Part 19 - I Have The Inalienable Right To Destroy My Government When It Becomes A Tyranny

"I have the inalienable right to abolish government, when it becomes destructive of these rights. “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Watercolor, sharpie, ink, on paper; 12" x 18", completed 1/5/22


The amazing thing that I am learning as a result of studying PMAs from the Genoa Institute, is that I can simply abolish government by changing my jurisdiction from the public, to the private, within my PMA, therefore government will die of starvation.


It's a lot easier and a lot less bloodshed this way - but most people won't be willing to endure the brain stretching I have to go through to understand this point of view - it's hard work. I am literally going to have to listen to these classes over and over for weeks and weeks. I have a year to learn them but it will probably take that long.


Possibly longer for the brain to adopt this - this is the real "patriot mythology" common law stuff in it's real terms. There is so much neat stuff this guy learned- from the Law of Nations - I think is where he got it and he has a Law of Nations Course available also.


I actually did this sigil within one circle - because of the size.


But yea - Genoa Institute is definitely a resource.

Previous Posts

Seventeen. @in2itiveart/part-17-i-have-the-inalienable-right-to-defend-myself

Sixteen. @in2itiveart/part-16-i-have-the-inalienable-right-to-contract-sigil--creating-the-flower-of-life-with-a-compass

Fifteen. @in2itiveart/part-15-i-have-the-inalienable-right-to-privacy-sigil

Fourteen. @in2itiveart/part-14-i-have-the-inalienable-right-to-travel-and-move-about-as-i-choose-sigil

Thirteen. @in2itiveart/part-13-i-have-the-inalienable-right-to-my-own-lair-sigil-for-truth-show-july-2022

Twelve. @in2itiveart/part-12-freedom-of-assembly-and-freedom-of-speech-sigil-for-truth-show-july-2022

Eleven. @in2itiveart/part-11-due-process-of-law-sigil-for-truth-show-july-2022

Ten. @in2itiveart/part-ten-i-begin-construction-the-elements-for-each-encaustic-collage-for-the-truth-show-july-2022

Nine. @in2itiveart/part-9-self-ownership-sigil-redotruth-show-july-2022

Eight. @in2itiveart/part-8-the-last-2flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Seven. @in2itiveart/part-7-3-more-flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Six. @in2itiveart/part-6-the-remaining-5-sigils-of-inalienable-rightswith-flower-of-lifefor-truth-show

Five. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-sketches-for-artworks-to-be-created-part-5

Four. OOPs! No Part 4.

Three. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-the-truth-show-july-2022-with-the-flower-of-life-embedded-first-6-of-12

Two. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-truth-show-july-2022-i-have-the-right-to-the-fruits-of-my-labor

One. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-part-1

How to make a sigil. @in2itiveart/how-to-make-a-sigil-talisman-from-scratch-and-talisman-activation

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