We all should have a Proper knowledge of First Aid !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Knowing First Aid


I would like to start this post with this wonderful quote from Dr. Samuel K. Greene

The principles of first aid extend far beyond medical practice; they are the first steps in caring for humanity.

Our life is completely unexpected; we never know what might happen in the next few seconds, nor can we predict it. There are many incidents in our lives where we have to react very quickly. For example, in a situation like a medical emergency, having knowledge of first aid is extremely important.

Unfortunately, in the country we live in, there is no system in place to provide first-aid training to ordinary people. It is only available for professionals, which is good, but it is also essential for the general public. In my life, there have been many incidents where if I had basic knowledge of first aid, I could have handled the medical situation much better. There have also been situations where I used my basic knowledge to help several patients.

One of those incidents involved my mother. The situation became such that despite wanting to help, I couldn’t do anything because I had no knowledge at all, and my mother fell unconscious.

I don't know if I am thinking correctly here or not, but perhaps if I had known how to handle that situation, I would never have let my mother fall unconscious. Medically, unconsciousness is considered a dangerous condition, and most private hospitals do not admit unconscious patients. This is exactly what happened to us. No private hospital agreed to admit my mother, and in the end, we had to take her to a government hospital. After being admitted there for 19 days, she passed away.

We are humans, and we are completely powerless before nature. A person cannot live even a single breath longer than what is destined for them. Some people might not accept this, but as a Muslim, it is part of my faith that we are in this world for a fixed period. When that time ends, we leave this world.

I remember those 19 days spent in the hospital very well; every single moment lingers in my mind. It all plays out in my head as if I am still going through that situation even now.

In my opinion, losing a mother is the greatest sorrow in life. There can be no greater grief. This pain and sorrow can never be healed; it always remains and feels fresh whenever we think about it.

I miss my mother very much.

A similar incident happened to me a few days ago. I was going to get juice with my younger cousin when I noticed something on the road—a woman and a man had fallen off their motorcycle, and people were gathering around them. I quickly went over, parked my bike on the side, and began to see what had happened. I found out that another motorcycle, ridden by some kids, had hit them hard and sped away. The woman's foot was bleeding, so I quickly took out my handkerchief and asked a boy to tie it around her foot to stop the bleeding. If I hadn't done that, she could have lost a lot of blood. Then I took the woman and the man to the nearest hospital and got them basic first aid. They were very grateful and gave me many blessings.

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