I Work From Home & Not Answerable To Anyone !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is Employee Benefits


I would like to start this post with this amazing quote from MarkMcGuinness

"The beauty of freelancing is the ability to create a work-life balance that suits your needs and aspirations."

This is from a long time ago when I was still in school. Even back then, I had decided that I would never work under someone else. If I wasn't going to work for someone else, then I had only two options: starting my own business or working online. Both paths were challenging. The first path, starting a business, was difficult because I came from a middle-class family and lacked the resources to start a business. The second path was also not easy because, in our society, people often can't stand to see others succeed. As a result, very few people properly guide others about online earning. However, it’s not that everyone is bad. Some very good people are doing their best to guide the youth towards online earning so they can work from home and earn a living.


After completing my matriculation, due to my family's poor financial situation, I had to get a job. However, from the beginning, I was determined to work online. So, along with my job, I kept researching and learning about online work on the computer. During this search, I came across many fields such as blogging, vlogging, YouTubing, and Amazon. However, due to a lack of proper knowledge, I couldn't succeed in any of these fields. We have institutes here that teach online earning, but not everyone can afford their fees. For me, the only way to learn was through YouTube. I tried hard and created channels on YouTube, but none of them succeeded.


One day, while I was scrolling through Facebook, a post about Steemit suddenly appeared in front of me. The post mentioned that you could earn money online through Steemit. I immediately signed up and clicked on the group link provided in the post to join the group. In that group, they were teaching how to work on Steemit. I learned a few things and started working. However, I didn't know that what was being taught in that group wasn't allowed on Steemit. They were teaching us to vote for each other's posts and comments and to use photos, etc., from Google in our posts. They didn't inform us that if we use anything from Google or online, it should be in the 'free to use' category and should be properly sourced. For some reason, that group got shut down, but I had found my direction. I just needed to learn how to work on Steemit/blockchain properly. During all this, I also met some Pakistanis on Steemit who helped me, and because of their help, I made my first online earnings from Steemit, and this process continues to this day.


After Steemit, I moved to Hive and started working there. While working on Hive, I explored blockchain technology, and during this time, I found out about a play-to-earn game called Axie Infinity. Initially, I made a small investment of $47, which I funded by selling Hunt tokens that I had earned while working on Steemit. This investment proved to be very successful for me, and I recovered my investment within just two weeks of the game. I then told my friends about the game and started a scholarship program. I kept reinvesting my earnings into creating new accounts. As I expanded the game, my earnings also increased. And I was doing all this while staying at home, not answerable to anyone. The biggest advantage of online work is exactly this: you can spend time with your family and feel the satisfaction of not working under someone else's control. This inner satisfaction is invaluable.


During the 2021 bull run, Axie Infinity tokens skyrocketed in value. As a result, the tokens I had also increased significantly in price. We sold them and bought a house for ourselves. Sometime later, I even bought a car with the earnings from the same game. Then the bear market started, and due to the drop in token prices, my scholars stopped playing the game. Once again, I turned my attention back to Hive and started blogging there. I know that blogging on Hive doesn’t earn me enough to fully support my family, but still, something is better than nothing. Currently, I am going through a tough time. However, somewhere in my mind, I have a sense of relaxation that I am not working under someone else, and even if it’s a little, I am earning from home through my hard work. I am confident that soon, cryptocurrency prices will boom again, and these tough times will turn into easier ones. Many prayers for all of you; please remember me in your prayers as well. Thanks.

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