Upvote Shares Level 33 Curation Dividend Payouts & Progress


Level 33 Was Completed many months ago and I'm well overdue to move on to Level 34. First, there is another round of Curation Reward Dividends to Shareholders with 11 or more shares.

My intention is to get Level 34 opened and possibly filled before the end on the year and I might skip level 35 paying for the shares and buring them just to make up for the lost time as I have been procrastinating. Despite the delay everything in the program continues to operate flawlessly with all active shareholders getting their daily upvotes!

-TribeCurrently StakedMultiplier
Hive11395 HP1x
Leofinance700 LEO10x
Palnet2505 PAL2x
Sportstalk400000 SPORTS10x
Neoxian15500 NEOXAG5x
ClickTrackProfit600 CTP10x
Proof Of Brain600 POB5x
1up.zone1000 ONEUP5x

Level 33 Curation Dividends

I used some of the savings from Hive-Engine to double the Curation Dividend Rewards this time again as it also helps to make up for some lost time.

List All Shareholders

@roleerob @costanza @macoolette @glastar @trincowski @jlordc @byebyehamburgers @newageinv @fullcoverbetting @ervin-lemark @meesterboom @abh12345 @braaiboy @stimp1024 @blanchy @bashadow @mango-juice @erikklok @incubot @fredkese @romeskie @andrewharland @o07 @pifc @plantstoplanks @thedarkhorse @angelacs @doughtaker @barbara-orenya @sportfrei @davedickeyyall @bengy @simplymike @beat-the-bookies @revisesociology @barbadosso @maarnio @shookriya @cicisaja @lawlees @tryskele @lynncoyle1 @celinavisaez @crypto-econom1st @wolfhart @mermaidvampire @acidyo @nanzo-scoop @acelad @jznsamuel @balticbadger @craigcryptoking @insight-out @minnowbuilder @patriamreminisci @blessed-girl @kirstin @barmbo @fcb.spt @fitat40 @lenasveganliving @woman-onthe-wing @steevc @slobberchops @numpypython @fulltimegeek @themanwithnoname @rishi556 @lovetaxi005 @veryspider @eoj @mmunited @keegzhawkins @adelair @viking-ventures @el-nailul @buckaroo @marya77 @team-ccc @janton @minnowbuilder2 @puravidaville @gamercrypto @theonlyway @minnowbuilder3 @alexbiojs @happyme @jaynie @nonsowrites @oliviackl @beerlover @johannpiber @phortun @gillianpearce @shasta @minnowbuilder4 @curatorcat @playdice @mimismartypants @wongbraling @deniskj @quinnertronics @ariefm @photophile @amico.sports @mercurial9 @seckorama @heroldius @bozz @solymi, @forsakensushi, @michelmake, @xsasj, @beyondhorizonmm, @luizeba, @ekavieka, @crazyphantombr

The voting power continues to hold up likely because it's a bear market and not everyone is using all their upvotes which makes them be redistributed to active shareholders. It's right now on the edge where I need to after a very long time reduce the 2.8% upvote for each Share. For now I will keep them and I will see how it goes after Level 34 is completed to maybe lower things afterward. The aim is to open up and if possible complete the next level before the end of the year. So those that are interested in shared, keep an eye out.

Thanks everyone and as always let me know if I made any mistakes. Also, feel free to leave questions, feedback, and suggestions in the comments below as always!

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