Card Analysis #9: Musa Saline [EN-ESP]

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Last week of July and time to review a new card from the Splinterlands universe. We are back again to review a card from the new SoulBound edition and, after reviewing Swamp Spitter last week, we move on to a legendary card from the water deck. This week I bring you the review of Musa Saline level 1. I have two copies of this card so far, and I'm looking forward every day to upgrading to level 2. Let's get started.
Última semana de julio y tiempo para analizar una nueva carta del universo Splinterlands. Volvemos de nuevo a analizar una carta de la nueva edición SoulBound y, tras analizar Swamp Spitter la semana pasada, pasamos a una carta legendaria del mazo de agua. Esta semana os traigo el análisis de Musa Saline nivel 1. De momento dos copias tengo de esta carta y con la ilusión cada día de poder mejorar a nivel 2. Mientras tanto, este es el análisis de esta carta legendaria del mazo de agua. Comenzamos.


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Musa Saline is one of those legendary cards that doesn't stand out as a franchise card, as I like to call those cards that, on their own, are capable of determining the outcome of a match. It's strong point is its very low summoning cost, which is only three mana and it's a card that, if well protected, can bring a lot of joy thanks to its Scavenger ability, with which it can increase its vitality infinitely.
Musa Saline es una de esas cartas legendarias que no destacan por ser una carta franquicia como me gusta llamar a mi a esas cartas que, por si solas, con capaces de determinar el resultado de un combate. Su punto fuerte es su bajísimo coste de invocación que apenas es de tres puntos de maná. Siendo una carta que, bien protegida, puede dar mucahs alegrías gracias a su habilidad Scavenger con la que puede ir aumentando su vitalidad de manera infinita.
At level 2 it is a card that significantly increases your influence in combat. Hence it is one of my main objectives to bring my copy of Musa Saline to this second level. And at this second level it gains, in addition to the aforementioned Scavenger, the ability Shatter, With these two abilities together it is a totally destructive and decisive card in combat.
A nivel 2 es una carta que aumenta de manera importante su influencia en combate. De ahí que sea uno de mis objetivos principales llevar a mi copia de Musa Saline a este segundo nivel. Y es que en ese segundo nivel gana, además de la citada Scavenger, la habilidad Shatter. Con estas dos habilidades juntas es una carta totalmente destructiva y determinante en combate.

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In its four levels of evolution, it will only improve its basic skills by two points. Throughout his evolution he will gain one point of magic attack and one point of speed while keeping his three vitality points unchanged This point should not be of too much concern as Scavenger will allow Musa Saline to increase his vitality on the battlefield. As for special abilities, in addition to the aforementioned Scavenger and Shatter, she will gain Dispel at level 3, an ability that removes all the positive effects of the card that receives her attacks.
En sus cuatro niveles de evolución solo va a mejorar en dos puntos sus habilidades básicas. Ganará a lo largo de su evolución un punto de ataque mágico y un punto de velocidad manteniendo inalterables sus tres puntos de vitalidad. Este punto no debe preocupar en exceso pues ya Scavenger va a hacer que Musa Saline pueda aumentar su vitalidad en el campo de batalla. En cuanto a habilidades especiales, además de las citadas Scavenger y Shatter, va a ganar al alcanzar el nivel 3 Dispel, habilidad que elimina todos los efectos positivos de la carta que reciba sus ataques.
We are back to a Souldbound card which, for the moment, is only available through daily and seasonal rewards and is not available on the market.
Volvemos a una carta Souldbound que, por el momento, solo se puede conseguir mediante recompensas diarias y de temporada y no están disponibles en el mercado.
NameMusa Saline
Mana Cost3 points
AbilitiesScavenger at level 1, Shatter at level 2 and Dispel at level 3.
Market PriceSoulbound card


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The battle in which we discover the power of Musa Saline pits me against @the-punisher who is going to form up with a life deck led by Lorna Shine at level 3. A truly dangerous summoner and one who often causes problems for those who dare to challenge her abilities. She's going to use cards with low summoning cost and all of them with attack power even from the second line. It's going to be a tough battle between two decks with good strategy. Let's take a look at how the battle has unfolded.
La batalla en la que descubrimos el poder de Musa Saline me enfrenta a @the-punisher que va a formar con un mazo de vida liderado por Lorna Shine a nivel 3. Una invocadora realmente peligrosa y que suele causar problemas a los que osan enfrentarse a sus habilidades. Va a utilizar cartas de poco coste de invocación y todas ellas con poder de ataque incluso desde la segunda línea. Va a ser una batalla complicada entre dos mazos con una buena estrategia. Vamos a ver cómo se ha desarrollado el combate.

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Kelya FrendulThere is no secret in the use of Kelya Frendul. The presence of Swamp Spitter gives even more importance to the shield point it brings.
Cruel StehropodA very powerful tank in battles with little summoning mana available. Lots of defensive power and good attacking ability.
Tide BiterAnother ideal card for low mana battles. Epic card that can attack from the second position in the line-up with its important melee attack.
Musa SalineThe star.
Ice PixieCard to complete the line-up and use his magic attack to do damage from the second line.
Igor DarkspearOne of my favourite cards for the water deck. Only two summoning cost and really effective ranged attack.
Xenith ArcherFinishes the line-up this card with ranged attack just like Igor Darkspear. The key to the battle will be that the cards ahead of him can hold out long enough to do enough damage.


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A card that doesn't particularly stand out at first glance, but with Scavenger and Shatter at level 2 it becomes a devastating card. Ideal to use in low mana battles, like the one in the example, and gain vitality as the rest of the cards are dying And because it has a magic attack, it can do damage right from the start of the battle. After the analysis I give Musa Saline a score of 7.5 out of 10. Second legendary card analysed in this series and another card you can't miss in your water deck roster.
Una carta que no destaca especialmente a primera vista pero que con Scavenger y con Shatter a nivel 2 se convierte en una carta demoledora. Ideal para utilizar en batallas de poco maná, como la del ejemplo, e ir ganando vitalidad a medida que el resto de cartas van muriendo. Además, al contar con ataque mágico puede dañar ya desde el primer momento de la batalla. Tras el análisis le doy a Musa Saline una nota de 7.5 sobre 10. Segunda carta legendaria analizada en esta serie y otra carta que no puede faltar en tu roster del mazo de agua.

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Swamp Spitter

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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