Relevent News Should Be For Revelant People !

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is 247 News


I am living in a country where 90 out of 100 news stories are false and fabricated. The biggest contributor to this is our media channels. To increase their TRP (Television Rating Points), media channels create their news and air it to spread sensationalism. Our naive public believes it to be true and reacts accordingly.

I watched a movie some time ago where fake news was spread similarly, causing riots and chaos in the country. The media does this to increase their TRP, but other motives are also behind it, primarily involving politicians. Politicians use this tactic to gain public sympathy and turn the people against their rival parties to win elections.

I believe that relevant information should reach the relevant people. It shouldn't happen that crime news reaches those working on computers and fashion industry news reaches those related to crime. If this happens and wrong information/news is given, it will create chaos in society.

The government's top priority should be to keep its citizens away from news that can spread a negative impact so that the people can live a peaceful life, which is their right. I have seen people being humiliated because of such negative news.

I want to clarify another point here: the people of our country are very emotional and they react very quickly to such fake news. Because of this, I have seen the country's situation deteriorate. Many people have lost their lives because of it.

I also have another opinion on this topic: people have the right to be informed about every piece of news. However, before that, they should be educated to react to the news according to the time and situation. It should not happen that they hear some fake news and believe it to be true without thinking, which can lead to significant damage later on. Education is very important. Our religion also emphasizes that we should not believe any news until we verify it ourselves.

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