Card Analysis #16: Katrelba Gobson [EN - ESP]


Good afternoon, morning, evening, and welcome to analysis number 16 in the current series looking at different cards in the @splinterlands universe. This time it's the turn for the land deck and a common rarity card that I have evolved to level 4. Today it's time for the analysis of Katrelba Gobson and his powerful attack. Let's get to it. Let's get started.
Buenas tardes, días, noches, y sed bienvenidos al análisis número 16 de la serie actual analizando diferentes cartas en el universo @splinterlands. Esta vez toca turno para el mazo de tierra y para una carta de rareza común que tengo evolucionada a nivel 4. Hoy llega el turno para el análisis de Katrelba Gobson y su poderoso ataque. ¿Me acompañas en este nuevo análisis? Vamos a ello. Comenzamos.



This week's card, as you can see from its frame, is from the Gladius edition. You know, only accessible at the moment through clan rewards and brawls. In my case I have it evolved to level 4 and I'm close to upgrade it one more level. In exchange for a moderate mana cost, Katrelba Gobson has a melee attack and three special abilities that make her a fearsome element for our opponents. She can attack from the second line and has an interesting three melee attack points that can be decisive in our battles.
La carta de esta semana, como puedes comprobar en su marco, pertenece a la edición Gladius. Ya sabes, solo accesible por el momento a través de las recompensas de los clanes y sus brawls. En mi caso la tengo evolucionada a nivel 4 y estoy cerca de ascenderla un nivel más. A cambio de un coste de maná moderado, Katrelba Gobson cuenta con ataque cuerpo a cuerpo y tres habilidades especiales que la convierten en un elemento temible para nuestros rivales. Puede atacar desde la segunda línea y tiene unos interesantes tres puntos de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo que pueden ser determinantes en nuestras batallas.
I mentioned above that he has three melee attack points. Well, that's not entirely true, he has even more thanks to his Double Strike ability. That is, he can do no less than six points of damage per round It gets even better, doesn't it? The other special abilities he has are his Gladius edition's Bloodlust and the one that allows him to attack from the second line: Sneak. Three good abilities that exponentially multiply his intimidating power.
Te comento arriba que tiene tres puntos de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo. Bien, no es del todo verdad, tiene aún más gracias a su habilidad Double Strike. Es decir, puede llegar a hacer nada menos que seis puntos de daño en cada ronda. La cosa es aún mejor, ¿no?. Las otras habilidades especiales que tiene son la correspondiente a su edición Gladius: Bloodlust y la que le permite atacar desde la segunda línea: Sneak. Tres buenas habilidades que multiplican de manera exponencial su poder intimidatorio.

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Katrelba has a similar evolution to other cards of its rarity. She will increase her melee attack and vitality by two points and her speed by three points. What improves incredibly are the special abilities that each level up gives him In addition to the three initial ones already mentioned: Bloodlust, Double Strike and Sneak, he will add Snare at level 5 and Cripple at level 9. Tremendous power.
Katrelba tiene una evolución similar a otras cartas de su rareza. Aumentará en dos puntos su ataque cuerpo a cuerpo y su vitalidad y en tres puntos su velocidad. Lo que mejora de manera increible son las habilidades especiales que le otorga cada subida de nivel. Y es que ademas de las tres iniciales ya mencionadas: Bloodlust, Double Strike y Sneak va a sumar en el nivel 5 Snare y en el nivel 9 Cripple. Tremendo poder.
Let's talk now about its market price... no, it's a Gladius edition so you know. If you want Katrelba Gobson you have to hope for luck when opening the chests with the rewards obtained in the brawls with your clan...
Hablemos ahora de su precio en el mercado... no, carta edición Gladius asi que ya sabes. Si quieres a Katrelba Gobson te toca esperar suerte al abrir los cofres con las recompensas obtenidas en las brawls con tu clan...
NameKatrelba Gobson
Mana Cost6 points
AbilitiesBloddlust, Sneak and Double Strike at level 1, Snare at level 5 and Cripple at level 9.
Market PriceNot available. Gladius card.


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This week my opponent will be @neldoran in a battle with a very low amount of summoning mana and a life deck with Mother Khala as a summoner and a lot of low cost cards and interesting attack power. As for me, I'm going with a dragon summoner and a line-up with four cards, two very powerful cards and two to complete the line-up, one of them with my beloved Martyr ability. Let's see the battle.
Esta semana mi rival será @neldoran en una batalla con una cantidad de maná de invocación muy reducido y en la que va a formar con un mazo de vida con Mother Khala como invocadora y muchas cartas de bajo coste y un interesante poder de ataque. Yo, por mi parte, formo con un invocador dragón y una alineación con cuatro cartas, dos muy poderosas y dos para completar la alineación y, una de ellas, con mi querida habilidad Martyr. Vamos a ver la batalla.

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Helios MatriarchDragon Summoner that boosts speed by giving an extra point to all cards. By using this summoner I'm looking to gain an advantage over my opponent so that Katrelba Gobson can be the first to strike each round.
Terraceous GrundExtra powerful tank thinking that my opponent could use a lot of low cost cards with little offensive power. If Katrelba holds out long enough, she'll destroy my opponent single-handedly.
Mycelic MorphoidCard with a summon mana point that could give me an extra round of advantage for Katrelba Gobson.
Katrelba GobsonThe star this week
Fungus FlingerIf my opponent has cards that attack my rearguard and they manage to eliminate Fungus, it will give me a huge advantage with his Martyr ability, boosting Katrelba Gobson even more.


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This week's card, as you can see, has offensive power beyond the reach of very few cards. At level 4 it has the potential to do six points of damage per round, which is very hard to do for only six points of summon mana. Its handicap is that it's a Gladius card and it doesn't have a lot of vitality, so to be effective we have to camouflage it well between cards with a good defensive level. With this in mind it's a very powerful card that can give us a good percentage of victories in our strategies with the earth deck. A score of 7 out of 10 for Katrelba Gobson after this week's review.
La carta de esta semana, como has podido comprabar, tiene un poder ofensivo al alcance de muy pocas cartas. Al nivel 4 tiene potencial de hacer seis puntos de daño por ronda, algo que es muy complicado de conseguir a cambio de tan solo seis puntos de maná de invocación. Su hándicap es que es carta Gladius y que no tiene mucha vitalidad por lo que para que sea efectiva tenemos que camuflarla bien entre cartas con buen nivel defensivo. Teniendo esto en cuenta es una carta muy poderosa que nos puede dar un buen porcentaje de victorias en nuestras estrategias con el mazo de tierra. Nota de 7 sobre 10 para Katrelba Gobson tras el análisis realizado esta semana.

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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