Soup Stories #4: Pumpkin Soup / かぼちゃのスープ


Pumpkin soup became a must eat for me in autumn and winter after I moved to Germany.

I know pumpkins are harvested in autumn but they are always available in Japan so I was not much aware of the pumpkin season. On the contrary, I don't see many pumpkins in spring and summer in Germany. (same for asparagus!). Once I saw them at an organic store saying they were from Argentina, I felt really strange.

I forgot to take a photo but I got a really nice pumpkin from a young organic farmer at a local market where I have my stand every two weeks. Then I couldn't help making pumpkin soup 😊

Maybe everyone has their own recipe for pumpkin soup. My secret is to add ginger. I make the soup quite flexibly but here is a brief recipe:

  1. Mince garlic and ginger, and cut onion, carrot, pumpkin. Carrot is not a must. Combine the veggies you feel like!
  2. Melt butter in a pot and sauté garlic, ginger, onion, and carrot.
  3. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and sauté until onions are translucent.
  4. Add pumpkin and steam with a little amount of white wine.
  5. Add water until it covers the vegetables and cook until the vegetables are soft enough.
  6. Make the soup smooth with a blender.
  7. Add milk or heavy cream and adjust the taste with salt and pepper.

That's it!

To make the soup a bit more exotic, I recommend to sauté vegetables with Ras El Hanout or to add coconut milk instead of cow milk. But for winter, I like the German style butter & cream pumpkin soup.

Happy soup cooking & eating 😊

Soup Stories Series





  1. にんにくと生姜をみじん切りにし、玉ねぎ、にんじん、かぼちゃを適当な大きさに切る
  2. 鍋にバターを溶かし、にんにく、生姜、玉ねぎ、にんじんを炒める
  3. 塩をひとつまみふり、玉ねぎが透き通るまで炒める
  4. かぼちゃを加え、白ワインを少量加えて蒸す
  5. 野菜がかぶるくらいまで水を加え、十分に柔らかくなるまで煮る
  6. ブレンダーでスープをなめらかにする
  7. 牛乳または生クリームを加え、塩・コショウで味を調整してできあがり!

もう少しエキゾチックなスープにするには、Ras El Hanoutで野菜を炒めたり、牛乳の代わりにココナッツミルクを加えて、カレー風にすればご飯とも合いますよ!でも、冬はドイツ風のバター&クリームのかぼちゃのスープかな?


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