Is Mobile Phone A Destroyer?

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Family Time, No Phones

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I would like to start this post from this quote

We are becoming prisoners of our own connectivity, tethered to our mobile phones, losing touch with the real world around us.

Mobile Phone is a revolutionary invention, it has helped us a lot when it comes to communication with our loved ones within the country or outside of the country. Firstly there were these phones with buttons, and there were phones that we could use to talk to our loved ones on video call. We can see them and feel like they are with us.

This is one of the positive uses, there are other also, like with the help of mobile phones and the internet, we can search for any thing we want on the internet, we can all kinds of information, we just need to type on our browser and the information we are looking for will be on our screens.

Everything was going okay before the arrival of social media apps like Facebook, TikTok and others. these apps in the name of connecting, separated us from our real family members. Now we are more connected to social media friends rather than our own family members.

These social media apps have destroyed the charm of family gatherings, I do remember sitting with my old people and talking about a lot of things, asking questions about their past and how they had lived life in the past, their experiences, which are kind of teachings and lesson for us.

But today, these family gatherings are 90 % ended and where it is still happening, the use of social media and mobile phones removed the charm of it.

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Everyone, even the kids has mobiles and when we sit all together, we all start to use their mobiles and instead of talking with each other and becoming closer, we are going away.

There should be a ban on using mobile phones when there is a family gathering, in fact, everyone should leave their mobile phone outside of their room when they are entering their room to have private time with their spouse.

This will strengthen the bond between them and they will start to learn more about each other their understanding will also increase and the same should be for public meetings, whether it is a family meeting or a friend's meeting.

I always complain to my friends about using their mobile phones, when we are together, if you still want to use your mobile phone, what is the purpose of this gathering? what the benefit we can get out of it?

Mobile phones should be banned in any public or private family meeting. they are destroying our family values and the family bond we used to have years ago. We need to wake up to the reality.

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