The Ink Well Highlights Magazine # 106


Image modified using a picture by Becca Clark from Pixabay

This periodic magazine highlights a small selection of short stories posted to The Ink Well community that stood out and were awarded a Curie vote. Thank you to all authors in The Ink Well for sharing your creative work!

Important Note

We are showcasing authors who have contributed well-written and edited stories, have read and commented on the work of other authors and comply with all of the community rules posted on our home page. These activities help our community thrive.

The following are just a few of our favorite stories from May 10 to May 16/ 2023.

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Featured Author: @mmykel




There's a somewhat high bed standing on the left side of the room when entering through the front door. And just like every other thing in the room, the bed is unkempt.

A sheet dangles from its side, preventing us from seeing under the bed. Tutyt lifts the sheet. He bends to look under the bed. In a flash, he zooms past me into the open. Impulsively, I bolted along with him. I have no chance to make out the sound I hear from beneath the bed.

While racing, the sound became clearer, even though it was now mixed with yelling from the boys. The sound is familiar. I've heard it several times. In a jiffy, everything became lucid. A lactating dog is on my heels; I am on Tutyt's. The boys are yelling at the dog to stop.


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Featured Author: @marilour

Life Agreement



Deep down, although I didn't tell her, I understood her perfectly. In small villages, their inhabitants tend to coincide in their daily habits. This builds the conception that everyone knows everyone else, giving rise to interpellations in their actions, to non-contrasted comments, almost always negative, taking away privacy in their behavior. Consequently, affecting their way of acting and living.

"Please help me. I have come to your house so that my consultation can be done here" Her words were an ordeal "I abide by all your indications. I love this baby very much. I will do everything please."

I thought quickly before giving her an answer. why not? I would comply with all the records. Only her consultation would take place in private. That way both (mother and baby) would not be subjected to the pressure of commentary.


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Featured Author: @kemmyb

The Valentine's Day Illusion



She photoshopped Cole's face from an old picture when he was younger and fit onto the face of the man in the restaurant. She uploaded the pictures to her Instagram, titling it, "Romantic dinner at Victoria & Albert's. I couldn't have asked for more. Love you, Cole. Xoxo."

Annalise slowly undressed and climbed into the bed, exhausted. She checked her bank app noting the transaction details for the bouquet of red roses and the chocolates she'd ordered the day before, the delivery fees, the gown she'd rented for a night and the cash she withdrew to pay the staff at Victoria & Albert's for a few minutes to use their table and a waiter to pose as her husband.

Her phone wouldn't stop pinging notifications of her friends' admiration of the pictures. Lisa and Clarissa sent her text messages remarking on her fairytale Valentine's Day celebration.

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Featured Author: @balikis95

Cell 7: The Toxic Race Began And Ended



Her Uncle got her chocolates and she appreciated him a lot. He was real... So she thought and her thoughts blinded her to see right through him. It was late when she realized the only reason her Uncle took good care of her was to use her to plan her parent's death and she walked right into the trap.

She wouldn't have known what brought her to Cell 7 which was the psychiatric home where her Uncle dropped her after the court charged her for her parent's murder. And it is known that you can't say you aren't mad in a psychiatric home.

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Featured Author: @yuki-nee

A King's Chocolate Obsession



Lucas felt sorry for the foreign merchant but decided that it was none of his business and was about to leave. But once he heard the name of the good that the foreign merchant needed the saltpeter for, he was stopped in his tracks and quickly approached the merchants.

"Excuse me!" Lucas called out to the foreign merchant excitedly. "Did I hear right? You needed saltpeter because the chocolates were starting to melt?" he asked.

"Yeah..." The sudden appearance of a bulky-looking man startled the foreign merchant, but he still gave an affirmative response.


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Featured Author: @nelson-george
An Old Scent



The scent originated from them, one of them. I walked over there and politely asked the group who wore the perfume that gave off the scent. They pointed to a person amongst them and I asked to talk to her briefly. She seemed friendly, she stood up and made her way to where I stood. I told her I had a friend that used to wear the same perfume and asked her for the name. She was nice enough to tell me, she even added a list of stores I could find it. I thanked her and walked back to the bench I sat on before approaching the group.

Cynthia died five years ago in a car accident, she was my best friend and if I could trade places, I would. She loved the smell of lemons. I never really liked it but it grew on me because I hung out with her most of the time. The scent breezed through my nose again and it sent me back into the past.


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Featured Author: @mineopoly
Johnny Choco - A Bedtime Story


Own Photo

From that day on Johnny insisted that his last name was "Choco" and he called himself, Johnny Choco.

Little by little Johnny found himself eating nothing but chocolate.

At night time his mom would tell him to brush his teeth, but Johnny Choco would not brush his teeth with toothpaste.

He would only brush his teeth with chocolate sauce. When he was done brushing he would rinse his mouth out with chocolate milk and then go to bed.

In the morning Johnny Choco would wake up to Choco puff cereal and chocolate milk. His mom would look at him and say,

“Johnny, can’t you eat anything besides chocolate?”

Johnny answered,

“No mom. My name is Johnny Choco and that’s why I have to eat chocolate all the time. Besides if I didn’t eat chocolate I wouldn’t be Johnny Choco.”


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Thank you for reading our short story highlights magazine!

@jayna, @gracielaacevedo, @yaziris, @itsostylish, @millycf1976 and @grindan.

p.s. You can see the past magazines here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
104, 105

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We invite lovers of creative writing to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and @stormlight24 and run by @jayna, @gracielaacevedo, @yaziris, @itsostylish, @millycf1976 and @grindan.

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How to Delegate to The Ink Well

We welcome delegations! These support our community in many ways, including helping us to provide support to quality content creators through curation and contests.

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A big thank you to all of our delegators:
@jayna,, @zeurich, @marcybetancourt, @agmoore, @marlyncabrera, @stormcharmer, @generikat, @iamraincrystal, @preparedwombat, @gracielaacevedo, @chocolatescorpi, @samsmith1971, @grindan, @jackdeathblack, @josemalavem, @riverflows, @itsostylish, @stuartcturnbull, @morey-lezama, @evagavilan2, @popurri, and @mrenglish.

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