Card Analysis #5: Coastal Sentry [EN - ESP]

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We have already reviewed four cards from Soulbound and Gladius editions in previous weeks. One of each rarity. And for this fifth installment we continue with a Soulbound edition card and, this time, a common rarity and belonging to the water deck. This fifth installment is going to take us deep into the abilities and playability of an interesting card like Coastal Sentry, will you join me?
Ya hemos analizado en semanas anteriores cuatro cartas de ediciones Soulbound y Gladius. Una de cada rareza. Y para esta quinta entrega seguimos con una carta edición Soulbound y, esta vez, de rareza común y perteneciente al mazo de agua. Esta quinta entrega nos va a llevar a profundizar en las habilidades y jugabilidad de una interesante carta como es Coastal Sentry, ¿me acompañas?


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Coastal Sentry has evolved to level 4 and with this level I'm going to analyse it. My goal is to reach level 6, for which I have 53% left, at which point she gains a second very important special ability: Piercing. At this fourth level she has 4 attack and speed points, two shield points and eight vitality points in exchange for spending 10 mana points on her summoning.
Coastal Sentry la tengo evolucionada a nivel 4 y con este nivel voy a analizarla. Mi objetivo es alcanzar el nivel 6, para lo que me queda un 53%, momento en el que gana una segunda habilidad especial muy importante: Piercing. En este cuarto nivel cuenta con 4 puntos de ataque y velocidad, dos de escudo y ocho puntos de vitalidad a cambio de gastar 10 puntos de maná en su invocación.
Like last week's Riverboat Captain, the Coastal Sentry will have, at its maximum evolution level, three special abilities. The first of these is Double Strike and he already has it at his first level. In the case of my copy at level 4, it does 8 damage per turn At level 6 it will gain Piercing, a very powerful ability for cards with this level of attack and, finally, it will add Knock Out if you get Coastal Sentry to level 10, the maximum level, of its evolution.
Como la semana pasada Riverboat Captain, Coastal Sentry tendrá, en su nivel máximo de evolución, tres habilidades especiales. La primera de ellas es Double Strike y ya la aporta en su primer nivel. En el caso de mi copia a nivel 4 eso hace que provoque 8 puntos de daño por turno. En el nivel 6 conseguirá Piercing, una habilidad muy poderosa para cartas con este nivel de ataque y, por último, sumará Knock Out si consigues llevar a Coastal Sentry hasta el nivel 10, el máximo, de su evolución.

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The evolution in terms of basic skills is quite coherent and progressive. From level 1 to 10 Coastal Sentry will increase its attack, speed and shield abilities by two points and its vitality by 1. It is a very offensive card but it has some margin in defence, so its very high 10 summoning points should not be a problem for its use in mana battles above 32-34 points.
La evolución en cuanto a las habilidades básicas es bastante coherente y progresiva. Desde el nivel 1 al 10 Coastal Sentry va a aumentar en dos puntos sus habilidades de ataque, velocidad y escudo y en 1 la vitalidad. Es una carta eminentemente ofensiva pero que cuenta con cierto margen en defensa por lo que sus altísimos 10 puntos de invocación no deben ser un problema para su uso en batallas de maná superior a 32-34 puntos.
Another Soulbound card that, as you know, cannot yet appear on the market. Making an estimate that you could be very close or very far from reality when the time comes, I estimate it could be in the range of $0.15-0.25 when it becomes available on the Splinterlands market.
Otra carta Soulbound que, como ya sabes, no puede aparecer aún en el mercado. Haciendo una estimación que podrías estar muy cerca o muy lejos de la realidad cuando llegue el momento, calculo que podría estar en torno al rango de 0.15-0.25 dólares cuando se pueda acceder a ella en el mercado de Splinterlands.
NameCoastal Sentry
Mana Cost10 points
AbilitiesDouble Strike at level 1, Piercing at level 6 and Knock Out at level 10.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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Two water decks facing each other will be the battle in which we can appreciate the offensive power of Coastal Sentry. Also, both contenders have this week's card in our line-up so we can see how they perform in two different configurations. Legionnaire Alvar as a tank and the further evolution of my Coastal Sentry will be a decisive difference in the development of the battle.
Dos mazos de agua frente a frente será la batalla en la que podamos apreciar el poder ofensivo de Coastal Sentry. Además, ambos contendientes contamos en nuestra alineación con la carta analizada esta semana por lo que podemos observar su rendimiento en dos configuraciones diferentes. Legionnaire Alvar como tanque y la mayor evolución de mi Coastal Sentry serán una diferencia determinante en el desarrollo de la batalla.

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Kelya FrendulSeeking, as usual, to take advantage of the extra speed and shielding it brings to all cards.
Legionnaire AlvarIn anticipation of my opponent boosting the magic attack I tank a card that minimises the effect of this type of attack. They will have to remove their shield before damaging their vitality.
Flying SquidThe usual second card in my water deck line-ups. A lot of offensive power for a card that can attack from the second line.
River HellondaleThe Legionnaire Alvar + River Hellondale combo with its resurrection ability is one of the most powerful I have in my roster. They always fight together. Without exception.
Coastal SentryThe star.
DisintegratorIt will only affect Coastal Sentry's attack reduction as all other opponent's cards have magic attack.
DiemonsharkA tank for the last position in the line-up and one of the battle conditions is sneak. Defence for the rear and attack capability thanks to that condition.
Another victory to add to my ranking. And, as I said before, the combo Legionnaire Alvar + River Hellondale plus the offensive power of Flying Squid, Coastal Sentry or Diemonshark is totally decisive.
Otra victoria que añadir a mi ranking. Y es que, como digo antes, el combo Legionnaire Alvar + River Hellondale además del poder ofensivo de Flying Squid, Coastal Sentry o Diemonshark es totalmente determinante.


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In this week's review we discovered the great offensive power of Coastal Sentry. A card of common rarity but that participates in a high number of combats when I use the water deck. And it is that the Double Strike ability in a card with so much attack and with high speed means that it always has the option of attacking, at least, one turn if we decide to place it as a tank. That deals 6 damage at level 1 or 8 in my case at level 4. Another card with a high score after analysis, in this case it leaves with a score of 8 out of 10. Another card basic in the deck of water with which you have to count on your roster yes or yes.
En el análisis de esta semana hemos descubierto el gran poder ofensivo de Coastal Sentry. Una carta de rareza común pero que participa en un alto número de combates cuando utilizo el mazo de agua. Y es que la habilidad Double Strike en una carta con tanto ataque y con una elevada velocidad provocan que siempre tenga opción de atacar, al menos, un turno si nos decidimos a colocarla como tanque. Eso provoca 6 puntos de daño a nivel 1 u 8 en mi caso a nivel 4. Otra carta con una nota elevada tras el análisis, en este caso se va con una nota de 8 sobre 10. Otra carta básica en el mazo de agua con la que tienes que contar en tu roster si o si.

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Kulu MastermindNoa The JustRiverboat CaptainIsgald Vorst

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