Restaurant Review: Ropogo Budapest | Healthy Food

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Home Delivery Order

Today's review is about our most recent home delivery order. I think many people recognize the fact that being able to dine in a restaurant is getting less normal, especially during months with restrictions. Luckily, many food delivery companies offer a big selection of restaurants to order meals that can be delivered to your home.

I have to admit, that unfortunately, plenty of these normally good restaurants have fewer insights into how to deliver a good meal home. Because the home delivery trend is probably quite new to some of them, they forget about quality control for home delivery orders. I personally always let my opinion known in the app hoping that they will take the feedback as constructive and make an effort to change the service where needed.

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Today we wanted to order something vegan

As my boyfriend's health acted up again last night, I wanted to make sure we would eat something healthy. I started browsing both of the food delivery apps that are offered here. It's so much easier to order something unhealthy, browsing through the restaurant offers, even when using the search words "healthy, salad, vegan etc" the app is still showing overall unhealthy food, where they have a side dish that they call a salad. I didn't stop looking until I found a restaurant that also had good quality pictures of the food as I never order something without an idea of what it looks like. Not only is the language a reason for communication issues, but I've learned that those offering good healthy food and using fresh products go proud of that and will make the effort to provide a picture of the dish so that you want to order it.

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Ropogo Restaurant

Until today, I don't think I've browsed through the menu of Ropogo restaurant before. I have to admit, that it was thanks to the pictures that I decided quite quickly after finding them to order a few dishes and try out their food. The prices were appealing as well. This is what I ordered:

  • Bulgur salad
  • Mango salad
  • Potato salad (not vegan)
  • Sweet potato crisps
  • Veganez dressing
  • Grilled chicken strips (not vegan)

Total costs including delivery fee: $18,79

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The food

As mentioned, everything (except the sweet potatoes that were packed in a paper bag) came in a decent plastic container.

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Potato salad

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Bulgur salad

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Grilled chicken

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Mango sald

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Sweet potatoes

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Veganez dressing

We both made our plate a bit different as I didn't feel like eating chicken and had the potato salad instead:

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Time to taste the food, I had never eaten bulgur in my life before, so this was a new experience for me. I was quite excited to try when I saw the bulgur salad had pistachios in it. I love pistachios!

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The mango salad was nice, the only note here is that I was disappointed that the mango was far from being ripe. I'd expect the mango in a mango salad to be ripe. Maybe next time?

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The sweet potatoes were crispy and I discovered today that I prefer them prepared like this instead of how I usually prep them in the oven (sliced).

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The potato salad was a nice side dish, simple but as expected.

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The bulgur salad was my favourite and so good! The healthy balance with the pistachios and other ingredients were delicious. I truly enjoyed this one and thanks to this order today, I now know how a good bulgur salad tastes.

The veganez dressing had garlic and fresh parsley in it and I enjoyed it together with the sweet potatoes. We were both very satisfied and could not even finish our full plate, we have plenty left for lunch tomorrow, which is awesome as it means we can enjoy this food once again tomorrow. I personally did not try the chicken but my boyfriend said it was so good! Maybe next time I will try it as well.

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Restaurant Rating

This was by far the best quality food I've ordered or eaten at a restaurant in a long time. The dishes are well balanced, and even though it contained a few ingredients I'd normally not eat/don't like, I ate everything as the combinations of the ingredients convinced me to give it a try.

The restaurant also made sure to pack each dish in a decent plastic container so no food would be spilt during delivery. The value for money offered is spot on and it is only due to the unripe mango in the mango salad that I will give the restaurant a 4.5 out of 5-star rating.

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This means that I hope that next time when I order, I can say that the food was perfect without any sidenotes. Trust me when I say that I'm a very satisfied customer that will order again. This was a very refreshing experience.

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Restaurant Info

Ropogo Budapest
1053 Budapest, Múzeum körút 41.
+36 20 959 4449

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