Ruleset strategy / analysis: Broken arrows (fatigue)

Special Ruleset strategy.gif


Finally, when this series started there were constant rules set where I have already written my rule set strategy / analysis for. This week I have not, lets deep dive into the rule set Broken Arrows.


Simple monsters with ranged attacks cannot be used.
There is something worth noting is when a monster has to type of attack and one of them is ranged also these cannot be used. monster like:
Runemancer Florre

Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies

Depending on what you expect you can choose either to counter magic or melee, of a bit of both.
Counter magic synergies:
void - -1 magic damage
void armor - magic attack will hit shield first
magic reflect - return damage when attacked by an magic attacker.
Silence - all opponent magic monsters will have -1 magic damage. Since there is a higher change on magic, silence will benefits from this..

Counter melee synergies:
Demoralize - -1 melee damage for you opponent
Thorns - damage returned when attack by an melee monster.
Shield - reduced melee attack damage

Preferred teams

Really depended on other factors like:

  • Other ruleset
  • Mana cap
  • What you opponent is often playing
  • What cards and level do you own/rent

Here are some setups that I like to play. Viewed with the levels and stats that I own.


I still like the poison in this rules set and and lots of string melee monster.


More a counter magic setup.


I love the triple heal. silence and demoralize will at least do -1 damage to melee and or magic.

I would love to have Immortalis this is very beneficial in this rule set with the shatter and void


Avoid monsters with:
Headwind - all ranged attack monster have -1 damage for you opponent, useless because there are not ranged attack monster in the battle because of the rule set broken arrows.
Return fire - when attacked by ranged return some damage. Just like headwinds this is useless because there are no ranged attack monsters..

Since this season I play on diamond and I only got 2 summoners that a leveled up enough for diamond, One of them is Quix. This is definitely one summoner I would avoid in combination with the broken arrows rule set.

Example battle



Ever since I play in diamond there are less battle won and picking a nice battle with the specific rule set is sometimes what harder.

Equalizer is more important here. Directly I want many heal monsters. Secondly no ranged attacks because of the broken arrows.

Unfortunately I cannot use my


Broken Arrows:
No range attack monster may be used

All monster have equal health. determined by the highest health monster. Note that +1 e.g. from Lux is done after the calculation so you can still have an extra benefit.

The Lineup


There it is again in combination with water, that has some nice heal monsters

Monsters Lineup


Xenith Monk (lvl 6)
Common theme in this battle setup is healing. Also the void is important as explained in the beginning.

Spirit Hoarder (lvl 3)
Heal the backline. The blind will help the Pelacor Bandit to make it even more hard to hit.

Deeplurker (lvl 10)
Strong monster for the poison and demoralize so this is bit of a mix to counter a bit of magic with Xenith monk and melee with Deeplurker

Merdaali Guardian (lvl 8)
Heal with repair. And since last week i mine now also has strengthen, +1 health

Uraeus (lvl 6)
In it for the poison, and now it also gets a lot of health because of the equalizer rule set.

Pelacor Bandit (lvl 10)
Important placing in the back for the high speed so hoping on some extra misses

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Nice a battle against @aftersound, I love his content on youtube
Lets analyze the battle setup.
Pretty similar setup love the Baakjira in the front, was also in my mind to select. Also many heal monster I really not sure who would win at this point

Not sure why he has not selected Lux because I know he own one, this might a crucial benefit for me.

Round 1:

After watching the first round this will lead up into a fatigue battle.
Both are completely healing up 😂🤣.

Round 2-20:



















That were the first 20 rounds and almost nothing happened. I got a small advantage on the Palacor Bandit many misses and many heals. Seems that the battlefield is almost the same as we started.
Next round the fatigue rounds will start.

Round 21:


We start with 1 fatigue damage. Then the poison and then we continue with healing and missing again🤣.

Round 22:


2 fatigue damage. It is not possible to heal everything anymore.

Round 23:

3 fatigue damage. Finally first monster killed in the 23rd round.

Round 24:

4 fatigue damage. The front line monster are holding up pretty well still able to fully heal every round.

Round 25:

5 fatigue damage. Yes one more healer down this gives me an extra advantage, my opponent has only got 2 healing monsters left and I still got 3 left.

Round 26:


6 fatigue damage. It is getting close to the end now. This round shook up the table, 2 monsters dead by the fatigue and one more by the poison.

Round 27:

7 fatigue damage. Last man and beast standing. Did not expected to end like this.
I got more health and may strike first so my opponent is finished/dead.

Round 28:

8 fatigue damage. Finally it is over luckily with a win.



This was the longest battle report ever. I think my longest battle ever, not often I see fatigue battles.
Very nice to watch also because it was against aftersound 🤣.

Previous ruleset strategy posts

The series continues, below you will find references to the other ruleset strategies / analysis posts.

Briar patchRuleset post: Briar patch
StandardRuleset post: Standard
Aim TrueRuleset post: True aim
AimlessRuleset post: Aimless
Up to ElevenRuleset post: Up to Eleven
Armored UpRuleset post: Armored Up
Back to BasicsRuleset post: Back to Basics
Broken ArrowsThis post

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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