These Three Things Can Make My Day A Perfect Day !!!

Hey, lovely people of the HiveNaija Community, I hope you are fine and doing great, this is going to be my first post in this community, and I hope to receive warm welcoming love from the lovely people of this community.

I would like to start this post with a very beautiful quote

"A perfect day is not something you find, it's something you create by doing things that make you happy."

The definition of the perfect day can vary from person to person. For some having Money is the source of happiness and on the day when they have more money, they shall consider it a perfect day.

Others may like to buy a new car, which gives them happiness and when they buy it, it makes their day a Perfect day.

I can quote unlimited examples like this, but when it comes to my Perfect day, there are three things that could make my day a Perfect day.

Be a Helping Hand for Others.

The first thing that could make my day a perfect day, is when I help someone in need. I do like to help needy people who come to my home ring the bell and ask for help. It's my first priority to give them something and not let them go empty-handed.

I am not talking about professional beggars, Professional beggars are those who are stuck at your house door when you tell them you don't have anything for them, they start to force you and insist on giving them something.

I am talking about the people who really are needy and I can see from their behaviour they are really in need. I know begging has become a profession and most of the people that come to our have become professional beggars.



It is every Muslim wish to visit _MAKKAH for once in their life, and it's like a wish come true when we visit ALLAH'S HOUSE.


if you are a true and responsible man, it is your first priority to fulfil all the needs of your family and doing so gives you happiness and makes your day a happy day.

Nowadays, we are going through some hard times, inflation is causing a lot of trouble. There are some wishes that are unfilled, one of them is visiting the MAKKAH For the pilgrimage of HAJJ with my whole family.

Building a Home For Those Who Don't Have Any Home

It really hurts me when I see old people sleeping on the roads, when we try to ask them, why they are living on the roads. some say poverty is the reason and some say, their kids don't want to keep them at their home.

It is the height of selfishness, parents who sacrifice all their life to feed the kids and when they are old, kids don't want to keep them in their home.


It is my other wish to build a home for these people, and when I achieve it, it will be one of the perfect and happy days of my life.

Wish me Good luck

Take Care Everyone.

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