Card Analysis #4: Riverboat Captain [EN - ESP]

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Fourth card analysis in the new series I'm working on in the Splinterlands universe. In previous instalments we've looked at a legendary card, an epic card and a common card so now it's the turn of a rare card. This will be the third Souldbound card I've reviewed in this new series besides the Gladius Isgald Vorst. Today, in this new chapter, it's the turn for the Riverboat Captain. Let's get started.
Cuarto análisis de cartas en la nueva serie que estoy trabajando dentro del universo Splinterlands. En anteriores entregas hemos analizado una carta legendaria, otra épica y una común por lo que ahora llega el turno para una carta rara. Será la tercera carta Souldbound que analice en esta nueva serie además de la Gladius Isgald Vorst. Hoy, en este nuevo capítulo, turno para el análisis de Riverboat Captain. Comenzamos.


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For this week's analysis with Riverboat Captain I'm going to use the level 3 evolved card that I have thanks to the daily and seasonal rewards I've been accumulating. Riverboat Captain gets a big boost in power at level 4 evolution, an upgrade I hope to be able to do soon, with two Magic Attack, two Speed, and five Vitality for a summoning cost of six points at level three.
Para el análisis de esta semana con Riverboat Captain voy a utilizar la carta evolucionada a nivel 3 con la que cuento gracias a las recompensas diarias y de temporada que he ido acumulando. Riverboat Captain aumenta de manera considerable su poder en el nivel 4 de evolución, un ascenso que espero poder llevar a cabo pronto. En este nivel tres cuenta con dos puntos de ataque mágico, dos de velocidad y cinco de vitalidad a cambio de un coste de invocación de seis puntos.
Throughout his evolution he will have three different special abilities. The first, at level 1, will be Blast. At level 4 he will get Affliction, which will give him maximum playability with two abilities that, combined, can be a real headache for our opponents Finally, in his last level of evolution he will add Fury to his special abilities with a very specific contribution against certain opponents.
A lo largo de su evolución va a contar con tres habilidades especiales diferentes. La primera, a nivel 1, será Blast. A nivel 4 va a obtener Affliction que le va a dotar de una jugabilidad máxima con dos habilidades que, combinadas, pueden ser un auténtico dolor de cabeza para nuestros rivales. Por último, en su último nivel de evolución va a añadir a sus habilidades especiales Fury con un aporte muy concreto ante ciertos rivales.

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Unlike last week's analysis in which we saw that Kulu Mastermind barely improved his basic skills, in the case of Riverboat Captain we see that he is going to improve these skills, albeit moderately. The total increase from level 1 to level 8 will be one point of magic attack, one point of speed gained already at level 2 and two points of vitality These are moderate improvements but they are compensated by the tremendous joint effect that is achieved from level 4 onwards with Blast and Affliction.
A diferencia del análisis de la semana pasada en el que veíamos que Kulu Mastermind apenas mejoraba sus habilidades básicas, en el caso de Riverboat Captain vemos que si que va a mejorar estas habilidades aunque de forma moderada. El aumento total desde el nivel 1 al 8 será de un punto de ataque mágico, uno de velocidad obtenido ya en el nivel 2 y dos puntos de vitalidad. Son mejoras moderadas pero compensadas por el tremendo efecto conjunto que se consigue a partir del nivel 4 con Blast y Affliction.
As with the previous Soulbound edition card reviews, these cards are not available on the buy and rent market, so we can only access these cards through daily and seasonal rewards. An added incentive to go all out every day and get as many reward chests as possible.
Como en los análisis anteriores de cartas edición Soulbound, no están disponibles en el mercado de compra ni el de alquiler por lo que solo podemos acceder a estas cartas a través de las recompensas diarias y de temporada. Un aliciente más para dar el máximo cada día y obtener el mayor número de cofres de recompensa posibles.
NameRiverboat Captain
Mana Cost6 points
AbilitiesBlast at level 1, Affliction at level 4 and Fury at level84.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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Let's see what Riverboat Captain is capable of in a battle against @unvme in the Silver I league where I'm currently on the verge of promotion to Gold 3. We'll both be running a water deck but with a different summoner and Riverboat Captain in both lineups. I'm going to take a risky gamble with a bunch of ranged cards and trust Djinn Oshannus and Riverboat Captain to do damage to the enemy ranks with their magic attack.
Vamos a ver de qué es capaz Riverboat Captain en una batalla contra @unvme en la liga Plata I en la que actualmente me encuentro a punto de ascender a Oro 3. Los dos vamos a formar con un mazo de agua aunque con diferente invocador y con Riverboat Captain en ambas alineaciones. Mi apuesta será arriesgada con un buen puñado de cartas con ataque a distancia y confiando en que Djinn Oshannus y Riverboat Captain hagan daño con su ataque mágico a las filas enemigas.

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Kelya FrendulSeeking, as usual, to take advantage of the extra speed and shielding it brings to all cards.
Djinn OshannusI'm going for a tank with a magic attack to avoid the opponent's shield and with a healer behind it to increase its presence on the battlefield.
Angelic MandarinRisky gamble with a ranged attack card in second position. But the presence of Fog of War as a battle condition eliminates the possibility of putting important cards like Deeplurker or Tide Biter.
Riverboat CaptainThe star.
Swamp SpitterHis ability to replenish the tank's shield is of vital strategic importance. Another card from the new Soulbound edition that is slowly gaining prominence in my water deck.
Merdaali GuardianEasy analysis of their presence. A healer.
MerdhampirAnother card with a ranged attack that also reduces the maximum vitality of the card that receives its attacks, minimising the contribution of the possible presence of a healer in the enemy ranks.
An uncomplicated victory. Riverboat Captain's Blast ability was sapping the vitality of two enemy cards every turn and the strategy with Djinn Oshannus as a tank was perfect.
Victoria sin mayores complicaciones. La habilidad Blast de Riverboat Captain fue limando la vitalidad de dos cartas enemigas cada turno y la estrategia con Djinn Oshannus como tanque fue perfecta.


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In a combat environment where Fog of War was present, cards with magic attack take on more importance than usual. In this context, Riverboat Captain and the ability provided by Blast were decisive in reducing the enemy lines. Well protected by a good tank in the center of the lineup, the rival had no arguments to attack, so they did perfectly the mission he was hoping for with his inclusion in the lineup. In general terms, Riverboat Captain is a remarkable card with an interesting contribution, which is why it receives a rating of 7 out of 10 points after this analysis.
En un entorno de combate en el que Fog of War estaba presente, las cartas con ataque mágico cobran más importancia de la habitual. En este contexto Riverboat Captain y la habilidad que aporta Blast fueron determinantes para ir reduciendo las líneas enemigas. Bien protegido por un buen tanque en el centro de la alineación el rival no tenía argumentos para atacar por lo que cumplió a la perfección la misión que esperaba con su inclusión en la alineación. En líneas generales Riverboat Captain es una carta notable con un aporte interesante por lo que recibe una valoración de 7 puntos sobre 10 tras este análisis.

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Kulu MastermindNoa The JustIsgald Vorst

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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