Card Analysis #7: Demented Shark [EN - ESP]

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Seventh review and, for the first time, we leave the Gladius and Souldbound editions to analyse a Reward edition card that I have in my deck at level 2. This week is the review of Demented Shark A card from the water deck with an eminently offensive gameplay and an ability that seeks to boost and activate the attack of our entire lineup. This is the beginning of the seventh analysis, the analysis of Demented Shark. Let's get started.
Séptimo análisis y, por primera vez, abandonamos las ediciones Gladius y Souldbound para adentrarnos en el análisis de una carta edición Reward y que tengo en mi mazo a nivel 2. Esta semana llega el análisis de Demented Shark. Una carta del mazo de agua con una jugabilidad eminentemente ofensiva y con una habilidad que busca potenciar y activar el ataque de toda nuestra alineación. Comienza aquí el séptimo análisis, llega el análisis de Demented Shark. Comenzamos.




For the analysis of Demented Shark I will use the active copy in my roster which is upgraded to level 2. The difference from the initial level is that it has gained one more point of speed. The thing that makes this Reward card stand out is the power of its special ability: Inspire, which makes it a very offensive card.
Para el análisis de Demented Shark voy a usar la copia activa en mi roster que está mejorada a nivel 2. La diferencia con respecto al nivel inicial es que ha ganado un punto más de velocidad. El hecho por el que destaca esta carta Reward es por la potencia que otorga su habilidad especial: Inspire. Es, por ello, una carta con un elevado componente ofensivo.
In addition to Inspire at his initial level, he will gain a second ability when he reaches level 6: thorns. This upgrade will give him an extra point of danger to opponents who target Demented Shark in their attacks, and will give him higher playability even though he can only attack from the first position in the line-up. However, this shouldn't be a problem as Demented Shark's main utility is to improve the attack of his line-up partners rather than the damage he can do himself.
Además de Inspire en su nivel inicial, va a obtener una segunda habilidad al alcanzar el nivel 6: thorns. Esta mejora le va a dotar de un punto más de peligro a aquellos rivales que tengan a Demented Shark como objetivo de sus ataques y le va a dar una jugabilidad más alta a pesar de que solo pueda atacar desde la primera posición de la alineación. Sin embargo, esto no debe ser un problema ya que la utilidad principal de Demented Shark es mejorar el ataque de sus compañeros de alineación más que el daño que pueda hacer por sí mismo.

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As a common rarity card it will have a level 1 to 10 upgrade and, as with other cards, its upgrade will be very linear. At its initial level it has one point of attack and shield, two points of speed and six points of vitality, plus the Inspire ability. As it levels up, it will improve its attack and speed by two points and its vitality by three points, and it will gain the Thorns ability at level 6.
Al ser una carta de rareza común va a tener una mejora del nivel 1 al 10 y, como pasa con otras cartas, su mejora va a ser muy lineal. En su nivel inicial cuenta con un punto de ataque y escudo, dos de velocidad y seis de vitalidad además de la habilidad Inspire. A medida que vaya aumentando de nivel va a mejorar en dos puntos su ataque y velocidad y en tres su vitalidad y ganará la habilidad Thorns en el nivel 6.
This time, yes. This time you will be able to buy the analysed card in the Splinterlands marketplace, and you will also be able to rent it to try it out before you decide to buy it. It is currently priced at 0.13 dollars for purchase and 0.10 dec/day for both daily and seasonal rental.
Esta vez si. Esta vez podrás comprar la carta analizada en el mercado de Splinterlands y, también, podrás alquilarla para probarla antes de decidirte por su compra definitiva. Su precio actual es de 0.13 dólares en compra y 0.10 dec/día tanto en su alquiler diario como de temporada.
NameDemented Shark
Mana Cost6 points
AbilitiesInspire at level 1 and Thorns at level 6.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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My opponent in the example battle is @elevator09 who is going to form up with a water deck as well. He's going with a summoner that reduces magic attack, zero problems with that, and a lot of cards similar to mine as well as forming with Disintegrator which is going to counteract the offensive melee bonus that Demented Shark is going to give me. Let's see how this interesting match has developed.
Mi rival en la batalla de ejemplo es @elevator09 que va a formar con mazo de agua también. El va con un invocador que reduce ataque mágico, cero problemas con ello, y muchas cartas similares a las mías además de formar con Disintegrator que va a contrarrestar el bonus ofensivo en ataque cuerpo a cuerpo que me va a aportar Demented Shark. Vamos a ver cómo se ha desarrollado este interesante combate.

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Kelya FrendulThere is no secret in the use of Kelya Frendul. For me the best summoner in the water deck among the rare summoners.
DiemonsharkUsual tank in high mana battles. Incredible offensive power and well equipped for defence. Ideal tank in this deck.
Flying SquidAnother regular in the second line with an attack enhanced by Demented Shark. Key position for this squid.
Demented SharkThe star.
Kulu MastermindKulu Mastermind is a real folly. One of the happiest days in the Splinterlands universe was discovering this gold edition card in my seasonal chests.
DeeplurkerAnother regular in my water deck. A lot of offensive power attacking from the second line. Another card that can't be missed.
Tortisian FighterCompleting the line-up is this card, which will have a testimonial role watching the fight from the rear.
Uncontested victory. My lineup was more powerful than my rival's and it showed from the start. Despite coinciding on some cards, my combinations were better and gave me another victory.
Victoria incontestable. Mi alineación era más poderosa que la de mi rival y se demostró desde el primer momento. A pesar de coincidir en algunas cartas mis combinaciones fueron mejores y me dieron una nueva victoria.


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Demented Shark is one of those underused cards in the water deck but, under certain conditions, performs very well. Its improvement to the melee attack of its lineup partners is vital in a deck that has several very powerful cards in this type of attack. Of course, for it to perform well we need high-mana battles in which we can place all our cards with this type of attack to make the most of its improvement. Demented Shark receives a grade of 6 out of 10 in this new analysis of the Splinterlands universe.
Demented Shark es una de esas cartas poco utilizadas en el mazo de agua pero que, bajo ciertas condiciones, rinde muy bien. Su mejora del ataque cuerpo a cuerpo de sus compañeros de alineación es vital en un mazo que tiene varias cartas poderosísimas en este tipo de ataque. Eso sí, para que rinda bien necesitamos batallas de mucho maná en las que podamos colocar todas nuestras cartas con este tipo de ataque para aprovechar al máximo su mejora. Demented Shark recibe una nota de 6 sobre 10 en este nuevo análisis del universo Splinterlands.

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Kulu MastermindNoa The JustRiverboat CaptainIsgald Vorst
Quora TowersheadCoastal Sentry

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Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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