Card Analysis #16: Dumacke Orc [EN - ESP]

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Welcome back to my blog. Today, as every week, it's time for the Social Media Challenge. Since a few weeks ago, I have been doing this weekly appointment by analysing different cards from the @splinterlands universe, mainly Soulbound and Gladius editions. This week is the analysis of a Soulbound card of common rarity and belonging to the neutral deck: Dumacke Orc A card that, a priori, does not attract attention but we are going to get a great performance from it. Let's get started.
Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi blog. Hoy, como cada semana toca cita con el reto Social Media Challenge. Desde hace unas semanas cumplo que esta cita semanal realizando análisis de diferentes cartas del universo @splinterlands, principalmente ediciones Soulbound y Gladius. Esta semana toca análisis de una carta Soulbound de rareza común y perteneciente al mazo neutral: Dumacke Orc. Una carta que, a priori, no llama la atención pero a la que vamos a sacar un gran rendimiento. Comenzamos.



Once again this week, it's the turn of a Soulbound edition card. The truth is that thanks to the daily and seasonal rewards I'm filling my decks with cards from this edition quite evolved. In fact, this week's card, Dumacke Orc, is at level 4 and I'm only one card short of a level up Dumacke Orc has a moderate summoning cost and a very obvious weakness: his low vitality level. However, under certain conditions it is a very useful card that causes real headaches for our opponents as we are going to see in the battle and strategy I share this week.
Turno esta semana, de nuevo, para una carta edición Soulbound. La verdad es que gracias a las recompensas diarias y de temporada estoy llenando mis mazos con cartas de esta edición bastante evolucionadas. De hecho la de esta semana, Dumacke Orc la tengo a nivel 4 y me falta una sola carta para aumentarla un nivel más. Dumacke Orc tiene un coste de invocación moderado y una debilidad más que evidente: su escaso nivel de vitalidad. Sin embargo, bajo ciertas condiciones es una carta muy útil y que causa auténticos dolores de cabeza en nuestros rivales como vamos a ver en la batalla y estratgeia que comparto esta semana.
As I said, in exchange for six mana summoning points we're going to put into play Dumacke Orc who has, at level 4, 3 attack points, 2 speed points, an interesting five shield points and a single vitality point and as a special ability he has Shield which, in the battles where we're going to use this common card, is going to be very useful as a tank.
Como digo, a cambio de seis puntos de maná de invocación vamos a poner en juego a Dumacke Orc que cuenta, al nivel 4, con 3 puntos de ataque, 2 de velocidad, unos interesantes cinco puntos de escudo y uno solo de vitalidad. Como habilidad especial cuenta con Shield que, en las batallas en las que vamos a utilizar esta carta común, nos va a resultar de mucha utilidad como tanque.

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The basic starting skills are two points of attack and speed and three points of defence plus a vitality point that will not improve over the course of his evolution. In addition, as a special ability, Shield is available at the first level of play. It's a special card because it's not going to improve its speed or vitality, its attack improves by two points, but what makes it special is that its shield will go from three points to eight at its maximum level. It is a card that we will only play under certain conditions but which, under those precise conditions, will be fearsome.
Las habilidades básicas de inicio son dos puntos de ataque y velocidad y tres de defensa además del punto de vitalidad que no mejorará a lo largo de su evolución. Además, como habilidad especial, cuenta con Shield ya en el primer nivel de juego. Es una carta especial ya que no va a mejorar ni su velocidad ni su vitalidad, su ataque lo mejora en dos puntos, pero lo que la hace especial es que su escudo va a pasar de tres puntos hasta ocho que alcanza en su máximo nivel. Es una carta que solo vamos a jugar bajo ciertas condiciones pero que, en esas precisas condiciones, va a ser temible.
Soulbound card so you know, we can only receive it as a daily or seasonal reward... for the time being. There is no official announcement on when they will be released if ever.
Carta soulbound así que ya sabes, solo podemos recibirla como recompensa diaria o de temporada... de momento. No hay anuncio oficial sobre la fecha en que podrán salir al mercado si es que alguna vez lo hacen.
NameDumacke Orc
Mana Cost6 points
AbilitiesShield at level 1, Retaliate at level 5 and, finally, Thorns at level 9.
Market PriceNot available. Gladius card.


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Special battle as both players are going to form up with Soulbound summoners to try to take advantage of being able to put Gladius edition cards on the battlefield. Also, both my opponent and I have Dumacke Orc in our lineups so it's an ideal battle to see how they perform in two totally different strategies I have to say that my strategy, on this occasion, is better adapted to the circumstances than my opponent's and I will achieve a nice victory. Let's see how the fight develops.
Batalla especial pues ambos jugadores vamos a formar con invocadores Soulbound para intentar aprovechar el poder poner en el campo de batallas cartas edición Gladius. Ademas, tanto mi rival como yo tenemos en nuestras alineaciones a Dumacke Orc por lo que es una batalla ideal para ver su rendimiento en dos estrategias totalmente diferentes. He de decir que mi estrategia, en esta ocasión, se adapta mejor a las circunstancias que la de mi rival y lograré una bonita victoria. Vamos a ver el desarrollo del combate.

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Eternan BruneThe two combatants placed Soulbound summoners. In my case the idea is to be able to use Chimney Wallstop and my opponent the always fearsome Quora Towershead.
Dumacke OrcThe star this week.
Chimney WallstopChimney is vital as he can attack from the second position, taking advantage of the time that Dumacke Orc's resistance gives him. In addition, his great defensive power means that he is a great performer when it's his turn to tank.
Ferox DefenderA lot of mana cost but in exchange for giving two shield points to all my cards. With the battle conditions this time around, it's a major advantage to put Ferox Defender in my lineup.
DisintegratorAnother card chosen based on its special ability. Reduces the melee attack of all my opponents. Another must-have card on the battlefield.
Serpentine SpyTwo attack points to any opposing card and three speed points. Interesting choice in this battle.
Parasitic GrowthCompleting the line-up is another card that attacks the opposing second line to punish their rearguard


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This week's card, Dumacke Orc, is a type of card that works exceptionally well under certain circumstances and is practically useless in others. In this case the key is the possibility or not of using cards with a magic attack. If the magic attack is not allowed, it is a defensive card that performs perfectly thanks to its high level of shield and its abilities. specials. Under these circumstances <b<it receives a grade of 8 out of 10. If you can play magic it is a grade of 1 out of 10, it becomes a very bad choice.
La carta de esta semana, Dumacke Orc, es un tipo de carta que funciona de manera excepcional bajo ciertas circunstancias y es practicamente inútil en otras. En este caso la clave es la posibilidad o no de utilizar cartas con ataque mágico. Si el ataque mágico no esta permitido es una carta defensiva que rinde a la perfección gracias a su alto nivel de escudo y a sus habilidades especiales. Bajo estas circunstancias <b<recibe una nota de 8 sobre 10. Si se puede jugar magia es una nota de 1 sobre 10, se convierte en una malísima elección.

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Kulu MastermindNoa The JustRiverboat CaptainIsgald Vorst
Musa SalineQuora TowersheadCrystal WerewolfCoastal Sentry
Marisol ContumaDemented Shark
Iidri FyreSwamp Spitter
Drybone Barbarian
Pyrewatch Devil
Chimney Wallstop
Katrelba Gobson

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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