now supports both dark & light mode - Development Updates - Day 18

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Hello Hive Community Members,

With this post, I would like to share the updates on development.

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App Now supports both Dark & Light mode

List of posts in Dark Mode & Light mode for comparison

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Post Details - with video Dark Mode & Light mode for comparison

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List of communities - Dark & Light mode comparision

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Post Details - with Images - Dark & Light mode comparision

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Upcoming todos - Communities

  • I will work on showing more details of communities.
  • I will also work on showing list of posts under specific community.
  • I am going to add search & filter communities
  • What other community-specific-feature do you think I should be adding?
  • Please let me know.

Pending To-Dos

  • New Feed is crashing - sorry.
    • Crash is some how not reproducible.
  • Further experiments on markdown
  • Show more details on post page apart from post-body

Where do I try out above UI?

Explore code

Want to know more?

Previous Updates


Lots of ❤️ Love for Hive

  • This is open source contribution
  • It's all contribution for the hive Community
  • Wish me luck

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