dry in the oven. I have made the mistake once to think that I could add decoration afterward (oops), but then the decorations won't stick because the meringues are all dried up and nothing will stick anymore. You will probably do this by default, but I thought I should mention it anyway as sometimes I make these silly mistakes when I try something new.

I used cake decoration to make it look as if there are Christmas balls and glitters in the tree. The process speaks for itself and as my fingers were all covered in tiny sticky sugar balls, I decided to skip taking a picture and show you when I placed them in the oven for 15 minutes at 90 degrees.

According to my daughter, there couldn't be enough pink balls and gold glitters on the trees, as you can see, I listened to her advice.

The End Result

And a close-up:

I have to admit that they were very tasty. they were actually perfect on the inside so it seems that I finally got the mixing of the meringue foam right this time.

If you're going to bake them yourself, enjoy them!

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