Sketches For Truth Show, July 2022 - I Have The Right To The Fruits of My Labor

sketch for "I have the inalienable right to make a decent living and keep the fruits of my labor"


The basis of this Show for me is to give the audience something to take home and be able to DO. I am going to provide a book of all the sigils so they can make them and use them.

Art has to have PURPOSE for me today. It must be helpful to others. It must be about freedom. I must be carrying the message to others in all my actions today otherwise what is my purpose?

As animals, we know these statements are true in our subconscious, but we have forgotten them through trauma and enslavement over the millenia.

My experience with this is that I simply needed to meditate upon these ideas for a while before the TRUTH began to make sense to me and then I could see the lie.

We can observe Animals in Nature keeping the fruits of their labor and using the Principle of Self-Defense should someone try to steal their fruits.

Humans are generally jealous of Animals because animals are FREE.

THOU SHALT NOT STEAL - the fruits of MY Labor through taxation and usury...interest...fractional reserve banking...

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