Soup Stories #8: Senegalese Mafé / セネガルのマフェ


A friend of mine was studying anthropology. She was interested in Africa and back then especially in Senegal. Now she has her business in Uganda.

She often told me about African food. Inspired by her, I started making Senegalese Mafé. Mafé is a stew with tomato and peanut butter. According to Wikipedia, it's cooked commonly in West Africa.

Peanut stew - Wikipedia

I'm not sure I cook it exactly the same way it's prepared in Senegal. At least it's well liked among my family. I often serve it with couscous as couscous cooks so quickly unlike cooking rice 😉

Here is a brief recipe. It's quick and easy as always!


  • Vegetables: garlic, onion and veggies you like or you have in your fridge. I used garlic, onion, carrot, brussels sprout, mushrooms. At a market in Berlin a street food stand used Zucchini.
  • Canned tomato
  • Peanut butter. It's the key ingredient!
  • Neutral taste oil for flying veggies
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Prepare carb such as rice, couscous, bread parallely if you need.
  2. Mince garlic and cut other veggies in your favorite size. I like to cut them in a larger size to have biting texture.
  3. Stir fry the veggies with oil in a pan.
  4. Add 1/2 tea spoon salt and fry some more.
  5. Add 3-4 table spoons canned tomato. Add water if the soup is too thick.
  6. Cook until vegetables have desired texture.
  7. Dissolve 1-2 table spoon peanut butter in the soup.


By the way, in Japan, I only used peanut butter for spreading it on bread and ate peanut as it is ... It is a kind of shame as we even have own production inside Japan. We must explore more way of peanut use. Actually integrating peanut and peanut butter more to our family meal is one of my cooking goals of this year. I look forward to writing about my adventure with peanuts.

Enjoy soup & soup season! Spring comes soon ... !?

Soup Stories Series

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ソース・アラシッド - Wikipedia




  • 野菜:ニンニク、玉ねぎのほかは、お好みの野菜や冷蔵庫にある野菜。今回、私はニンジン、芽キャベツ、マッシュルームを使いました。ベルリンのマーケットの屋台でズッキーニを使っているのを食べたことがあります。なので自由にどうぞ。
  • トマト缶
  • ピーナツバター
  • 塩と胡椒



  1. 必要であれば、お米、クスクス、パンなどの炭水化物を準備する
  2. にんにくはみじん切り、その他の野菜はお好みの大きさに切る。私は歯ごたえを残すために大きめにカットするのが好きです。
  3. フライパンに油を熱して野菜を炒める。
  4. 塩小さじ1/2を加え、さらに炒める。
  5. トマト缶を大さじ3-4杯入れる。必要に応じて水を加える。
  6. 野菜が好みの食感になるまで煮る。
  7. ピーナッツバターを大さじ1~2杯ほどスープに溶かす




Soup Stories シリーズのこれまでの投稿

The friend I mentioned in the beginning of the post recommended me Julie and Julia. It turned to be one of my favorite movies. Also it encourages entrepreneurs I think. 冒頭で書いたお友達にJulie and Juliaという映画を教えてもらったのを思い出しました。大好きな映画でもう何度も見ています。

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