Part 11: Due Process of Law Sigil - For Truth Show, July 2022

colored in due process.jpg

Here it is - it's about 12" x 12", colored pencil on paper. I will cut it out and use encaustic to attach it to a piece of wood later, once they are all done.

This is the sketch. It's taken after this flower called Trichosanthe

Source Common Name: Snake Gourd, native to India.

Original Sigil, which states:
"I have the inalienable right to be advised of the charges, in the event of arrest. The right to remain silent when accused as not to incriminate oneself. To have a judge determine if I should be held for trial or for punishment. To be tried by a jury of my peers and face my accuser, in the event of being charged with a crime. To be tried by a jury of one’s peers, in the event of a suit in which the disputed amount is substantive. To suffer no cruel or unusual punishment."

I chose to do this one now because my partner was recently given a ticket for doing nothing - seems like the cops are working with their cousin to make a little money on the side by grifting innocent people and we are embroiled in a case now - and I have purchased Jurisdictionary as advised by Alphonse Faggiolo.
Hopefully I will simply have to file a motion to clarify the complaint and the whole thing will get dismissed...but the court and the cops are working together to violate our rights to due process of law.

In addition, since i have been drawing the flower of life pattern, it has been coming to me in visions.


Previous Posts

Ten. @in2itiveart/part-ten-i-begin-construction-the-elements-for-each-encaustic-collage-for-the-truth-show-july-2022

Nine. @in2itiveart/part-9-self-ownership-sigil-redotruth-show-july-2022

Eight. @in2itiveart/part-8-the-last-2flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Seven. @in2itiveart/part-7-3-more-flower-sketches-for-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-july-2022

Six. @in2itiveart/part-6-the-remaining-5-sigils-of-inalienable-rightswith-flower-of-lifefor-truth-show

Five. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-sketches-for-artworks-to-be-created-part-5

Four. OOPs! No Part 4.

Three. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-the-truth-show-july-2022-with-the-flower-of-life-embedded-first-6-of-12

Two. @in2itiveart/sketches-for-truth-show-july-2022-i-have-the-right-to-the-fruits-of-my-labor

One. @in2itiveart/the-truth-show-bloback-gallery-pueblo-co-part-1

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