There is no Such Mandatory Service In My country.

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Mandatory Service


Today's topic is unusual for me, and I never thought I would write about this in my life, but as you all know, it's an important topic. And until I get the required number of words out on this subject, I won't be able to rest peacefully.

Today was an important day: my younger brother's birthday. His in-laws were visiting. We cut a cake and also arranged the food. My wife and sister made milk biryani and two types of other dishes, which were incredibly delicious. No matter how much I praise the biryani, it won't be enough; my wife makes biryani exceptionally well.

Let's get back to the topic. Today's topic is about mandatory services. I live in a free country, which we gained in 1947. As a result of being independent, all kinds of services are readily available to us to live our lives comfortably.

I am 32 years old, and in these 32 years, I have never seen such a burden being forcibly placed on the public, nor is there any service that is essential for the people. The public is a self-sufficient nation and can compete with people of all kinds. However, the burden of inflation being placed on the public these days is unacceptable.

The situation with inflation has become such that the vegetables I used to buy for 30 rupees are now costing 400 rupees, which is 13 times higher. This means that inflation has increased 13 times. The electricity bills have become so high that people here are being forced to sell their household items.

Despite being a free country, we are not truly free. Just yesterday, a social media influencer made a song about inflation and electricity bills, which was based on the truth. However, the truth didn't sit well with our government, and they had him kidnapped and transferred to an unknown location.

There may not be any mandatory service imposed on us, but our lives have been made so difficult that today's youth, instead of thinking about the country, are trying to leave it

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