Card Analysis #3: Kulu Mastermind [EN - ESP]

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Third chapter of the series in which we look at the different cards in the Splinterlands universe. Noa the Just and Isgald Vorst have already been here. Today, it's the turn of one of the legendary cards from the new Soulbound edition. This week we take a look at the legendary Kulu Swinhunter, and I do it with the gold edition of this powerful water deck card. The third review of the series begins here.
Tercer capítulo de la serie en la que analizamos las diferentes cartas del universo Splinterlands. Por aquí ya ha pasado Noa the Just e Isgald Vorst. Hoy, llega el turno para una de las cartas legendarias de la nueva edición Soulbound. Esta semana analizamos la legendaria Kulu Swinhunter y lo hago con la edición dorada de esta poderosa cartas del mazo de agua.. Comienza aquí el tercer análisis de la serie.


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At his second level of evolution Kulu Mastermind is already a really powerful card. It's true that its summoning cost is really high at nine points, but what it provides is well worth the effort. However, like all cards with a high summoning cost, it only pays to use it when the battle conditions have a high mana limit. Four points of attack and speed and nine points of vitality is what we get in exchange for those nine points of mana.
A su segundo nivel de evolución Kulu Mastermind ya es una carta realmente poderosa. Bien es cierto que su coste de invocación es realmente elevado, nueve puntos, pero es que lo que proporciona merece la pena el esfuerzo. Eso si, como todas las cartas con coste de invocación elevado, solo compensa utilizarlas cuando las condiciones de batalla tengan un límite de maná también elevado. Cuatro puntos de ataque y velocidad y nueve de vitalidad es lo que obtendremos a cambio de esos nueve puntos de maná.
However, the real potential of this card comes with its special abilities. At its first level it gains Weapons Training that grants half of Kulu Mastermind's attack to its adjacent cards if they don't have attack points Just imagine the change it brings to Baakjira if you place Kulu mastermind right behind it. He also has Opportunity and the ability to attack from the second line at his starting level. At his level 2 he also gains Shield. Finally, at his last level he gains Enrage.
Ahora bien, el verdadero potencial de esta carta llega con sus habilidades especiales. En su primer nivel gana Weapons Training que otorga la mitad del ataque de Kulu Mastermind a sus cartas adyacentes si estas no cuentan con puntos de ataque. Solo imagina el cambio que provoca en Baakjira si colocas a Kulu mastermind justo detrás. Además, en su nivel inicial también cuenta con Opportunity y la posibilidad de atacar desde la segunda línea. En su nivel 2 gana también Shield. Por último, en su último nivel suma Enrage.

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Kulu Mastermind's handicap is its almost non-existent improvement in basic skills. In fact, he will only improve from level 1 to level 4 by one attack point, going from four to five. His speed and vitality remain unchanged, but the sum of his special abilities makes it unnecessary for him to improve his basic skills as well.
El hándicap con el que cuenta Kulu Mastermind es su casi inexistente mejora en cuanto a sus habilidades básicas. De hecho, solo va a mejorar en el paso del nivel 1 al 4 en un punto de ataque pasando de cuatro a cinco. Mantiene inalterables su velocidad y vitalidad pero es que la suma de sus habilidades especiales ya hacen innecesario que mejore también sus habilidades básicas.
As with the two cards reviewed in the previous weeks, you won't find Kulu Mastermind on the market as it is a Soulbound edition with no sale or rental options available at the moment The only way to get your hands on one of these cards is to get lucky in the daily or end of season reward chests... as was the case for me with this gold edition of Kulu Mastermind.
Como en las dos cartas analizadas las semanas anteriores, no vas a encontrar a Kulu Mastermind en el mercado al ser una edición Soulbound que, de momento, no tienen habilitadas las opciones de venta o alquiler. La única forma de hacerse con una de estas cartas es tener suerte en los cofres de recompensas diarias o de final de temporada... como ha sido mi caso con esta edición dorada. de Kulu Mastermind.
NameKulu Mastermind
Mana Cost9 points
AbilitiesWeapons Training and Opportunity at level 1, Shield at level 2 and Enrage at level 4.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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Let's now take a look at Kulu on the battlefield. El combate de ejemplo me va a medir a @masterkimi09 que va a formar con un interesante mazo de fuego liderado por Grum Fireblade y Tarsa a nivel 5 en el papel de invocadora. It's going to be a match with two level 5 summoners and several evolved cards on the battlefield An interesting fight for the Gold III league I'm in at the time of this match.
Vamos ahora a ver a Kulu en el campo de batalla. El combate de ejemplo me va a medir a @masterkimi09 que va a formar con un interesante mazo de fuego liderado por Grum Fireblade y Tarsa a nivel 5 en el papel de invocadora. Va a ser un combate con dos invocadores a nivel 5 y varias cartas evolucionadas en el campo de batalla. Una lucha interesante para la liga Oro III en la que me encuentro en el momento de realizar este combate.

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Kelya FrendulSeeking, as usual, to take advantage of the extra speed and shielding it brings to all cards.
DiemonsharkOne of my favourite tanks in this aquatic deck. Lots of speed, attack and an important defensive component that will benefit from the presence of Swamp Spitter in the second line.
Flying SquidMuch of the strategy relies on Diemonshark and Flying Squid holding out as long as possible so that Kulu Mastermind and Deeplurker can take advantage of their second line attack.
Noa The JustNoa has no attack points, however, he will benefit from the aforementioned Kulu Mastermind ability and will add two melee attack points which will be important if Diemonshark and Flying Squid fall and he has to occupy the first position in the line-up.
Kulu MastermindThe star.
DeeplurkerTogether with the attacks that Kulu Mastermind is going to launch, it is the basis of my strategy. Also, I'm looking for him to be able to activate his Poison ability on some of his attacks.
Swamp SpitterHe will have a testimonial contribution as he will be the first card of my team to be eliminated. Even so, it fulfils its function by preventing attacks on Deeplurker.
Another important victory in Gold III. The destruction caused by Kulu Mastermind and Deeplurker from the second line was so great that Noa didn't have to use his attack points from Kulu. Very good strategy helped by the excellent level that these cards combined in the same line-up bring.
Una nueva victoria importante en Oro III. El destrozo que han causado Kulu Mastermind y Deeplurker desde la segunda línea ha sido de tal magnitud que Noa no tuvo que utilizar sus puntos de ataque obtenidos de Kulu. Muy buena estrategia ayudada por el excelente nivel que aportan estas cartas combinadas en la misma alineación.


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Legendary card you expect it to be differential and contribute a quality to your strategy of such a caliber that it is decisive. Kulu Mastermind perfectly fulfills the role of a franchise player capable of unbalancing a battle with his mere presence. His basic abilities are of a high level and perfectly complement his special abilities, turning Kulu Mastermind into a letter of obligatory presence in the deck of water. I give it an outstanding mark of 9 out of 10 for a card that is capable of winning battles on its own.
De una carta legendaria esperas que sea diferencial y aporte una calidad a tu estrategia de tal calibre que sea determinante. Kulu Mastermind cumple a la perfección ese rol de jugador franquicia capaz de desnivelar una batalla con su sola presencia. Sus habilidades básicas son de alto nivel y complementan a la perfección con sus habilidades especiales convirtiendo a Kulu Mastermind en una carta de obligada presencia en el mazo de agua. Le doy una nota sobresaliente de 9 sobre 10 para una carta que es capaz de ganar batallas por si sola.

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Noa The JustIsgald Vorst

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