Card Analysis #10: Drybone Barbarian [EN - ESP]

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We start August with a new review of one of the new Soulbound edition cards from the Splinterlands universe. After reviewing the legendary Saline Muse last week, it's time for a powerful card from the life deck: Drybone Barbarian, an interesting tank that I'm about to be able to evolve to level 5 where it becomes even more powerful by gaining its second special ability. An ability I'll tell you about next. Let's get started.
Comenzamos agosto con un nuevo análisis de una de las nuevas cartas edición Soulbound del universo Splinterlands. Tras analizar la legendaria Musa Saline la semana pasada, llega el turno para una poderosa carta del mazo de vida: Drybone Barbarian. Un interesante tanque que estoy a punto de poder evolucionar al nivel 5 en el que es aún más poderoso al ganar su segunda habilidad especial. Una habilidad que os cuento a continuación. Comenzamos.


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Like all tanks in Splinterlands, at least all those with this amount of power, it has a major drawback: its very high summoning mana cost that makes it unsuitable for low mana battles. That aside, it's a card with a very powerful melee attack and a good level of defence. It also has special abilities that are more than adequate for its playability.
Como todos los tanques en Splinterlands, al menos todos aquellos con esta cantidad de poder, tiene un gran inconveniente: su costo de maná de invocación es muy alto, lo que lo hace inadecuado para batallas con poco maná. Aparte de eso, es una carta con un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo muy poderoso y un buen nivel de defensa. También tiene habilidades especiales que son más que adecuadas para su jugabilidad.
The presence of Enrage already in his initial level, an ability that makes him gain additional attack and speed when hit makes Drybone Barbarian a very dangerous element if we don't manage to eliminate him at the first attack. The longer we take to get rid of him, the more he will penalise us in combat. Add in the five melee attack points he has at level 4, the level used for this review, and you can expect Drybone Barbarian to be a real pain in the ass.
La presencia de Enrage ya en su nivel inicial, habilidad que le hace ganar ataque y velocidad adicional al ser golpeado hacen de Drybone Barbarian un elemento muy peligroso si no conseguimos eliminarlo a las primeras de cambio. Cuanto más tardemos en librarnos de él más nos va a penalizar en combate. Si le añadimos los cinco puntos de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo que tiene a nivel 4, el nivel utilizado para este análisis, podemos anticipar que Drybone Barbarian es un auténtico dolor de muelas.

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The evolution of Drybone Barbarian's basic skills is very balanced throughout his 10 levels. In total, he will gain two points in each of his basic skills except for shield, which he will not have at any point in his evolution. As for his special skills, in addition to Enrage at level 1, he will gain Retaliate at level 5 and, finally, Knock Out at level 9.
La evolución de las habilidades básicas de Drybone Barbarian es muy equilibrada a lo largo de sus 10 niveles. En total ganará dos puntos en cada una de sus habilidades básicas a excepción de escudo con el que no contará en ningún momento de su evolución. En cuanto a sus habilidades especiales además de Enrage a nivel 1 va a ganar Retaliate a nivel 5 y, por último, Knock Out a nivel 9.
We are back to a Souldbound card which, for the moment, is only available through daily and seasonal rewards and is not available on the market.
Volvemos a una carta Souldbound que, por el momento, solo se puede conseguir mediante recompensas diarias y de temporada y no están disponibles en el mercado.
NameDrybone Barbarian
Mana Cost9 points
AbilitiesEnrage at level 1, Retaliate at level 5 and Knock out at level 9.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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Let's go to the battle of example and analysis. My opponent is going to be @matt-mercenaryes and if you analyse his line-up at the beginning of the fight you don't give a damn about my victory. Line up two legendaries like Legionnaire Alvar and Adelaide Brightwing in the first two positions Mark territory from the start and complete the line-up with a mix of magic and ranged attack. Perhaps it's in the mix of attacks that he has a weakness and can exploit it as the fight goes on, especially if Drybone Barbarian can withstand the early attacks from his opponents.
Vamos con la batalla de ejemplo y análisis. Mi rival va a ser @matt-mercenaryes y si analizas su alineación al inicio del combate no das un duro por mi victoria. Alinea dos legendarias como Legionnaire Alvar y Adelaide Brightwing en las dos primeras posiciones. Marca territorio desde el primer momento y completa la alineación con mezcla de ataque mágico y a distancia. Quizá ahí, en la mezcla de ataques, resida su punto débil y pueda aprovecharlo en el desarrollo del combate especialemte si Drybone Barbarian aguanta los primeros envites rivales.

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Franz RuffaneLife Deck Summoner that, in addition to adding a shield point to all cards, allows the option of using Gladius edition cards.
Drybone BarbarianThe Star.
War PegasusAs you may already know if you follow me, one of my favourite cards in the life deck and in the game, the ability to shatter the shield of the attacking card is vital as you can see in this week's battle.
Magi of ChaosTwo magic attack points and six vitality for a moderate summoning cost. Very usable card.
Captain KatieThe Gladius edition card I use thanks to Franz Ruffmane. Three points of magic attack that will cause a lot of damage to my opponent.
Djinn RenovaA classic life deck classic that also features magic attack and brings vitality boosts to the entire line-up.
Time MageWe complete the line-up with Time Mage. He also has magic attack and, in addition, speed reduction for all enemy cards.


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Drybone Barbarian did not last long in combat but long enough to finish off legionnaire Alvar so that he had to be resurrected. Another vital point was the ability of War Pegasus to remove the shield of the targets that suffered his attack That was a differential point along with Drybone to take a victory against an opponent that has put legendary cards on the battlefield. As soon as I get Drybone Barbarian to level 5 and gain the Retaliate ability, he'll be a main card in my life deck roster. A score of 7 out of 10 for a powerful tank reviewed this week that is handicapped by its nine summoning cost.
Drybone Barbarian no aguantó demasiado en combate pero si lo suficiente para acabar con legionnaire Alvar y que tuviera que ser resucitado. Otro punto vital ha sido la habilidad de War Pegasus eliminando el escudo de los objetivos que sufrían su ataque. Ese ha sido un punto diferencial junto a Drybone para llevarme una victoria ante un rival que ha puesto sobre el campo de batalla cartas legendarias. En cuanto consiga aumentar al nivel 5 a Drybone Barbarian y gane la habilidad Retaliate será una carta principal en mi roster del mazo de vida. Nota de 7 sobre 10 para un poderoso tanque analizado esta semana que tiene como hándicap sus nueve puntos de coste de invocación.

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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