Ruleset Thorns Strategy

Ruleset strategy - Thorns.gif


In this series I want to take a closer look at every ruleset. Explain on how a ruleset works and my take on the strategies that can be applied. Monsters that are important or the monster you should avoid.

For the first post we are going to look at the Thorns ruleset.
I noticed when writing this post is took me at least 2 days playing from 85%-65% ECR, to encounter this ruleset 🤣. Might it be that some rulesets have a higher change to be selected than others.

When i started my splinterlands journey this ruleset did not exist. Then the highly annoying gave all monsters thorns.
Highly annoying because i do not own him myself of course😁. So we had some time to practice this ruleset.

Constructive feedback is welcome that helps to improve these posts. Leave a comment for suggestion or corrections.


The thorns rules set is pretty straight forward all monsters getting thorns.
Thorns will return damage equal to damage of attacker divided by 2, rounded up.

Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies

The thorn damage can be amplified with 1 extra damage with the amplify ability.
The shield ability will reduce damage to 1.
Reflection shield will absorb the thorn damage



Often when this rulesset is into play you will see ranged attackers and magic monster will be chosen more often.
I like to counter that with magic reflect monsters like .
Depending on the mana cap you can combine it with

Preferred teams

Really depended on other factors like:

  • Other ruleset
  • Mana cap
  • What you opponent is often playing
  • What cards and level do you own/rent

Here are some setups that I like to play. Viewed with the levels and stats that I own.



Pretty much all melee monster especially monster with melee and double strke.

Example battles

Click on the image to re-watch the battle


Battle of fatigue, if you bring melee monsters it is nice to have some repair and heal like the Merdaali Guardian


Nice demo with the reflection shield being important against thorns.

In this battle the reflect in combination with the repair and resurrect helps to survival of this battle.
Dax Paragon is selected for the amplify.

This last battle again Dax Paragon is selected for the amplify even while it gets reflect damage here.

Previous ruleset strategy posts

This is the first of a series. Below you will reference to other ruleset strategy / analysis posts.

ThornsThis first post

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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