Upvote Shares Level 30 Curation Dividend Payouts & Progress

Level 30 Was Completed a while ago with Level 31 being ready to open up. As always, there is another round of Curation Reward Dividends to Shareholders with 11 or more shares.

The account is making good progress with now 30 Levels cleared and 9 more to go before the maximum of 2000 Shares will be in circulation. We also reached over a total Stake of 10000 HP (including the latest delegation) that gives out daily or weekly upvotes to shareholders.

I staked some more Tribe token which continue to slowly but surely grow to bring some nice added value to all Shareholders.

-TribeCurrently StakedMultiplier
Hive9844 HP1x
Leofinance700 LEO10x
Palnet2500 PAL2x
Sportstalk380000 SPORTS10x
Neoxian12800 NEOXAG5x
ClickTrackProfit560 CTP10x
Proof Of Brain66 POB5x
1up.zone1000 ONEUP5x


There have been some airdrops recently which I claimed for the account.

This dates a while back but we got 502 WAIV tokens in the hive-engine account which I ended up selling for 71 Hive. Part of this was used to double the curation rewards this round distributing it to shareholders. I also used some to increase the holdings of some other Tribe tokens and might do another double curation rewards payout next round.

I missed the first month of the LARYNX Token airdrop but managed to Claim them for April good for 718.416 LARYNX. For now I will just leave those where they are and decide what to do with the later down the line after doing some actual research.

There also was an airdrop of DUAT Tokens from the Upcoming Ragnarok game and the account got 8620 DUAT so far which I claimed.

Level 30 Curation Dividends

As always, all shareholders that have at least 11 shares are getting curation dividend payouts with a small multiplier based on their shares. All payouts should have been done by the time this post is published

List All Shareholders

@roleerob @costanza @macoolette @glastar @trincowski @jlordc @byebyehamburgers @newageinv @fullcoverbetting @ervin-lemark @meesterboom @abh12345 @braaiboy @stimp1024 @blanchy @bashadow @mango-juice @erikklok @incubot @fredkese @romeskie @andrewharland @o07 @pifc @plantstoplanks @thedarkhorse @angelacs @doughtaker @barbara-orenya @sportfrei @davedickeyyall @bengy @simplymike @beat-the-bookies @revisesociology @barbadosso @maarnio @shookriya @cicisaja @lawlees @tryskele @lynncoyle1 @celinavisaez @crypto-econom1st @wolfhart @mermaidvampire @acidyo @nanzo-scoop @acelad @jznsamuel @balticbadger @craigcryptoking @insight-out @minnowbuilder @patriamreminisci @blessed-girl @kirstin @barmbo @fcb.spt @fitat40 @lenasveganliving @woman-onthe-wing @steevc @slobberchops @numpypython @fulltimegeek @themanwithnoname @rishi556 @lovetaxi005 @veryspider @eoj @mmunited @keegzhawkins @adelair @viking-ventures @el-nailul @buckaroo @marya77 @team-ccc @janton @minnowbuilder2 @puravidaville @gamercrypto @theonlyway @minnowbuilder3 @alexbiojs @happyme @jaynie @nonsowrites @oliviackl @beerlover @johannpiber @phortun @gillianpearce @shasta @minnowbuilder4 @curatorcat @playdice @mimismartypants @wongbraling @deniskj @quinnertronics @ariefm @photophile @amico.sports @mercurial9 @seckorama @heroldius @bozz @solymi, @forsakensushi, @michelmake, @xsasj

The voting power continues to hold up really well and I will once again keep the upvote Percentage at 2.8% for each share once Level 31 opens up. The account has enough HP to move on and I will try not to wait too long to make the post which opens up the next level so we can continue moving forward!

Thanks everyone and as always let me know if I made any mistakes. Also, feel free to leave questions, feedback, suggestions in the comments below as always!

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