An Encounter With A Wild Dog !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is A Scary Animal


I would like to start this post with this quote

A wild dog’s instinct is pure and untamed, a reminder of the natural world’s wisdom and beauty.

Before I begin this post, I want to let everyone know that I love animals very much. This is just an experience that life gave me. Because of this experience, I became very afraid of dogs. Whenever I saw a dog on the way, I would either avoid that path entirely or wait for someone older to help me pass by.

This happened when I was in 8th grade. We lived in a village at that time, and as you all know, people in villages love to keep pets. Every household had its own pet, and usually, these dogs would be sitting outside each house.

I am very passionate about cricket, and that day, we had planned to play cricket and everyone was supposed to gather in a ground near our homes. I got on my bike and headed towards the ground. There were two ways to get to the ground: one was a bit longer, and the other was shorter. I chose the shorter route, which I had taken many times before. There were usually 2 or 3 dogs sitting outside a house on that route, and they had never bothered us before. I was in a hurry because my friends were waiting for me on the ground.

As soon as I passed by that house, the dogs started chasing me, and I began to pedal faster. I was so scared that I forgot I was supposed to go to the ground. To escape from the dogs, I was taking my bike through different alleys. They were still chasing me. I had lost my way, but after a while, I collected myself and paid attention to the road. I then started heading towards the ground where my friends were waiting for me. The dogs were still behind me, but as soon as I reached the ground, the dogs stopped and turned back upon seeing so many people.

My breath was very fast, and despite not wanting to, I started crying. That day was one that I can never forget. After that day, I became afraid of dogs and remained scared of them for many years. Now, I have grown up, and my fear has gone away. But still, sometimes when I see a lot of dogs together on the road, I remember the whole incident.

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