Ruleset strategy / analysis: Ferocity

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This week a somewhat newer ruleset Ferocity. Let have a closes look at it and how to utilize it in your advantage. This might be a shorter post than normal, this is a rule set everybody knows easy how to adjust to it. This makes it hard to find nice synergies or battles. So the hope is that your opponent ignores this rule set and uses a taunt monster, the chances are low.


All units have the Fury ability. Fury will do double damage against taunt monsters
Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies / Strategies

Stun - Imagine the devastation you can deal to a taunting monster that is stunned. This makes it difficult to get into because you need a stun monster then a knock-out monster then your opponent has to have a taunt monster. Then the timing needs to be right. So pretty much never happens. still fun to see 4x damage.

Giant Killer - Does double damage against targets that cost 10 or more mana. This would be very funny, i just have not seen it ever. combine this with fury and you opponent again as made a mistake and selected a taunt monster also here a 4x damage can be acheived.

My main strategy is to look and think of what crucial taunt monster are there that are probably not used not, can i take an advantage there.
Crucial taunt monsters that i own are i.m.o.:

2 out the 4 favorite has downside against magic so has a sight benefit to select now, but again this is very little.


Pretty easy this time, just do not select any taunt monsters. There are plenty of other options.

Example battle

Unfortunalty not a nice battle where Fury shines. i monitored a few days my battles and I have not found a opponent that made a mistake.



Medium to high mana match and expect some extra melee monster because they may attack from all positions. An make sure to bring some reflection shield for the blast damage. And last but not least just do not use taunt monsters 🤣


Melee Mayhem:
Melee monsters can attack from any position. Expect some extra melee monsters.

This week rule set of the week. All monster will gain the Fury ability with this all monster will double damage against taunt monsters.

Explosive Weaponry:
All monster will gain the blast ability. When a monster strike it will also do extra damage to adjacent monsters.

The Lineup


With the blast damage the extra shield are welcome and the speed will give me hopefully the edge to start first.

Monsters Lineup


Uriel the Purifier (lvl 3)
Strong monster with heal. it only attack ever other turn.

Corsair Bosun (lvl 3)
Important monster with the reflect shield. Almost a must with the explosive weaponry rule set.

Adelade Brightwing (lvl 3)
Heal/resurrect and repair strong support to buff and support my other heavy hitters.

Jared Scar (lvl 4)
the 3rd heavy hitter with the melee mayhem it may attack form this position. It will always hits its target and penetrates shield easily with his piercing ability.

Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
This setup is a bit of an mix of melee magic and range. She should also heal some other monster when attack by sneak or opportunity monsters.

Venari Crystalsmith (lvl 8)
Yet another healer you see the theme in this setup go for sustainability.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Lets analyze the setup. Both strong monsters and many gold monster by my opponent impressive even many maxed out. I like the Arkemis the bear with halving and force field good choice. mine is not suitable at this level.
I think the extra magic monster are a positive in this case especially the mix approach it good in this battle setup.

Round 1:

Many steps later did not expect to kill the Diemonshark in the first round. That Jared Scar takes the kill is a very good bonus with its bloodlust 👍.

Round 2:

That was a nice round, again Jared Scar takes an kill. And Corsair Bosun is absorbing many blast damage as stated earlier this is very important.

Round 3:

Now my Jared Scar only does 1 damage against Arkemis the Bear, in this phase of the battle not a problem the rest of the team is staning very strong.

Round 4:

The week star is jared. It takes the last kill ending up with 10 melee damage 😍



Not a battle where Ferocity shine. More a ode to jared scar with its bloodlust when it roles it will flip the battle easily.

The best and easy tip when this rule set is in the mix, just do not use taunt monster

Hope to read up to some other BATTLE MAGE SECRETS where ferocity shines.

Previous ruleset strategy posts

The series continues, below you will find references to the other ruleset strategies / analysis posts.

Briar patchRuleset post: Briar patch
StandardRuleset post: Standard
Aim TrueRuleset post: True aim
AimlessRuleset post: Aimless
Up to ElevenRuleset post: Up to Eleven
Armored UpRuleset post: Armored Up
Back to BasicsRuleset post: Back to Basics
Broken ArrowsRuleset post: Broken Arrows
Close RangeRuleset post: Close Range
CounterspellRuleset post: Counterspell
EarthquakeRuleset post: Earthquake
EqualizerRuleset post: Equalizer
Equal Opportunity Ruleset post: Equal Opportunity
Even StevensRuleset post: Even Stevens
Explosive WeaponryRuleset post: Explosive Weaponry
Fire & RegretRuleset post: Fire & Regret
Fog of WarRuleset post: Fog of War

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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