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How to Make a Sigil Talisman From Scratch & Talisman Activation


Activation Guide for Your New Sigil Talisman

Copy the symbol BY HAND from the computer screen. Color it in using writing implements and paper, not the computer, and hang it up somewhere where you will see it every day.

It does not matter the accuracy – just that you use a
writing implement and paper to copy it and then color it in rather than printing it out from your computer.

Find in the Talisman all the letters of your statement of intention. You need find them only once, if they repeat.

Act as if you have already received your wish. Feel how it would feel in your heart.

Using your hand to draw, and not the computer, is essential to your success, because it will connect you physically and spiritually to your Power, whereas the computer will block you.

This is where you are programming your Powerhouse, your Subconscious Mind, that this symbol means your positive

Next, hang the Talisman where you will see it every day – on the refrigerator, or behind the computer, or on the bathroom mirror.

Then, let go of the results. This might take some “doing”, but it has to be “done” if you are going to allow the Power to do It’s work. Your ego might be stuck on obsessing and trying to make things happen. If that is the case, decide that you will pray it away. Every time you start to obsess about the outcome, say “God please remove this” or “Spirit, please take this away” and then turn your thoughts to the present moment and try to find someone to help.

Service to others is the best remedy for getting out of your own way. Try to really help the person – meaning without an agenda of the outcome for them.

Your Subconscious mind is hard at work bringing you the object of your desire.

Remember, science has told us that we use only 15% of our brain – this is because the other 85% is the Subconscious Mind – and that uses symbols to communicate... The Subconscious Mind is the seat of your Higher Self and your connection with the Divine.

Big Corporations pay thousands of dollars to create symbols which they call “logos”, and they use a combination of color, imagery, and sound to enchant your Subconscious into believing that their
product will bring you the satisfaction you desire... So why do we not use this hidden knowledge for ourselves? Well that’s what you are learning to do here.

Whatever may be standing in the way of you and finding your heart’s desire, will be brought to the surface to be dealt with, by the impression of the Talismanic symbology on your Subconscious Mind.

The time-frame of “when” you will receive your wish is unknowable, but it will work. Just be patient.