Ruleset strategy / analysis: Fog of War

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This week "Battle Mage Secrets" Fog of war. One rule set that always brings some difficulty for me.
I like to play opportunity and sneak monsters.


All units lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.

Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies / Strategies

Reach - Most of the melee monster are heavily impacted by this rule set therefor the reach ability still enables you to play a second melee monster in the second position.
/ Magic Reflect / Return fire - You can assume there will be some ranged or magic monster because the most sneak and opportunity monster that are impacted are melee monsters.

Scavenger - put this in the back and it has gained for sure some extra health before it like:

both are very nice with this rules because of the poison and the stun
Poison - if possible get some extra damage in for with the poison monster like are usefull in this case


Camouflage - Often placed in the back with no sneak monster monster less benefits. some can still be useful more because of other skill and that it will still not be a target in the back

Example battle

Lets have a look for a battle for this week. I notice that I lose most of the battle with Fog of War.



High mana battle so plenty monsters to pick. No melee monster is actual a benefit, or has not that much of an impact. Because many melee monsters are already nerfed by this ruleset.
Heavy Hitter, makes us pay more attention to stun monster.


Heavy Hitters:
All monsters will receive the knock-out ability. This means that all monster that are stunned and hit will take 2x damage.

Keep Your Distance:
No melee monster may be selected.

Fog of War:
Rule set of the week. Monsters with *Sneak/Opportunity *or Snipe ability will lose those ability.

The Lineup


Very high change their will be ranged monsters so optimal usage with -1 ranged

Monsters Lineup


Void Dragon (lvl 3)
Especially with the phase it is in the front so it should help get some misses in.

Chaos Dragon (lvl 3)
Love this monster high health with blast and scattershot is a good combination. Whenever there is a high mana match i always consider.

Runemancer Atuat (lvl 2)
An extra, -1 range is important in a battle where to expect range/magic attackers.

Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
Second part of the strategy is heal this is the first heal, so if there any scatter shot of blast monster this can already heal the second position.

Venari Crystalsmith (lvl 8)
Second healer that heals the front position.

Runic Skyclaw (lvl 3)
Damage dealer just like the Venari Crystelsmith it need to be in the back because it does not have close ranged so if it gets in the front i have lost the battle 🤣.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Lets analyze the setup. My opponent has also chosen for the Void Dragon in the front. The Djinn Muirat is also a very good chois with its magic reflect, als when my Chaos Dragon hits it with blast it will do some magic reflect damage.
3 range monster so the extra -1 ranged damage from Runamnce Atuat is very welcome.
I think I have a small advantage with the double healer. The true strike is also useful against my Void Dragon

Round 1:

First round in the books. I love that I have brought Djinn Renova in combination with his Chaos dragon that is with scattershot this is a nice opportunity to heal some of mine monsters.

Round 2:

Tough to kill the Void Dragon many misses. Great hit by mine Chaos Dragon hitting two adjacent monster. Als his Choas Dragon hits in the middle.

Round 3:

Same hit on the Dhampir Stalker with my Chaos Dragon.
Some nice misses on my Void Dragon makes it I take the lead in the battle. Only the Djinn Muirat
Will be tough with its magic reflect.

Round 4:

There it is my Chaos Dragon killed by the magic reflect 😌. But the healer are saving the day many heals are already performed.

Round 5:

3 monster dead in this round . My Runamncer Atuat has enough health to hold the front position. Also not that scattershot is ignored when it is in the first position.

Round 6:

Did not expect in one round to kill the Chaos Dragon.



This is a rule set where is struggle a bit with. It was a nice battle, noticed again that I often want use monster with Sneak and Opportunity. wandering what other strategy will be presented this week.

Previous ruleset strategy posts

The series continues, below you will find references to the other ruleset strategies / analysis posts.

Briar patchRuleset post: Briar patch
StandardRuleset post: Standard
Aim TrueRuleset post: True aim
AimlessRuleset post: Aimless
Up to ElevenRuleset post: Up to Eleven
Armored UpRuleset post: Armored Up
Back to BasicsRuleset post: Back to Basics
Broken ArrowsRuleset post: Broken Arrows
Close RangeRuleset post: Close Range
CounterspellRuleset post: Counterspell
EarthquakeRuleset post: Earthquake
EqualizerRuleset post: Equalizer
Equal Opportunity Ruleset post: Equal Opportunity
Even StevensRuleset post: Even Stevens
Explosive WeaponryRuleset post: Explosive Weaponry
Fire & RegretRuleset post: Fire & Regret
Fog of War

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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