Tall dead spruce trees, and one old healthy one. :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (57/366)

Hello again! 😃

Today when Vera and I were walking Ninnu, I took some photos of the trees.

There had been a wind in the Winter, and some trees had fallen down.

It is interesting, as we now saw that almost all the spruce trees were sick.

Dead European Spruce

A woodpecker has dug holes into the tree. The little beetle larvae must be their favourite foods.

This dead spruce was huge.

But not as big as this still living tree.

Still in good health. Grand old tree must be over 100 years old.

These trees had fallen a few years ago. We often get windy weather, and if the trees are not well, they will fall. Also, spruce typically tip over from the bottom, as pines will often snap in two somewhere above ground. That's because the trees have different roots. Spruce roots don't go very deep, as the pine has a taproot, that keeps the tree anchored to earth. Their trunks are also much more rugged so they rarely fall.

Okay. I am coming down with a flu or something. I hope it is not the dreaded one. I've been coughing all day, and in the Evening I started sneezing too.

Well, maybe it's nothing...


I'll be back.

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #7
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #6
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #5
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #4

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