Part 13: I Have The Inalienable Right To My Own Lair Sigil - For Truth Show, July 2022

Colored Pencil & Acrylic on paper. by me, 12/12/2021. Aprox 14" x 14".

This will be the main element in an encaustic collage, so the size is just the basis of the larger work.

Natural Law is observable. I realized I forgot to do a sketch for this Inalienable Right.


I made the sigil and then I made the post about the sigil and even the sigil in the post left out one arch in the sigil. So I decided to do this one last night - and this is the day that my partner finally decided to make me an art studio in the house, so I guess it manifested quickly.

I have been living here for 2 years without an art studio, but I also have not been making art outside of my sketchbook for 7 years.

This is the first series I have done in about 5 years.

Natural Law IS observable. In this picture we can see that the seeds are placed perfectly in the pod. The pod is placed perfectly on the plant. The leaves are placed perfectly on the stem. The scattered seeds are scattered perfectly on the forest floor - hence we can observe that if the seeds have a lair, we too, as free living men and women of the earth also have the inalienable right to a lair.

Therefore, homelessness, and the cops moving homeless people along, is a violation of Natural Law. Once again, I assert that humans were once animals - and were as free as a squirrel and a dandelion are free, but then the Annunaki showed up and made humans out of the natural hominids that we once were, and then we became enslaved to them, and so it has been ever since, and as a result,

humans resent Nature's Freedom.

We can easily return to living by Natural Law instead of Man's Law - just start... start with cleaning up your side of the street. Right wrongs, fulfill broken promises, pay back debts owed to other living men and women - and even those who have past. From that starting point, much more will be revealed.

So here's the flower of life pattern that housed the original sigil. It's the most perfect flower of life that I have done so far, as I learn to manipulate my new compass.

In this case, I had drawn a wolf in it's den, but I do not feel right about drawing animals right now when humans are using images of animals to replace animals. I am drawing plants - made-up plants mostly, for this show.

I decided that I wanted to show the pod full of seeds and then the empty pod with a few seed scattered, and then I also wanted to show some closed pods...and a stem and some leaves...just to show, that every part of the plant has it's place and it's place to rest.

And here's a close-up of the pod as I begin to color it in. Remember, I said I was going to embed the Flower of Life Pattern into these drawings.

Since I have been doing that, the Flower of Life pattern has been appearing to me on blank walls, randomly.

I think that is a very good sign - of mental healing and protection against 5G.

Previous Posts

Twelve. @in2itiveart/part-12-freedom-of-assembly-and-freedom-of-speech-sigil-for-truth-show-july-2022

Eleven. @in2itiveart/part-11-due-process-of-law-sigil-for-truth-show-july-2022

Ten. @in2itiveart/part-ten-i-begin-construction-the-elements-for-each-encaustic-collage-for-the-truth-show-july-2022

Nine. @in2itiveart/part-9-self-ownership-sigil-redotruth-show-july-2022

Eight. @in2itiveart/part-8-the-last-2flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Seven. @in2itiveart/part-7-3-more-flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Six. @in2itiveart/part-6-the-remaining-5-sigils-of-inalienable-rightswith-flower-of-lifefor-truth-show

Five. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-sketches-for-artworks-to-be-created-part-5

Four. OOPs! No Part 4.

Three. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-the-truth-show-july-2022-with-the-flower-of-life-embedded-first-6-of-12

Two. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-truth-show-july-2022-i-have-the-right-to-the-fruits-of-my-labor

One. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-part-1

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