No Wish Could Be Bigger Than This Wish For The Holidays !!!

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is A Holiday Wish


I would like to start this post with this beautiful quote about holidays by Helen Keller

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

The holiday season is one of the most awaited seasons, almost everyone waits for it, Especially the kids. They want their parents to take them for travel or take them to places where they can play and have fun.

I also have many wishes like I want to travel to the northern area of my Country, I want to travel to Turkey, but my biggest wish is to travel to Makka with my family for the pilgrimage of HAJJ or UMRAH, As this is not the HAJJ season, I wish I could take my family with me on Umrah.


I have already gone there with my wife last year for the pilgrimage of Umrah, and most people will say that you have been there once, why do you want to go again?

Believe me, If you are a true believer, and you visited the MAKKAH and MADINA ONCE, your heart will force you to go again and again, your heart will start to feel thirst for Visiting MAKKAH AND MADINA.

when I compare this wish with my other wishes, other wishes fade away. I think a true Muslim will never wish anything above this in his/her life.


MAKKAH and MADINA are the holy cities and when you are in both these cities, you feel blessed. I have some stories from my aunt and uncle about MAKKAH, WHERE their wishes/prayers became true at the very moment they wished them.

During their visit to MAKKAH, their daughter got lost in the crowd, and after finding her for almost 2 hours, they didn't find her. At last, they started to pray to ALLAH, and suddenly she appeared from nowhere and they found him, their prayer was fully filled in the very next moment.

It was an unbelievable moment for them, but God did wonders.

Another such incident was, one day, in the MADINA, My Aunt was sitting in the MADINA MOSQUE, and she was craving Pakistani food, which is not easily available in the MADINA, She kept praying for it and suddenly out of nowhere someone came and gave her Plate of biryani, exactly cooked like Pakistani food.

I wish I could go there these holidays.

Thanks for reading.

Take Care Everyone.

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