Soup Stories #6: Bean friend's Chickpea Soup / ひよこ豆のスープ


Last month I had a chance to eat chickpea soup at a weekend market. The soup was cooked by my friend from local food business community. She is a bean lover as I am and we often talk about beans.

I cook lentil soup often but I've never had soup that has chickpeas as a main ingredients. I use them for falafel, quiche, salads, or in soups with other vegetables.

The chickpea soup I had at the market was a mild, creamy and gentle soup. She recommended it with her homemade sauerkraut. I liked both the taste of the soup and the combination with sauerkraut. And of course I thought about cooking it by myself at home.

I looked at some recipes on the Internet and found that the ingredients were quite simple. I made it with what I had in my fridge. As I expected, it was tasty 😁

Here are the simple instructions. It makes about 2 servings.

  1. Finely chop one clove garlic and one medium onion. Sauté them with olive oil.
  2. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and herb mix and sauté some more (I used an Italian herb mix I had. But I think it's OK without it.)
  3. Add one tablespoon canned tomatoes and 500ml water.
  4. Cook for 20 minutes. Add some water time by time if necessary.
  5. Crush beans partially with a blender.
  6. Oprionl: serve with sauerkraut, sprinkle with parmesan cheese or chives.

It's so simple, quick and tasty!

Recently I borrowed a book about pasta from a friend of mine and found a recipe with chickpea sauce. There are other pasta sauces that feature beans as the main ingredient. I look forward to adding more bean soup and bean sauce to my repertoire.


That's the 6th soup story after a while. Happy soup cooking & eating!

Soup Stories Series






  1. にんにく1かけ、中くらいのたまねぎを1つ、細かめのみじん切りにしてオリーブオイルで炒める。
  2. 塩こしょう、お好みでハーブミックスをふってさらに炒める(私は手元にあったイタリアンハーブミックスを使いました。多分なくても大丈夫です。)
  3. トマト缶大さじ1、水500mlを加える
  4. 20分煮る。水が足りなくなってきたら適宜足す
  5. ブレンダーで部分的に豆をつぶしてできあがり!




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