Card Analysis #14: Iidri Fyre [EN - ESP]

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Good morning to you all. Welcome to another week of the @splinterlands Social Media Challenge. These last few weeks I have been sharing different analyses of Gladius or Souldbound edition cards for this weekly challenge. This week, continuing with this dynamic, it's the turn of an epic card from the Fire Deck: Iidri Fyre So I won't dwell any longer on the introduction of this week's article and we'll start a new analysis. Let's go!
Bueeeenos días a todos. Bienvenidos una semana más a la cita con el Social Media Challenge de @splinterlands. Estas últimas semanas con motivo de este reto semanal vengo compartiendo diferentes análisis de cartas edición Gladius o Souldbound. Esta semana, sigueindo con esta dinámica, llega el turno para una carta épica del mazo de fuego: Iidri Fyre. Así que no me entretengo más con la introducción del artículo de esta semana y comenzamos un nuevo análisis. ¡Vamos!




As in the previous two weeks I'm going to take advantage of an interesting battle using the fire deck. If you follow me on a regular basis you will know that the two decks I use the most are the water and nature decks. However, in the last few weeks I've been getting really good results with the fire deck, a deck that I've developed partly with two summoners and mostly Soulbound edition cards that are performing really well for my interests. One of the main cards in this deck is this week's featured card: Iidri Fyre.
Como en las dos semanas anteriores voy a aprovechar una interesante batalla utilizando el mazo de fuego. Si me sigues de manera habitual ya sabrás que los dos mazos que más utilizo son los mazos de agua y de naturaleza. Sin embargo, en las últimas semanas estoy obteniendo muy buenos resultados con el de fuego. Un mazo que tengo desarrollado en parte con dos invocadores y mayoría de cartas edición Soulbound que están rindiendo realmente bien para mis intereses. Una de las cartas protagonistas de este mazo es la analizada esta semana: Iidri Fyre.
Iidry Fyre is one of those epic cards, like Clockwork Aide, that don't provide attack but other features that make them really interesting on the defensive side of things. In the case of Iidri Fyre it is the presence, as a special ability, of Taunt and Redemption That is, it centralises all opponent's attacks on itself and, in addition, when it dies it causes one point of damage to all enemies. A good amount of defensive power complemented by two more interesting abilities in our battle strategy this week.
Iidry Fyre es una de esas cartas épicas, como Clockwork Aide, que no aportan ataque pero si otras características que las hacen realmente interesantes en el aspecto defensivo. En el caso de Iidri Fyre es la presencia, como habilidad especial, de Taunt y Redemption. Es decir, centraliza en si misma todos los ataques rivales y, además, al morir causa un punto de daño a todos los enemigos. Una buena cantidad de poder defensivo complementado con dos habilidades más que interesantes en nuestra estrategia de batalla de esta semana.

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As an epic card, his evolution goes from level 1 to 6. Throughout this evolution he will not improve his speed, but he will improve his defence from three to five points and his vitality from eight to ten points Furthermore, at level 4 he will gain Return Fire and at the last level Phase to complement the damage Return Fire causes. Four skills, especially the first two of which are interesting, for a defensive strategy.
Como carta épica que es su evolución va desde el nivel 1 al 6. A lo largo de esta evolución no mejorará su velocidad pero si su defensa, de tres a cinco puntos, y su vitalidad que pasa de ocho a diez puntos. Además, a nivel 4 va a ganar Return Fire y en el último nivel Phase para complementar el daño que causa Return Fire. Cuatro habilidades, interesantes especialmente las dos primeras, para una estrategia defensiva.
Soulbound edition as far as you know. You can't get it on the market or as a rental, only through daily and end of season rewards.
Edición Soulbound por lo que ya sabes. Ni en el mercado ni como alquiler puedes obtenerla, solo a través de las recompensas diarias y de final de temporada.
NameIidri Fyre
Mana Cost6 points
AbilitiesTaunt at level 1 and Redemption at level 2, Return Fire at level 4 and Phase at level 6.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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My opponent this week is @kimsungmin and he's going to present me with a very interesting death deck with some really powerful cards. However, his strategy is not going to be enough to defeat one of the decks I'm starting to use more regularly like the one I'm showing you in the last three reviews. My fire deck has few variants but, under certain conditions, it's proving especially powerful since I've been able to evolve some of the Soulbound edition cards received in the daily and seasonal bounties.
Mi rival esta semana es @kimsungmin y me va a presentar batalla con un más que interesante mazo de muerte con algunas cartas que son realmente poderosas. Sin embargo, su estrategia no va a ser suficiente para derrotar a uno de los mazos que comienzo a usar con mayor habitualidad como es el que te estoy mostrando en los últimos tres análisis. Mi mazo de fuego tiene pocas variantes pero, bajo ciertas condiciones, se está mostrando especialmente potente desde que he podido evolucionar algunas de las cartas edición Soulbound recibidas en las recompensas diarias y de temporada.

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Eternal BruneEternal Brune repeats as a level 3 summoner. In the last few weeks this summoner has become my third choice after Kelya Frendul and Obsidian.
Ferox DefenderThird week and third time Ferox Defender has been in my line-up as a tank. This week, with the Reverse Speed battle condition, he'll be even more effective.
Chimney WallstopChimney appears from behind the tank to take advantage of its special abilities. It's a card I've looked at before and I'm finding it more and more useful for my strategies.
FirecallerStrangely enough, Venari Marksrat does not appear in the line-up this week. Instead, in third position, a card with a ranged attack and the Martyr ability comes into play.
Pyrewatch DevilPyrewatch Devil, also reviewed a fortnight ago, enters the scene in an intermediate position with his ranged attack and looking to take advantage of the possible removal of Firecaller and the activation of the Martyr ability to boost his stats.
Iidri FyreThe star.
Xenith ArcherFinally, a card that, in exchange for only two mana summoning points, has good stats that help complement the rest of the cards in this line-up.


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With every analysis I do with the fire mallet, I am enjoying using it more and more. I plan to make a small investment in strengthening my blue and green decks a bit more, and I think in the medium-term future I'm going to consider adding to my fire deck collection with some cards to complement my Gladius and Soulbound collection. But first, this analysis shows that the performance of Iidri Fyre alongside the other great cards in the fire deck is very powerful My opponent uses a good strategy with the death deck, but the combination of defensive and offensively powerful cards in the fire deck far outweighs my opponent's strategy. And in this area, the time Iidri Fyre buys over the rest of the line-up is crucial to my victory. A score of 9 out of 10 for an epic card that performs especially well with the rest of the Soulbound card in the Fire Deck. I hope you found this review useful and I'll see you next week for review number 15 in the series. Enjoy the week!
Con cada análisis que realizo con el mazo de fuego más me está gustando utilizarlo. Tengo previsto realizar una pequeña inversión fortaleciendo un poco más mis mazos azul y verde y, creo, que en el futuro a medio plazo voy a plantearme aumentar mi colección del mazo de fuego con algunas cartas que complementen mi colección de cartas Gladius y Soulbound. Pero antes, este análisis muestra que el rendimiento de Iidri Fyre junto a las otras grandes cartas del mazo de fuego es muy poderoso. Mi rival utiliza una buena estrategia con el mazo de muerte, pero la combinación de cartas defensivas y con buen poder ofensivo del mazo de fuego supera ampliamente la estrategia de mi rival. Y en este ámbito el tiempo que hace ganar Iidri Fyre al resto de la alineación es determinante para darme la victoria. Nota de 9 sobre 10 para una carta épica que rinde especialmente bien con el resto de carta Soulbound del mazo de fuego. Espero que esta análisis te haya sido de utilizad y nos vemos la próxima semana con el análisis número 15 de la serie. ¡A disfrutar de la semana!

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Kulu MastermindNoa The JustRiverboat CaptainIsgald Vorst
Musa SalineQuora TowersheadCoastal Sentry
Marisol ContumaDemented Shark
Swamp Spitter
Drybone Barbarian
Pyrewatch Devil
Chimney Wallstop

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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