Soup Stories #17: My mother's pot-au-feu / 母のポトフ

As winter sets in, I'm reminded of the pot-au-feu my mother used to make often. She'd cook beef or pork with roughly chopped onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms in her pressure cooker. To me as a child, it was a simple and somewhat bland dish, but as I grew older, I came to love its subtly comforting taste that warmed me up from the inside.

Today, I've made a vegan version using tofu sausages. It was delicious even without meat, as the vegetables alone imparted a rich flavor. What's fantastic about pot-au-feu is that it's incredibly easy to make, especially if you have a pressure cooker—you can whip it up in about 30 minutes.


  • Vegetables of your choice (I used garlic, onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms)
  • Herbs of your choice (I used bay leaves and oregano, but it's fine without them too)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A dash of soy sauce (yes, I'm Japanese ... 😉)
  • Optional: Tofu sausages (just warmed them up at the end, so it's probably still delicious without them. You can add meat if you prefer.)


  • Chop the vegetables to your preferred size. As shown in the photo, I like my vegetables chunky.
  • Place everything in a pressure cooker and add water until it just covers the ingredients.
  • Once under pressure, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the tofu sausages and add them towards the end just to warm through.
    And that's it!

Give it a try! You might be surprised how comforting it is and how easy it is to prepare it 😁

Soup Stories

(Due to my hungry family, I couldn't take enough time to practice photo shoot ... but that's life ;) I will take good photo when I make a book of the series.)





  • お好みの野菜(にんにく、たまねぎ、にんじん、じゃがいも、キャベツ、マッシュルームを使いました)
  • お好みのハーブ(ローリエ、オレガノを使いましたがなくても大丈夫だと思います)
  • 塩、こしょう
  • 醤油少々
  • 豆腐ソーセージ(最後に温める程度に加えただけなのでなくても多分おいししいと思います。お肉を加えても。)


  1. 好みの大きさに野菜を切ります。写真のように私は大きな野菜がごろごろしているのが好きです。
  2. 圧力鍋にすべてを入れて、水をひたひたまで足して加熱します。
  3. 圧力がかかったら弱火にして20分煮込みます。
  4. 豆腐ソーセージを切って、最後に温める程度に足します。

これだけ!とても簡単でおいしいので、ぜひ一度トライしてみてください 😁


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